cymart wrote:O.K. so there was a holocaust of Armenians and there have been many others more recently in Cambodia,Rwanda etc etc and also many others that we may not even know about yet but how does all discussion this help Cyprus??
It seems we can't 'see the wood for the trees' as so often happens here!
The Kurds and perhaps your mother. The reason for this is due to my Armenian brothers treatment by muslim Kurds in the past little boy. I for one am glad the USA is doing the right thing. Why would I be a Crypto- Musmlim Haiwan?? Do to the fact that I view Kurds and Turks as one and the same?? Or because I feel bad for someone different then myself?? You leave much to be desired for being a human being Homar.Pyrpolizer wrote:Who is the crypto-muslim? You or the Kurds in Armenia?
zan wrote:EPSILON wrote:shahmaran wrote:These people have absolutely no clue what so ever, they are desperately in need to throw at us whatever they can get their hands on and it doesn't even matter anymore whether its true or not...
Yes we were in the World War allies of Germany, in fact 1 of the only 2 survivors from the time died recently and the other one is still alive over 100 years old. The Armenians were anything but armless, they were very systematically backed up by the Soviets and the French along with the Kurds to rebel against the Ottomans in order to bring down the empire and doing so massacred hundreds of Turkish villages without discrimination.
All this took place during a time where the Turks were trying to fight against an agreement that was going to leave us with fuck all and give the people like the Greeks, the British and the French everything they wanted, in fact the plan was to leave the Turks
with some land right in the center of the country while the surrounded land was being shared.
THIS was the situation Turkey was in at the time and Turkey had to fight for her independence as everyone does, and this is the situation that has to be examined very carefully and objectively before anyone is blamed for genocide, and THATS probably why no one is allowed to question the events!
Are your sources proving also that the unarmed women, the childs of 1-2-3 years old , the old Armenian men, all these people who had been killed by the Ottomans, were a threat for the empire?
Either you are living in a word of darkness or you try to prove that these people were fighting the Ottomans and herefore they were just victims of the battle.
Many were killede by Kurds the age old enemies of the Armenians.....Open the files sso numbers can be sorted out.......
shahmaran wrote:EPSILON wrote:zan wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:zan wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:T_C wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh the Turks fought in World war? that's news to me.
I meant the Ottomans.
That's news to me too T_C.
Really....One minute you say they were killing everyone and then you are surprised........The world verses the Ottomans....I think I saw that film...
thank you Zanny for confirming us that exterminating armless Armenians in a GENOCIDE manner, was the only participation Turkey... erm woops the Ottomans had in World war.
I think it was the world that came to our door Pyro as in Gallipoli.
Gallipoli!!!perfect Turkish name!!!!! You may be mixed up the doors, there is an other one beyond Ankara, may be this was yours not the one in Kallipoli!!!!
Oh here we go again, everything is Greek so they must get it all back
EPSILON wrote:zan wrote:EPSILON wrote:shahmaran wrote:These people have absolutely no clue what so ever, they are desperately in need to throw at us whatever they can get their hands on and it doesn't even matter anymore whether its true or not...
Yes we were in the World War allies of Germany, in fact 1 of the only 2 survivors from the time died recently and the other one is still alive over 100 years old. The Armenians were anything but armless, they were very systematically backed up by the Soviets and the French along with the Kurds to rebel against the Ottomans in order to bring down the empire and doing so massacred hundreds of Turkish villages without discrimination.
All this took place during a time where the Turks were trying to fight against an agreement that was going to leave us with fuck all and give the people like the Greeks, the British and the French everything they wanted, in fact the plan was to leave the Turks
with some land right in the center of the country while the surrounded land was being shared.
THIS was the situation Turkey was in at the time and Turkey had to fight for her independence as everyone does, and this is the situation that has to be examined very carefully and objectively before anyone is blamed for genocide, and THATS probably why no one is allowed to question the events!
Are your sources proving also that the unarmed women, the childs of 1-2-3 years old , the old Armenian men, all these people who had been killed by the Ottomans, were a threat for the empire?
Either you are living in a word of darkness or you try to prove that these people were fighting the Ottomans and herefore they were just victims of the battle.
Many were killede by Kurds the age old enemies of the Armenians.....Open the files sso numbers can be sorted out.......
On this I can partly agree but the control was under the Ottoman Empire which today is represented by the modern Turkey state.
ARMENIAN CYPRIOT wrote:Zan if it has no relevance my good man, Turkey should not have laws forbidding discussions counter to there views.
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