Nikitas wrote:There is a simple concent here-
As a Greek Cypriot I can accept the loss of my property if the new occupier is another Cypriot. If the new occupier is a settler I will always want to kick him out. I will teach my children to kick him out and teach their children to do the same. If that simple idea is not incorporated in a peace plan then at some point things will blow up.
Settlers do not belong in today's world. I am sure many Israeli settlers taking over Palestinian land are very nice people and most have high religious reasons which IN THEIR MINDS justify the act. Objectively we all know that the settlement is anobstacle to peace.
Nikitas wrote:Ok not kick out, give him 10 000 Euros and show him the exit. He has home to go back to, the Greek Cypriot who lost his land come first. Cyprus is for Cypriots. If you dont abide by that concept there will be troublke down the road. The whole point of a peace plan it to prevent and avoid trouble.
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