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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:51 pm

Viewpoint wrote:The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.

Well if it's all in the delivery then vote for me and I promise to extend the GC control over the whole island in a more glamorous way! :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:06 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.

Well if it's all in the delivery then vote for me and I promise to extend the GC control over the whole island in a more glamorous way! :lol:

near enough impossible for you the resident forum jester.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:18 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.

Well if it's all in the delivery then vote for me and I promise to extend the GC control over the whole island in a more glamorous way! :lol:

near enough impossible for you the resident forum jester.

Do you know what VP? Of all Turkish Cypriots I've met I suspect that you above all always wanted to be Greek Cypriot but of course you couldn't...

It's actually a well known form of psychological disorder of one who REALLY wants to belong to a specific team but is refused and denied so his anger takes over and he turns against them becoming their worse enemy... can you relate to that?
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Postby humanist » Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:39 pm

"then fovoume kanena kai then pao boo thena" ;)
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.

Well if it's all in the delivery then vote for me and I promise to extend the GC control over the whole island in a more glamorous way! :lol:

near enough impossible for you the resident forum jester.

Do you know what VP? Of all Turkish Cypriots I've met I suspect that you above all always wanted to be Greek Cypriot but of course you couldn't...

It's actually a well known form of psychological disorder of one who REALLY wants to belong to a specific team but is refused and denied so his anger takes over and he turns against them becoming their worse enemy... can you relate to that?

never thought of it that way GR but I dont have a problem with GCs as people just like I do not have a problem with French Spanish Italian but this does not mean I would want to be ruled by them or else I would go and live in their countries. It is not a matter of nationality GR its a matter of trust and we TCs do not trust GCs to abide by the rules when it comes to TCs, 1963 being proof of this fact. There has to be safeguards and heavy penalities ( eg loss of the north or south) for any side wishing to dilute or erase the other sides rights, are you prepared to sign such an agreement? I know I am.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.

Look here you piece of vile regurgiated puke, as long as there are people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future, TCs will not be fooled by your empty threats, you only serve a purpose to embedding and extending TC views towards believing seperation in the best option. Keep up the good work.

It's the English Boy talking again, or is it the "Transplant "TRNC" Cypriot".?? :lol: :lol:

Did you say Vile Puke English Boy.?? I think that's what the initials VP stands for, doesn't it.?? :lol: :lol:

Vile Puke wrote:people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future

Even you don't believe in the "TRNC's" existence or else you would not have used inverted commas. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Fanatical Partitionist VP is afraid in what I say will come true much sooner than later and he is afraid he will not be able to play the role as the "PIGS" in the "Animal Farm" story, to keep the rest of decent TC's in line, so that he and his kind can live like their Masters on other peoples land. Just as the Pigs did not believe in equality in "Animal Farm" story, neither does VP who believes in Dictatorial Rule, therefore some animals (PIGS) are more equal than others.
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Postby GreekForumer » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:never thought of it that way GR but I dont have a problem with GCs as people just like I do not have a problem with French Spanish Italian but this does not mean I would want to be ruled by them or else I would go and live in their countries. It is not a matter of nationality GR its a matter of trust and we TCs do not trust GCs to abide by the rules when it comes to TCs, 1963 being proof of this fact. There has to be safeguards and heavy penalities ( eg loss of the north or south) for any side wishing to dilute or erase the other sides rights, are you prepared to sign such an agreement? I know I am.

There will come a day when you can't hold 1963 over the heads of ALL GCs. The criminals of 1963 will one day all be dead. You might as well negotiate a modern Constitution with ALL communities NOW! And ratify and implement it when you are convinced all these criminals are dead.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:52 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.

Well if it's all in the delivery then vote for me and I promise to extend the GC control over the whole island in a more glamorous way! :lol:

near enough impossible for you the resident forum jester.

Do you know what VP? Of all Turkish Cypriots I've met I suspect that you above all always wanted to be Greek Cypriot but of course you couldn't...

It's actually a well known form of psychological disorder of one who REALLY wants to belong to a specific team but is refused and denied so his anger takes over and he turns against them becoming their worse enemy... can you relate to that?

never thought of it that way GR but I dont have a problem with GCs as people just like I do not have a problem with French Spanish Italian but this does not mean I would want to be ruled by them or else I would go and live in their countries. It is not a matter of nationality GR its a matter of trust and we TCs do not trust GCs to abide by the rules when it comes to TCs, 1963 being proof of this fact. There has to be safeguards and heavy penalities ( eg loss of the north or south) for any side wishing to dilute or erase the other sides rights, are you prepared to sign such an agreement? I know I am.

Only communities who are declared as a MINORITY can ask for special rights and protections, and since we are not a Minority, according to you, how can you then ask for Special Protections and Safeguards. As I said already, you do not believe in a True Democracy, or else you don't know what the hell you are talking about, or else you have something up your sleeve. Hell, I don't trust you to do the right thing, because your ultimate goal is a Partition, and since the rest of the world is not helping you, you want the GC's to help you through some unworkable "safeguards". You are so transparent, even a snake would stay away from you. Why don't you instead suggest that we write a new constitution that we can all agree on, with the EU as our safeguard so that our people and island can prosper and grow together, rather than looking for ways to getting things done through the "back door" towards Partition.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.

Look here you piece of vile regurgiated puke, as long as there are people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future, TCs will not be fooled by your empty threats, you only serve a purpose to embedding and extending TC views towards believing seperation in the best option. Keep up the good work.

It's the English Boy talking again, or is it the "Transplant "TRNC" Cypriot".?? :lol: :lol:

Did you say Vile Puke English Boy.?? I think that's what the initials VP stands for, doesn't it.?? :lol: :lol:

Vile Puke wrote:people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future

Even you don't believe in the "TRNC's" existence or else you would not have used inverted commas. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Fanatical Partitionist VP is afraid in what I say will come true much sooner than later and he is afraid he will not be able to play the role as the "PIGS" in the "Animal Farm" story, to keep the rest of decent TC's in line, so that he and his kind can live like their Masters on other peoples land. Just as the Pigs did not believe in equality in "Animal Farm" story, neither does VP who believes in Dictatorial Rule, therefore some animals (PIGS) are more equal than others.

My post was tampered with and the inverted commas were added on as everyone knows I would never use inverted commas, theres no question the TRNC exsists, if you missed it look north next time you visit the Gc south, day or night and you will see our flag staring you in the face, we will be here as long as people like you go around talking rubbish, you are doing a great job on your own, you dont need me to keep anyone in line..
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:59 pm

GreekForumer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:never thought of it that way GR but I dont have a problem with GCs as people just like I do not have a problem with French Spanish Italian but this does not mean I would want to be ruled by them or else I would go and live in their countries. It is not a matter of nationality GR its a matter of trust and we TCs do not trust GCs to abide by the rules when it comes to TCs, 1963 being proof of this fact. There has to be safeguards and heavy penalities ( eg loss of the north or south) for any side wishing to dilute or erase the other sides rights, are you prepared to sign such an agreement? I know I am.

There will come a day when you can't hold 1963 over the heads of ALL GCs. The criminals of 1963 will one day all be dead. You might as well negotiate a modern Constitution with ALL communities NOW! And ratify and implement it when you are convinced all these criminals are dead.

No plan with satisfy the GCs they want full control of the whole island and us as just another minority with no community rights, it didnt work in 1963 nor will it work today neither side will back down and a forced plan will cause intercommunal fighting and deaths...we have had peaceful exsistence for 33 years must tell you something. The only way forward is agreeing partition for return of land, anyhting else will be unworkable and collapse within a very short period of time with worse consequencies.
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