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Why are ID's needed for everything?

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Postby Niki » Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:08 am

Thanks Sega.

I'll just have to get used to it I guess! :D
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Postby Kent » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:38 pm

Spurred on by this thread I’ve been investigating getting a ROC ID card.
and here is what I’ve found.

If you are a EU Citizen, you can apply once you have applied for the Alien card before you are issued with your residents permit. But you need both your Alien card and the Receipt for your Residents permit application given by the Immigration department.

You also need a Full birth certificate that state your parents full names and occupations etc, the Free one that is given to parents just stating Full name DOB and location is not acceptable, I’ve added the info on how to obtain a full birth certificate below.

How to apply for a ROC ID card

fill in the form in the District Administration Office. (contact details copied at the bottom)
the application form its self is written in Greek so you may require some help with this. besides your own details, It requires details of parents DOB place of birth and nationality
A single passport type photograph.
£5 CYP per application

Documents required copied from their handout

1 Passport valid for at least 1 year
2 Full birth certificate, translated into English or Greek, by the Public Information office or a governmental Authority of the country issuing the birth certificate or Embassy or consulate.
3 Alien book
4 Resident permit (pinkslip) valid for at least 6 months. ( or the receipt for the application)
5 wedding Certificate translated into English or Greek.

I’d also take any supporting documents for name changes by deed poll, Divorce adoption etc.

Full Certificate of Birth

A full birth certificate can be obtained at the following UK Government website for births within England and Wales since 1837.
The site provides links for the same process for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Cost for one copy is currently £10 for a Certificate dispatched in 15 working days or £26 for next day dispatch.

Copies of marriage; death and adoption certificates can also be purchased at the same site.

District Administration Offices

Nicosia District Administration Office
At: 2 Alkeos street, Engomi
1458 Nicosia
Tel: 22 804 122
Fax: 22 665 990

Limassol District Administration Office
At: Gregoris Afxentiou Square (Anexartisias), P O Box 56062
304 Limassol
Tel: 25 806 400
Fax: 25 305 288

Larnaca District Administration Office
At: 19-21 Constantinos Paleologos street, P O Box.40103,
6301 Larnaca
Tel: 24 801 818
Fax: 24 304 635

Paphos District Administration Office
At: 5 Nikodemos Mylonas street,
8100 Paphos
Tel: 26 801 101
Fax: 26 306 251
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:14 pm

raymanuva wrote:if u registered ALIEN, u can get your ALIEN ID...

Is that as in E.T.? :lol:
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Turkish form available

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:25 am

Kent wrote:Spurred on by this thread I’ve been investigating getting a ROC ID card.
and here is what I’ve found.

If you are a EU Citizen, you can apply once you have applied for the Alien card before you are issued with your residents permit. But you need both your Alien card and the Receipt for your Residents permit application given by the Immigration department.

You also need a Full birth certificate that state your parents full names and occupations etc, the Free one that is given to parents just stating Full name DOB and location is not acceptable, I’ve added the info on how to obtain a full birth certificate below.

How to apply for a ROC ID card

fill in the form in the District Administration Office. (contact details copied at the bottom)
the application form its self is written in Greek so you may require some help with this. besides your own details, It requires details of parents DOB place of birth and nationality
A single passport type photograph.
£5 CYP per application

Documents required copied from their handout

1 Passport valid for at least 1 year
2 Full birth certificate, translated into English or Greek, by the Public Information office or a governmental Authority of the country issuing the birth certificate or Embassy or consulate.
3 Alien book
4 Resident permit (pinkslip) valid for at least 6 months. ( or the receipt for the application)
5 wedding Certificate translated into English or Greek.

I’d also take any supporting documents for name changes by deed poll, Divorce adoption etc.

Full Certificate of Birth

A full birth certificate can be obtained at the following UK Government website for births within England and Wales since 1837.
The site provides links for the same process for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Cost for one copy is currently £10 for a Certificate dispatched in 15 working days or £26 for next day dispatch.

Copies of marriage; death and adoption certificates can also be purchased at the same site.

District Administration Offices

Nicosia District Administration Office
At: 2 Alkeos street, Engomi
1458 Nicosia
Tel: 22 804 122
Fax: 22 665 990

Limassol District Administration Office
At: Gregoris Afxentiou Square (Anexartisias), P O Box 56062
304 Limassol
Tel: 25 806 400
Fax: 25 305 288

Larnaca District Administration Office
At: 19-21 Constantinos Paleologos street, P O Box.40103,
6301 Larnaca
Tel: 24 801 818
Fax: 24 304 635

Paphos District Administration Office
At: 5 Nikodemos Mylonas street,
8100 Paphos
Tel: 26 801 101
Fax: 26 306 251

Just to split hairs, you can get the application form in Turkish as well! Handy for a foreigner like me who knows Turkish but not Greek, although not very relevant for most people.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:35 am

devil wrote:
Niki wrote:Why though when I bought the car - isn't my money alone good enough?

Not if it is registered in your name. The cops need to know where they can find you after they see you breaking the traffic laws or if you haven't paid the road tax. purchasing a new TV. Theyneed to know the adress so the authorities can chase you for the licence.
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Postby webbo » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:01 pm

devil wrote:
Niki wrote:Why though when I bought the car - isn't my money alone good enough?

Not if it is registered in your name. The cops need to know where they can find you after they see you breaking the traffic laws or if you haven't paid the road tax.

:lol: Cynic :!: :!:

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Postby Cheshire Cat » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:41 pm

I am British , have lived in Cyprus and now moved to France. I have a European passport . We do not need I.D. Here , we are registered and that is that.

I thought that once Cyprus was part of the E.U. that we could all come and go at our leisure.

I have no problems with an I.D. Card as I have nothing to hide, but it does seem odd that being part of the E.U. Family Cyprus is still hanging on to the old system.
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