Kifeas wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:I never miss this programme but if like me you live and Limassol and want a chance to keep your Turkish going, it is a must. I was talking to quite a progressive TC some time ago and he asked me if you could get Turkish-language television in Limassol. When I said if you want to watch television in Turkish there the only option was Biz Emeis, he screwed his face up. I really wonder if any TCs watch this show and what they think of it. It is probably politically impossible for CyBC to do this, but I wish they would sometimes invite some partitionist TCs on and have some really meaningful debate. Instead they constantly harp on about how harmonious intercommunal life once was on this island (and I don't dispute this because I have heard it from plenty of elderly GCs and TCs) so why can't we just go back to those days (why indeed - that is the question which needs to be addressed and which this programme somehow avoids). Still, it is a move in the right direction and shows that the authorities in the RoC haven't forgotten that some of its citizens speak Turkish.
Oh Tim, oh Tim! "Why can't we go back to those days," you ask! What a naive question Tim! Haven't you realized yet that Cyprus is occupied by Kemalistan, and since Kemalistan has set foot in Cyprus -after so much effort, anguish and missed chances in the past; it does not want to "waste" the opportunity and the chance to consolidate its permanent presence and suzerainty over the island? Haven't you understood yet what the core essence of the Cyprus issue is? Isn’t it the expansionist megalomaniac, nationalistic and militaristic aspirations of Kemalistan, the country which fantasizes that we are still living in the ottoman era and therefore it has to re-expand back to its “glorious” past size and importance? Haven’t you realized yet that basically the TCs are for Turkey a convenient proxy for this grand fantasy to materialize? What else do you need to read or hear?
Total and utter need help real professional help.