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Postby Piratis » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:53 pm

hissyfits and joff are the same person and he is a Turk.

I believe you are right on that one.

To answer his question: Our refugees did not "gain" any land in the "south". The 18% Turkish minority took by force 37% of the land. Even if all the TC land in the free areas was distributed among refugees, still refugees would get a lot less than what was stolen from them.

Our refugees were simply given some temporary homes to live in because they were forced out of their towns and villages and they were not allowed to return. Maybe joff and his alter ego would prefer if we had let our refugees to die in tents?

Our refugees want their own homes and properties, which worth multiple times more than the temporary refugee housing they were forced to live in.
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Postby hissyfits » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:55 pm

Wrong sex, would love to be your age and I live in Sheffield. Thought there couldn't be 2 of me.
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Postby Joff » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:57 pm

Fuck me, You lot will never sort out this mess whilst I've got a hole in my arse. You cant even talk about it - so how can you ever sort it out?
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Postby Joff » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:02 pm

Everybody else is wrong - your right - come on you Turks, pack your cases and pop off - we all made a mistake - all those stories about the Tc's being victimised were made up.

Hissyfit - is it just me or are these unbelievable?
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Postby cymart » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:02 pm

And to think how I started all this off this morning
For the sake of all and sundry,I have no prejudice or bias against anyone for political or racial reasons,but some of my observations are based on personal experiences and fact such as:
Whether we like Papad. or not,he has been caught lying on many occasions and not only about the Annan Plan which he originally pledged he would accept with 'some changes' and now totally refutes-anyway,it is irrelevant now as the plan became invalid immediately after one side rejected it but he is still banging on about it ad nauseam!
He has also displayed appalling ignorance about certain basic things in Cyprus such as the very recent example about the locality of the Turkish Cypriot village of Gaziveren which he alleged is near Kyrenia while everyone knows it is west of Morphou!Another clanger back in the late 70's was when he asked the Turkish Cypriot negotiator why they did not give up Astromeritis,a village they had never captured anyway, as I 'm sure its inhabitants will assure us!
If the Head of State is so ignorant about such simple facts,how can he be trusted with the future of the island?
Another fact,the Turkish Cypriots do not trust him any more than the Greek-Cypriots trust Denktash and would never agree to live under his leadership so it is obvious that with him in charge we will continue to get nowhere!The guy is already in his 70's,has health problems and is totally out of touch with modern ideas-during his rule he has tried to turn the clock backwards to the 60's. His arrogance,intolerance and often sheer bad manners have alienated so many people,both here and abroad.He is also ultra-wealthy and would be doing himself and all of us a favour by retiring gracefully and with dignity,rather than dragging himself into another election contest which he has a serious risk of losing,and with it his political reputation.Surely this makes sense to anyone with fair judgment and logic?As for his former foreign minister,this is another example of someone who has been rewarded for his failures,rather than his successes,from tourism to foreign affairs!He promised us tourists from India and China to replace those from England when the numbers started dropping-most of the small Chinese group who first arrived asked for political asylum on the day they were due to fly home!Then we had the multiple golf-course fiasco in our semi-arid island which was just another way of licencing a few greedy mega-rich developers to make even more money by building villas in the middle of nowhere where it had not been allowed before!Thank God the guy,who is a bigger turncoat and pompous brownnoser than Winston Churchill ever was is now in charge of the presidents re-election campaign as he is so smarmy that even the presidents party cannot stand him and he will have a hard job finding something else to do to do if his boss is not re-elected!Are we a serious country that has joined the E.U. or just a banana republic,as has already been suggested many times??
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Postby Joff » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:05 pm

Oh no another opinion that doesn't go with the majority!
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Postby hissyfits » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:08 pm


But you have to feel sorry because its a form of brain washing. It starts in school and continues until death.
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:09 pm


Your linguistics need polishing up!

I can pick up today any Greek text written 500 years ago and read it with no problem, without even having to consult a dictionary. Today's Greek is closer to that spoken 500 years ago than current English is to Shakespear.

A case in point it the poem Erotocritos. Written by a Cretan of Venetian origin, around 1600. It is almost identical to today's Cypriot dialect.

Another case in point, a personal experience, I translated the Greek text of Justinian's Code, the part pertaining to the prosecution of medical quacks, without once referring to a dictionary and I am no classical Greek scholar.

Overall I do not get the point you are trying to make. Unless you can show that there were major importations of people to the island then the presumption is that the the people who live there today are the descendants of the people who were there before them. And if the dominant culture and language of the island are Greek then we assume that there has been a reason for this, that this was indeed the dominant culture through the ages and it was passed down from generation to generation.

Had there been a stronger influence it would have taken over and supplanted the Greek elements. So what is the point you are making?
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:14 pm

In which school was I brainwashed Hissy? The comprehensive in London, at London University or some other place?
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:14 pm

Joff wrote:Everybody else is wrong - your right - come on you Turks, pack your cases and pop off - we all made a mistake - all those stories about the Tc's being victimised were made up.

Hissyfit - is it just me or are these unbelievable?

So what EXACTLY is your problem?
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