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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:59 am

pantheman wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:You are really an ignorant cunt how can the GCs see a small flag from a distance. you use verbal dihorea in the hope of fooling people that you know something, well it only means you talk a lot of shit you fucking piss head.

Once again, the only people who use the word "CUNT" on the forum, are the Partitionist.

I wish I can figure this one out.

The large flag is not for the GC's you small mined fool, because they don't give a shit. It is for the small minded fools like yourself, as to feel superior over others, because you don't have anything else that you can be proud of, not even a large "manhood", or else you will not need such a large flag.

Do I need to educate you on everything VP. ???.

Let me try and clarify why you are a cunt, cunt is slang word for the femal organ called the virgina which during intercourse gets fucked by a penis...when we convert this to you case you are the cunt who fucked in the head, get it now you moron.

I will continue to respond with like as I find your posts repulsive and will continue to use this type of standard which is out of character for me but when called for its necessary for scum like you as its the only language you understand.

Your understanding of why the flag is in place is again twisted by your fucked brain and is on the mountain for GCs to see and remind them day and night that the TRNC exsists and will stay here which at this rates looks like forever... you are so stupid you probably dont know what the GCs display for TCs to see every time the cross the border.

hold on just there you discusting sicko.

where in the hell is the Admin on this site to allow such foul mouth abuse.

I can accept the odd F word, i hav eused it my self, but this has got way out of hand and admin is not doing its job here.

There are younger members and ladies present here to.

I call upon admin to take action immediately.

Now pack it in VP.

Hold on here. Its common sense. Its ONLY two TCs beating the hell out of each other. I can imagine the pleasure they get just like when TCs see Gs/GCs tearing each other apart. Whats new?. Ofcourse admin should step in, but they are havin' a laff.

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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:11 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Verbal diahorea again Kikapoloudopolus, you talk a lot of shit and no TCs living in the TRNC would buy the shit you talk because you have sold your people out to the highest bidder being the GCs. We will not get fucked like you by GCs, safeguards as proposed in the AP which was backed by 90% of the world will be the order of the day if the UN get involved. You are a dangerous bastard and want to expose the TCs to the mercy of the Gcs whose history tells us they are not the most reliable partners and would sell us out the first opportunity they get. In order to counter these fears and mistrust safeguards are vital for unificaiton and seeing that GCs do not want these becuase we all know they will chnage them to suit their cuase to turn the whole island into a GC state we will never unite, get used to it you scum bag.

Go through the last 4-5 posts you made to Kikapu and ask yourself...

"Would I want such a foul mouth as VP to be my compatriot?"

There's not a word of abuse you haven't used against him... :roll:

What a bad show! :(

I dont want you as my campatriot and you have not used foul language, so whats that got to do with anything? the reson I have started using bad language with Kiakpolouspos is because thats what he deserves, that is where he belongs in the gutter, anyone who can abuse and ridicule his own community at whim and has not one good thing to say about our struggle against all the odds is a scum to me and I will continue to show him that he will get back as much shit as he dishes out, the days of silence are over and while he can lick the arse of every GC in sight I will nto alow him to do this by trying to ridicule and belittle TCs and the TRNC, he is a bastard with no scrouples, dont be fooled by his verbal diahorea as that is exactly what it is...shit.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:00 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Verbal diahorea again Kikapoloudopolus, you talk a lot of shit and no TCs living in the TRNC would buy the shit you talk because you have sold your people out to the highest bidder being the GCs. We will not get fucked like you by GCs, safeguards as proposed in the AP which was backed by 90% of the world will be the order of the day if the UN get involved. You are a dangerous bastard and want to expose the TCs to the mercy of the Gcs whose history tells us they are not the most reliable partners and would sell us out the first opportunity they get. In order to counter these fears and mistrust safeguards are vital for unificaiton and seeing that GCs do not want these becuase we all know they will chnage them to suit their cuase to turn the whole island into a GC state we will never unite, get used to it you scum bag.

Go through the last 4-5 posts you made to Kikapu and ask yourself...

"Would I want such a foul mouth as VP to be my compatriot?"

There's not a word of abuse you haven't used against him... :roll:

What a bad show! :(

I dont want you as my campatriot and you have not used foul language, so whats that got to do with anything? the reson I have started using bad language with Kiakpolouspos is because thats what he deserves, that is where he belongs in the gutter, anyone who can abuse and ridicule his own community at whim and has not one good thing to say about our struggle against all the odds is a scum to me and I will continue to show him that he will get back as much shit as he dishes out, the days of silence are over and while he can lick the arse of every GC in sight I will nto alow him to do this by trying to ridicule and belittle TCs and the TRNC, he is a bastard with no scrouples, dont be fooled by his verbal diahorea as that is exactly what it is...shit.

Don't worry we pretty well know what type of a scumbag you are...bloody settler

here take a look and rejoice asshole
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:21 pm

Virgina, so that is what it is called! All these years and I did not know!

Dont worry about us forgetting VP, our slogan is "I don't forget".
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:11 pm

boomerang wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Verbal diahorea again Kikapoloudopolus, you talk a lot of shit and no TCs living in the TRNC would buy the shit you talk because you have sold your people out to the highest bidder being the GCs. We will not get fucked like you by GCs, safeguards as proposed in the AP which was backed by 90% of the world will be the order of the day if the UN get involved. You are a dangerous bastard and want to expose the TCs to the mercy of the Gcs whose history tells us they are not the most reliable partners and would sell us out the first opportunity they get. In order to counter these fears and mistrust safeguards are vital for unificaiton and seeing that GCs do not want these becuase we all know they will chnage them to suit their cuase to turn the whole island into a GC state we will never unite, get used to it you scum bag.

Go through the last 4-5 posts you made to Kikapu and ask yourself...

"Would I want such a foul mouth as VP to be my compatriot?"

There's not a word of abuse you haven't used against him... :roll:

What a bad show! :(

I dont want you as my campatriot and you have not used foul language, so whats that got to do with anything? the reson I have started using bad language with Kiakpolouspos is because thats what he deserves, that is where he belongs in the gutter, anyone who can abuse and ridicule his own community at whim and has not one good thing to say about our struggle against all the odds is a scum to me and I will continue to show him that he will get back as much shit as he dishes out, the days of silence are over and while he can lick the arse of every GC in sight I will nto alow him to do this by trying to ridicule and belittle TCs and the TRNC, he is a bastard with no scrouples, dont be fooled by his verbal diahorea as that is exactly what it is...shit.

Don't worry we pretty well know what type of a scumbag you are...bloody settler

here take a look and rejoice asshole

VP , KIKAPU HAS MORE SELF RESPECT AND INTEGRITY AND does care for his community unlike you , a bloody foreigner and the King of cheap scumbugs.You are a disgrace to the Cypriot race , but there again you are no bloody Cypriot !! Future generations of Cypriots will have you and the likes of you to blame for all the conflicts and sufferings of their people , G/Cs and T/Cs , because it is ignorant fanatics like you and a few others that I have recently challenged that are the excrament on the wall. .
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:08 pm

VP, vagina is what my adorable and beautiful girlfriend has, and is one of the most beautiful parts of the female body that she uses to make love with me, and there is nothing wrong, dirty or derogatory with it or with someone having it; neither does it make someone having a vagina (or a “cunt” as you called it,) an inferior human being!

To this end, I wonder why you choose to use this “vagina” notion as a way to put down and discredit Kikapu? Can you possibly enlighten us? Are you using the notion in an allegorical sense, in order to indicate that someone having a vagina naturally likes to be used and abused (fucked as you said,) or that someone with a vagina is a coward by nature? If this is what you mean, then I must tell you that I envy my girfriend's shroutness, assertiveness and bravery (she can even drive her car faster than me and beats me in tennis more often than I do,) and I sometimes wish I had half of her skills in "controlling" everybody around her!
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:37 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:You are really an ignorant cunt how can the GCs see a small flag from a distance. you use verbal dihorea in the hope of fooling people that you know something, well it only means you talk a lot of shit you fucking piss head.

Once again, the only people who use the word "CUNT" on the forum, are the Partitionist.

I wish I can figure this one out.

The large flag is not for the GC's you small mined fool, because they don't give a shit. It is for the small minded fools like yourself, as to feel superior over others, because you don't have anything else that you can be proud of, not even a large "manhood", or else you will not need such a large flag.

Do I need to educate you on everything VP. ???.

Let me try and clarify why you are a cunt, cunt is slang word for the femal organ called the virgina which during intercourse gets fucked by a penis...when we convert this to you case you are the cunt who fucked in the head, get it now you moron.



I really do not need to know what goes in your household or at the Whore Houses you visit when you're working those "late hours". :wink: :wink:

Virgina must be your favourite girl at the Whore House I see. I know "Rape and Cunt" are your favourite words so I suspect that must be your fetishism while at the Whore Houses. It must be a big turn on for you while you are spanking your favorite girl Virgina.

Anyway listen, this is all too much information for us on the forum, so just keep it to yourself and don't bring anything undesirable home to your wife. You better "double bag" it, incase you break one, but then again, that would be wishful thinking on your part, since your are compensating your manhood with a huge Flag on "Graffiti Mountain".

I was only recently warning Zan to get help for his Mental Illness before he started climbing the walls, but it seems like you are already half way up to the ceiling.

The scenarios you make up are only a reflection of your own subconscious so a reflection of your life style and yearnings, with 5 broken down marriages and 20 children scattered all over the world without any clue as to who their father is, we all know whos stable and whos not. You are a scum bag and very dangerous, you have sold out to the GCs, as you let them use your anal entrance you are trying to drag other TCs into the same whoring yourself sitaution, any intelligent person would look beyond the manipulation of words you use in your post to the actual content which is absolute shit. You need to face some real truths about yourself, aclaimed TCs who has not been back to see his own community in 43 years, someone who has changed wives like socks and someone who came to island and only asscoiated himself with the "RoC"......Ill let others make up their own mind about your character and what you have to give the island...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice try to paint a picture of me in your usual diluted and misinformed way. The fact that you end up writing things mostly by your subconscious mind, like "TRNC" and VIRGINA, which are the truth in your life, but then try to cover it up by accusing others of interfering with your posts.

I'm a Cypriot first and a TC next, unlike you who is a English Boy transplanted to a land that has no recognition, who has built his home on property that belongs to other Cypriots and who is determined to live a life at the expense of others by trying to build a "Corrupt Society", you being on top as the "Masters" just like the Pigs in "Animal Farm".

I know I have disappointed you by not walking into your little trap that you had set for me at the ASAL SUBE, but I'm not in a habit of walking into any place where my rights are not protected or I was able to seek help from the British or the Americans. You do after all live in a place where diplomatic recognition and protection is not extended to anyone that you chose not to give. Does Stefanos Stefanou ring any bells to you.?? But of course for someone as yourself who has benefited from the misery of others could not careless to try and do the right thing, hence the fact you do not believe in True Democracy but rather more in a Draconian way by force.

Anyway, I thought you were not talking with me anymore.?

What the hell I'm I saying. You are not talking with me at all but you are talking with your anger and your wishful fantasy of creating a State within a State. Enjoy your dream English Boy until Turkey walks into the EU and we send you back to the UK to be with your True Community, the British, in which time my True TC Cypriot Community will start to build their lives once the Fanatic Partitionist leave the island, just like the Pigs from "Animal Farm".
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:38 pm

Attention! VP referred to a "Virgina" not a vagina. Presumably it is something akin to a virgin vagina. Perhaps it is a new type of organ for giving virginal births, something like the birth of TRNC.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:49 pm

Kifeas wrote:VP, vagina is what my adorable and beautiful girlfriend has, and is one of the most beautiful parts of the female body that she uses to make love with me, and there is nothing wrong, dirty or derogatory with it or with someone having it; neither does it make someone having a vagina (or a “cunt” as you called it,) an inferior human being!

To this end, I wonder why you choose to use this “vagina” notion as a way to put down and discredit Kikapu? Can you possibly enlighten us? Are you using the notion in an allegorical sense, in order to indicate that someone having a vagina naturally likes to be used and abused (fucked as you said,) or that someone with a vagina is a coward by nature? If this is what you mean, then I must tell you that I envy my girfriend's shroutness, assertiveness and bravery (she can even drive her car faster than me and beats me in tennis more often than I do,) and I sometimes wish I had half of her skills in "controlling" everybody around her!


You are now trying to talk to someone who has a 15th Century mentality about women. VP does not respect women at all. Women to VP are nothing more than "Cunts" and are only good to be Fucked and Raped. VP is the modern day "Jackel and Hyde" type. He is the kind of a person that would control his wife and daughters and at the same time visit all the Whore Houses in the "TRNC" to live out his sexual demons. Looks like Virgina is one of his "victims". He is a sick person with mental disorder. As a Human being, I feel sorry for him and all the women he interacts with. I hope he can get some help very soon.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:46 pm

Kifeas wrote:VP, vagina is what my adorable and beautiful girlfriend has, and is one of the most beautiful parts of the female body that she uses to make love with me, and there is nothing wrong, dirty or derogatory with it or with someone having it; neither does it make someone having a vagina (or a “cunt” as you called it,) an inferior human being!

To this end, I wonder why you choose to use this “vagina” notion as a way to put down and discredit Kikapu? Can you possibly enlighten us? Are you using the notion in an allegorical sense, in order to indicate that someone having a vagina naturally likes to be used and abused (fucked as you said,) or that someone with a vagina is a coward by nature? If this is what you mean, then I must tell you that I envy my girfriend's shroutness, assertiveness and bravery (she can even drive her car faster than me and beats me in tennis more often than I do,) and I sometimes wish I had half of her skills in "controlling" everybody around her!

Kifeas you know full well that in the UK people are labelled cunts who are useless and spout nothing but shit just like me he is the scum bag who will sell out his people without so much as a blink of an eye, he is your whore to be used by every GCs who wants to score a few points off the TCs and the TRNC you can parade him and his verbal shit to all GCs just to gain a little satisfaction that you have this idiot on your side, well you can have him and use him asmuch you want as he belongs in your ranks, maybe you can be gym buddies and wait for the day when you will fight back and reclaim the north.
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