zan wrote:
We are Turkish Cypriots mate and proud of it...It will take more than you and your cronies to give that up.....There are some like Kikapu, that I am convinced, found that his coward ancestors changed religion at the drop of a hat to suit and he has now found out that he is in fact a Greek. The rest of us are made of sterner stuff.
zan wrote: If Kikapu had some balls he would end the tradition and if he had even bigger balls he would stop trying to portray himself as a TC and show us his real colours.....He is a slimeball and behaving like one. It has got to the point where `I have no more time for him and his attacks....
Get Real! wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Nikitas wrote:VP,
You are not a Cypriot! I just realised it from your response to the above post. You just don't understand the emotional burden of looking at a place which is the foundation of your personal history and yet it is no longer there. It has nothing to do with politics. The reason you dont understand is because you are not from Cyprus. Any Cypriot, no matter which community he belongs to, knows what we mean.
You may be right I was not born on the island (both my parents were and also my wife) but do not love it any less than you do. I am also just as Turkish Cypriot as anyone else in the TRNC. What you seem to use as a cover up for your sins is the we are all Cypriots excuse so lets all live together and let the "Cypriots" rule...luckily enough for you 80% of the population will be GCs so you have no problem, we on the other havd do nto trust GCs due to their past relation and acts towards TCs. All we ask for is safeguards and heavy penalities in aunited Cyprus where we not be excluded from determining our own future in a way which isnot against our will. Why is this so difficult for GCs to understand.
Peoples emotions when returning to their towns is sincere but dont forget we choose to live thousands of miles away in other countries, we ar enow able to visit freely both sides of the island, its very unlikely there people will return to live in their old properties.
If anything it’s the Greek Cypriots that should be asking for “safeguards & heavy penalties” from our violent northern neighbor Turkey, which has already caused death & destruction against the people of this island numerous times but you seemingly have no care for that because it doesn’t affect you.
The Greek Cypriots should also be requesting “safeguards & heavy penalties” from the TC community because as we have seen in the past on many occasions it is easily led astray by Turkey and quick to behave disorderly and destructive.
We have no problem for GCs to ask for safeguards and penalities if we should step outside of any future agreements where it is proven to be the case by an independent body, the real question is whether GCs are prepared to keep to this sort of an agreement?
In fact I fear the TC community more than I fear Turkey because at least if Turkey was on the attack and Cypriots were united it would be a clear case of defending one’s nation but when Turkish Cypriots are led astray and start defecting the constitution it invites outside forces in which destroys the whole island and the scenario becomes very difficult to resolve.
If you are not strong enough to defend yourself, you ask for outside help to hit your enemy and those causing you hardship and pain as hard as you possible can to stop them this is human nature.
You seemingly fail to acknowledge how gullible and unreliable a very significant portion of the TC community can be making them a serious liability to the future of Cyprus as a whole. Cyprus cannot be peaceful and prosperous if one or more of her communities are forever having problems adjusting and requiring “special needs”.
If you feel that way then you should support agreed partition , then you will not have put yourselves at risk.
If anything the TC community needs to choose life by first realizing that they can only be either Cypriot or Turkish and not some pseudo-TurkCyps in a manufactured “kingdom” on other Cypriot people’s stolen land because that is NOT on the negotiating table or in the interests of Cyprus as a whole.
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