denizaksulu wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:denizaksulu wrote:phoenix wrote:So how do you celebrate Eid?
You eat drink and enjoy and give. What people forget most is you make up with people you fall out with. Its a time of forgiveness.
Can you forgive me? All my sins?

Deniz there is nothing to forgive . . . unless there are some sins you've committed that I'm not aware of?
If you like you can confess now, I'll bless you, and then you can go off and celebrate without a care in the world . . .
Ok then. Ahemm, I fell in love with you. Thats my sin. You can forgive me now. I will feel much better.

Which Phoenix did you fall in love with . . .the "pugnacious" or the "sweet" . . . because one will forgive you . . but the other won't!

It does not matter. Two faces of the same coin.
I fell in love once . . . it was the most glorious two and a half days of my life!
Deniz . . . People call me Miss Right . . . and my first name is Always!
You would HATE me if you couldn't switch me off
Now, how much have you been drinking to celebrate this Pagan festival of yours????