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What's really wrong with Cyprus today.....

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What's really wrong with Cyprus today.....

Postby cymart » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:44 pm

Without getting too political,I read two very good articles in the Cyprus Mail on Sunday and the Greek-Cypriot Politis yesterday,one by Nicos Rolandis,the former Foreign Minister and the other was an extensive interview with Alexis Ghalanos the mayor of Famagusta.
Rolandis spares no punches and sees the truth as it really is without worrying about upsetting the establishment etc. while Ghalanos also raised some very interesting points.He sees that most politicians have been conning the Greek-Cypriots since 1974 and nobody has had the integrity to tell them that a solution means a compromise and that means that not only will things not be like they were before 1974,but it also means sharing political power with the Turkish Cypriots under a federal system,otherwise there can be no solution.Because of this,the situation has dragged on for so long that a kind of 'laissez-faire' attitude has developed here and many people have been led to believe that because they have too much to eat,flashy cars and their land prices have gone through the roof etc,everything is fine and there is no need to worry about the future!Of course this also suits many people in the south who have made money since 1974 due to the division of the island but he warns that it is an illusion because the reality is that things are becoming worse day by day as far as the the prospects for the future are concerned and anyone who things partition will be an easy way out is deluding themselves because it won't be!This seemingly indifferent attitude is cultivated by the media,much of which tends to support official policy and thus influences people into going along with whatever happens without asking serious questions.There is no serious,mature debate about the truth of the situation and the scandals and corruption at top levels which are exposed from time to time are always gradually glossed over,while in any other progressive,western society in the E.U. the government would have been forced to resign!His overall analysis of the outlook for Cyprus is bleak,unless there is a wake-up call and people start demanding serious changes.
Looking back over the years since I returned here in 1978,I fully agree with him-a simple example is how many people coming here on holiday,or even more, to buy expensive property,know about the true situation in Cyprus when none of the locals even behave as if they are living in a partitioned island with a massive foreign army occupying the border across the middle??This is what really gets to me more than many other things here which are far from ideal.Although this is a sunny place,it is also an island of endemic corruption and inequality which is not just divided between north and south but also among the Greek-Cypriots themselves whose politicians have verbal dogfights with each other while their society and their ship as a whole is heading for the rocks of division and strife - their unfortunate compatriots in the north have largely had the hand of friendship they offered them with the hope of peace and happiness in the future refused by those who have power and money etc!
Sorry if this sounds gloomy but isn't it the truth?Greed , arrogance and ignorance have ruined many countries and it would be a very great pity for Cyprus to go any further down that road!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:16 pm

Nicos Rolandis is a washed out clown so stop wasting your time reading anything by him.
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Thread about the Rolandis article

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:19 pm

Good points.
You can find the full text of the Rolandis article, and discussion about it at the following thread on this forum:
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Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:25 pm

Ronaldis is an idiot! You say we are arrogant because we want our land and rights but not those that want to take our land and our rights? :roll: This is what you say? :roll: NO SURRENDER TO THE INVADERS!! NEVER! FREEDOM TO CYPRUS. I know you are voting for DISY cymart. We will win you in the elections and no lies can save you!
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Postby halil » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:31 pm

Look at the below topics my friend So Called Cypriots are wasting their valuable times.

Kurdish Republic of Eastern Turkey (KRET)
Ten Terrible Tyrannies of Turkey
Is Cyprus the "lost" Azovia?
The Turkish Cypriot Shame File...
Today Armenia, tomorrow Cyprus...
Military Map of Cyprus
A DNA study
Unification, no thanks
When was the "TC community" created in Cyprus?
Eric Dayi says good night to all.
The long history of ethnic cleansing
Is the KKTC a pseudo state? (Article by ATA ATUN)

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Re: Thread about the Rolandis article

Postby halil » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:37 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Good points.
You can find the full text of the Rolandis article, and discussion about it at the following thread on this forum:

Dear Tim Drayton ,
Pls visit below link and read our new history books and do your comments.
try to translate them in English that our GC friends will find what our kids are learning about Cyprus History. books are in 3 parts.
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Specially for Sotos...

Postby cymart » Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:01 pm

I don't remember ever saying I was voting for DISY or anyone else!By the way, who are you voting for then,the former EOKA Akritas hench- man with his crooked arrogant son,the so-called Communist who was thinking one way and now wants you to vote another,or the former doctor with a cushy little job in Brussels-no?How about the former agriculture minster who would not ban lanate poison that kills thousands of innocent dogs every year?But the 'Economist' thinks Cassoulides will win anyway and to be honest,I don't really care any more!
Nobody really owns anything at the end of the day anyway and that applies to land too-material wealth is an illusion and our lusting after it the source of many of our trials and troubles!
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Postby phoenix » Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:12 pm

Well what's really wrong with Cyprus today is that there are 40,000 Turkish troops stopping 200,000 Cypriots from returning to their homes and we are letting the TCs and Turkey get away with murder.
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Postby hissyfits » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:08 pm

I think this is an excellent post and it sums up the position very well. More enlightening is the response to the posting. No constructive criticism just a dismissive he's "an idiot". Yes your right phoenix it is right that there should not be 40,000 Turkish troops on Cyprus. However where we might disagree is that you are not just letting the TC'S get away with murder, what your allowing them to do is move on and get on with life. The TRNC grows stronger by the day.If the GC'S continue with their same stance they will be in exactly this same position in another 30, 40 years. Hasn't Papa had enough time to deliver?
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We know, we know...

Postby cymart » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:19 pm

Morally and legally you may be right Phoenix,but that still does not excuse all the other not so pleasant traits I have written about earlier!And quite frankly,if I knew nothing about the situation and just booked a holiday from the U.K. to Paphos or Limassol,I doubt if I would ever find out about the occupation etc etc.I don't think the people at this end of the island are in the least bit worried about it as long as the money keeps rolling in and that is much a part of the Cyprus problem as everything else!Very few people here in Paphos would be in the least concerned if the present status-quo becomes permanent and quite .a few have told me this openly!
No doubt this explains their so- called 'patriotism' and support for Papad.and his cronies!By demanding the sky,they realise he will get nothing and this suits them perfectly!I can still remember their sarcastic remarks about the possible return of Varosha etc. just before the referendum in 2004!!
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