phoenix wrote:halil wrote:Kifeas wrote:Halil, being a partitionist yourself, I am sure you are also very happy and content reading the above article with Rolandie's "findings," just like Zan and VP are! Consequently, why don't you let those of us against partition to have all the worries and concerns? Why do you pretend to also be concerned? I for once, being against partition, do not share Rolandie's views and concerns, and I find his style and line of argumentation very cheap and even dangerous, for it allows partitionists like you to gleefully rejoice!
Partitionist HALİL
Distasteful exhibition, Halil. You should be ashamed of yourself. There are many people suffering because of your stupid desire for partition.
cymart wrote:Living on hope can result in inspiration,but living on illusion will only lead to disillusionment!Or maybe you have discovered the secret formula for reversing the flow of recent history-if so I would patent it because you are very,very lucky!
If the rest of the Greek-Cypriots felt as you do,there would be nobody at the cabarets etc. driving around in luxury cars and wasting their money at Shacolas latest monstrosity etc etc.Instead they would all be at the green line 24 hours a day in protest or abroad lobbying the powers that be in protest and demanding action!And if they did this I would back them 100% on principle but instead they have arrogance and no humility,a religion but no spirituality and money but no sense of value... and this is reflected in Cyprus every day!And no vision of the future!
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