phoenix wrote:Eliko wrote:Sorry folks, I inadvertently seem to have posted twice.

That's OK . . . you are out of practice!
And it is such a good post it's worth reading twice . . .
Hope you find some comfort in what you are doing, Eliko.
Thank you for your concern phoenix and may I say that I do find comfort in some of the things I do, I recently had the good fortune to be in a position where I was able to rescue a defenceless elderly civilian from a precarious position, THAT incident in itself allowed me to highlight a certain danger which ensured that there would be no such recurrence.
As to the question (subject of this topic), my own view is quite simple.
I feel that Cyprus has suffered greatly from outside interests, the Cypriot identity (which was at one time enviable), has been eroded by the very powers which were elected to preserve it.
What we now have is a politically engineered society which (much to the satisfaction of the Politicians and the Military) ensures that the general population are constantly poised for confrontation.
For as long as such a situation remains, the Military and Political forces will be able to manipulate the people in any manner they choose, by so doing, THEIR positions are secure.
It must be a source of great satisfaction to the manipulators when they observe the end-product of their past chicanery and corruption, they have created a perfect breeding ground for discontent, a FAIR solution is an impossibility and it will remain so.
The geographical position of Cyprus is such that it MUST remain so regardless of what the ordinary inhabitants of the nation may wish for.
In closure I will repeat, I have never met an ordinary person who does not wish to live in peace, I have never met a politician who could not find an excuse for war.
What's really wrong with Cyprus today ?, WE ARE.