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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby humanist » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:46 am

Hello Kafenes, yes I am back in Sydney. Back at work on Tuesday and scheming and planning on how am gonna make it back to our gorgeous Island in the next couple of years. Hopefully ready to retire in a beautiful home in Gionelli in the occupied area, if Mr Talat allows me to buy land.

Here's another picture











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Postby halil » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:49 am

Viewpoint wrote:Stick and stones Kifeas, dont work anymore, until you come to your senses and realize you have to share this island with us as 2 equal communities you will be looking north in vain for many years to come staring at a flag which we are currently repainting to remind bastards and scum like you that you are your own worst enemy and you are the true obstacles to uniting this island.

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Postby cyprusgal » Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:18 am

i am new and all so i no u guys will have a filed day being horrile to me for writting this...

but i agree with the true cypriots... what right to the turks have to our land!!!!! we had sufferred making our homes. we had 2 pay 4 those houses and they just came in and kicked us out!!!! how wud they feel if we invaded them and forced so many out in2 da streets!!!!

my great grandfather worked so hard to get all the land that he had to pass on to his son. my grandfather had 7 children and da land was taken from him!! he had nothing to pass on to my grandfather!! and he had 7 children to support!!!!

you talk of all da developments u have made!! so u put a few varsitys! and wat da hell did u think the local pp where gonna do with da land!!! they cud also have put up hotels and schools so u have done no great thing!!! we would have done it better!!

i wish it was as easy now as it was when u took our land from us to do it now. but i guess times reali have changed.. maybe we will neva get to step on the land our great grand father suffered so much to get 4 us his decendants but i can only pray 1 day god will punish you for the heartbreak you caused my family and many others....

my famly left cyp coz they had nothing left. and now my yaiyai wont even come baq as it hurts so see how much we lost out on. my family is doing very well baq in cyp but its sad to c dat they cant have wats rightly thiers...

i dont know how many true cyp r in here but i feel ur pain every day....

as for the turks!!!! u say u r human and have hearts!!! i dnt notice!!!! if u did u would pack up and give us back our land!!! you did not take it in the right way and i wonder how u can feel good about your selves and wake up each morning smiling knowing you killed my greatgrandfather for his land dat u are sleeping on now!!!!!
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Postby zan » Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:58 am

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote: If Kikapu had some balls he would end the tradition and if he had even bigger balls he would stop trying to portray himself as a TC and show us his real colours.....He is a slimeball and behaving like one. It has got to the point where `I have no more time for him and his attacks....


I don't need to have big balls to tell you directly the things you hate to hear.

I don't even need small balls to tell you that your brain is "fried" on drugs.

I don't even need any balls to tell you, that this TC is not going to join your Fascist Partitionist team to break up my country, Cyprus, so whether you like it or not, you will get responses from me if you chose to be Racist, Fascist and plain stupid in what you write and the same goes to others also. The only one's who have shown their true colours so far this week, has been you and the Pomp Pomp Cheerleader "MR. Frog" with your Racist accusations.

I think it is time you have taken Bir recommendation and seek help to deal with your Mental Illness before you start climbing the walls. :idea:

One more thing to all you Partitionist. My arguments are with you and not your average TC's who have been controlled by the Radicals like yourselves, so be brave and fight your own battles and don't hide behind the decent TC's. I only contradict what you fools write and not initiate post out of the blue by showing you your real colours, like the one below.


Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

He is not attacking your community, VP! He is only attacking worms and reptiles of your kind, who think that because you have the “luxury” to hide behind the Turkish tanks and bayonets, you can also have the “right” to usurp other peoples homeland, homes and properties, their churches, cemeteries and entire heritage, and claim them to be your own! If scumbags of your kind are ever allowed to become the norm among Cypriots in both communities, the only certain result will be more and even more bloodshed in this country and this is what genuine and honorable Cypriots like Kikapu are trying to spare! You are the piece of shit, the asshole and the garbage! At least diluted fellows like Zan and MR-from-NG have the alibi of not being so intelligent, and therefore cannot be taken seriously! You on the other hand, you are the ultimate of fascism and nationalism!

Is that why the moment the going gets tough you run like a squealing pig from what ever thread I have ousted you from....Your mummy must love you though because you are so full of yourself that is the only explanation. Your lies have been shown up time and time again and yu still think you are of high IQ.......You take law and use it as the only system that works and throw humanity and reason out of the window despite the fact that the resolutions have been gained by deceit. Hitler passed laws as well so does that make what he did right. The moment that you can clear your mind of the garbage you have jammed into it so that you look good at the brain dead parties you attend, then you will be able to make sense of the world and more importantly the little part of it we call Cyprus. You have been generous and given me an opt out clause as to my intelligence but I cannot afford you the same because you do not exhibit the intelligence that is needed to get a solution to the Cyprus problem. You are an obstacle and gutless people like Kikapu who also run away when the going gets tough are the very ones that should be excluded from any discussions. You are both incapable of forming a coherent thought as to problem solving and spew out crap that has no relevance to the normal everyday person on the street. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby phoenix » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:45 am

cyprusgal wrote:i am new and all so i no u guys will have a filed day being horrile to me for writting this...

but i agree with the true cypriots... what right to the turks have to our land!!!!! we had sufferred making our homes. we had 2 pay 4 those houses and they just came in and kicked us out!!!! how wud they feel if we invaded them and forced so many out in2 da streets!!!!

my great grandfather worked so hard to get all the land that he had to pass on to his son. my grandfather had 7 children and da land was taken from him!! he had nothing to pass on to my grandfather!! and he had 7 children to support!!!!

you talk of all da developments u have made!! so u put a few varsitys! and wat da hell did u think the local pp where gonna do with da land!!! they cud also have put up hotels and schools so u have done no great thing!!! we would have done it better!!

i wish it was as easy now as it was when u took our land from us to do it now. but i guess times reali have changed.. maybe we will neva get to step on the land our great grand father suffered so much to get 4 us his decendants but i can only pray 1 day god will punish you for the heartbreak you caused my family and many others....

my famly left cyp coz they had nothing left. and now my yaiyai wont even come baq as it hurts so see how much we lost out on. my family is doing very well baq in cyp but its sad to c dat they cant have wats rightly thiers...

i dont know how many true cyp r in here but i feel ur pain every day....

as for the turks!!!! u say u r human and have hearts!!! i dnt notice!!!! if u did u would pack up and give us back our land!!! you did not take it in the right way and i wonder how u can feel good about your selves and wake up each morning smiling knowing you killed my greatgrandfather for his land dat u are sleeping on now!!!!!

Good luck on the forum Cyprusgal. :D

Don't be afraid what any of them say.

You have suffered at the hands of the Turks and you have every right to remind everyone of the injustice you and your family are having to continue to endure.

So long as they keep occupying our country, we have every right to oppose them and seek justice.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:02 pm

zan wrote: You are an obstacle and gutless people like Kikapu who also run away when the going gets tough are the very ones that should be excluded from any discussions. You are both incapable of forming a coherent thought as to problem solving and spew out crap that has no relevance to the normal everyday person on the street. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Would you care to explain yourself as to what is it that I run away from, because it is most certainly not from you, or are you having another one of your delusionary mental memory lapses.??
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:14 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:05 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.

Look here you piece of vile regurgiated puke, as long as there are people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future, TCs will not be fooled by your empty threats, you only serve a purpose to embedding and extending TC views towards believing seperation in the best option. Keep up the good work.
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Postby Kifeas » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:12 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.

Look here you piece of vile regurgiated puke, as long as there are people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future, TCs will not be fooled by your empty threats, you only serve a purpose to embedding and extending TC views towards believing seperation in the best option. Keep up the good work.

Therefore VP; Kikapu, Piratis and Kifeas are indeed your best allies and friends, according your opinion on what they do! For what reason then all the venom against people that do serve your aims?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:17 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Enough is enough you ignorant piece of shit. how dare you attack my community, you come to the island stay in the south and not even visit the north, humanist at least had the backbone to stick to his convictions, not like you, you spineless ignoramous. What the fuck you going on about you live thousands of miles away and have gaul to tell us we are wrong, fuck you. You have surrendered your arse to the GCs and bend over to let them use you and then you say thank you, well fuck off, go live with them in the perfect "RoC" you piece of garbage. Hope you rot abroad and never get the chance to return to this peaceful and tranquil island all thanks to the Turkish Army.

I just want to make a comment to what the Fundamentalist, Fascist and Racist Partitionist VP had said. Let this be a wake up call for all the decent TC's who are living in the "TRNC". This is the kinds of reactions you can expect from these Fundamentalist if they ever get their way to Partition Cyprus. You will not have a voice or anything remote to a True Democracy. Expect more like a Dictatorial Rule by those who would wield the power and for all those decent TC's who would speak out, will be dealt with in their own special way. It will be close to the story of "Animal Farm". If you do not know the story, you're best advice to read up on it, if you ever decide to give these Fundamentalist the reigns of your future.

Look here you piece of vile regurgiated puke, as long as there are people like you Kifeas and Piratis around the "TRNC" will continue to live long into the future, TCs will not be fooled by your empty threats, you only serve a purpose to embedding and extending TC views towards believing seperation in the best option. Keep up the good work.

Therefore VP; Kikapu, Piratis and Kifeas are indeed your best allies and friends, according your opinion on what they do! For what reason then all the venom against people that do serve your aims?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The bad attitude, arrogance and hate you display against TCs in your arguements to extend the GC control over the whole island.
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