Viewpoint wrote:Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Verbal diahorea again Kikapoloudopolus, you talk a lot of shit and no TCs living in the TRNC would buy the shit you talk because you have sold your people out to the highest bidder being the GCs. We will not get fucked like you by GCs, safeguards as proposed in the AP which was backed by 90% of the world will be the order of the day if the UN get involved. You are a dangerous bastard and want to expose the TCs to the mercy of the Gcs whose history tells us they are not the most reliable partners and would sell us out the first opportunity they get. In order to counter these fears and mistrust safeguards are vital for unificaiton and seeing that GCs do not want these becuase we all know they will chnage them to suit their cuase to turn the whole island into a GC state we will never unite, get used to it you scum bag.
Go through the last 4-5 posts you made to Kikapu and ask yourself...
"Would I want such a foul mouth as VP to be my compatriot?"
There's not a word of abuse you haven't used against him...
What a bad show!

I dont want you as my campatriot and you have not used foul language, so whats that got to do with anything? the reson I have started using bad language with Kiakpolouspos is because thats what he deserves, that is where he belongs in the gutter, anyone who can abuse and ridicule his own community at whim and has not one good thing to say about our struggle against all the odds is a scum to me and I will continue to show him that he will get back as much shit as he dishes out, the days of silence are over and while he can lick the arse of every GC in sight I will nto alow him to do this by trying to ridicule and belittle TCs and the TRNC, he is a bastard with no scrouples, dont be fooled by his verbal diahorea as that is exactly what it is...shit.
Oh SHUT UP idiot.
Answer to Kikapu's arguments, we are not interested one bit about your personal views about him.
And who you think you are to choose who will be "your compatriot" and who "deserves your kind of justice"? Kikapu never ridiculed his own community he ridiculed the crooks LIKE YOU who hijacked the tittle and pretend they represent the average TC.
You were born and raised in England, you are just a foreigner, and the only reason you came back is to live like a king becoming (through marriage) a member of the elite that juices out the average poor TC and reaps the benefits of stolen Gc properties.
This is your only "struggle" and Kikapu has every right to ridicule you.