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PHP Database Problem

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PHP Database Problem

Postby Sega » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:36 pm

I have been killing myself over this problem and I can't find a solution. Basically I am running my PHP script locally on my home computer, I am currently on the topic of databases, but I keep getting this error:

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function dba_open() in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\test.php on line 10"

The PHP code is as follows:

$dbh = dba_open("./data/products", "c", "gdbm") or die ("Could not open the database in question");

dba_insert ("Sonic Screwdriver", 23.20, $dbh);
dba_insert ("Tricorder", 55.55, $dbh);
dba_insert ("ORAC AI", 2200.50, $dbh);
dba_insert ("HAL 2000", 4500.00, $dbh);


Basically i am going through a book, so supposidly the above PHP code is correct, well why wont it run on my local computer??

Can somebody please help, I know asking for PHP help in this forum is a long shot but there must be somebody out there!
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Re: PHP Database Problem

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:50 pm

Sega wrote:The PHP code is as follows:

$dbh = dba_open("./data/products", "c", "gdbm") or die ("Could not open the database in question");

This string looks like the file path of the database file containing the products. Do you have this file and is this path valid? (Can a file path start with a period?)

The problem with running exercises from books is that when the example needs to access the disk it can't possibly include a path name that the reader will also have so they try to indicate that you should tend to this matter... in this case with a period.

NB: I have no experience with this PHP language so I'm just using my past experience with other languages to arrive at this conclusion.
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Postby raymanuva » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:56 pm

Dont u need to setup ODBC for that? And why would u want to use Access and PHP? a bit weird...
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Postby Sega » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:02 pm

Basically, again, I am not such a proffesional. I think you have a point, even without your PHP experience. I thought the code as you specified was suppose to create a database. But you might have a point. The book did not elaborate on this issue. But I can't seem to find a solution, even online help is scarce, I think I might have a problem locally. I am not certain however.
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Postby Sega » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:05 pm

[quote="raymanuva"]Dont u need to setup ODBC for that? And why would u want to use Access and PHP? a bit weird...[/quote]

I am basically going through a book and this is how they chose to do things.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:12 pm

Sega wrote:Basically, again, I am not such a proffesional. I think you have a point, even without your PHP experience. I thought the code as you specified was suppose to create a database. But you might have a point. The book did not elaborate on this issue. But I can't seem to find a solution, even online help is scarce, I think I might have a problem locally. I am not certain however.

The function "dba_open"...

$dbh = dba_open("./data/products", "c", "gdbm")

...appears to accept three parameters:

1. File path
2. Drive
3. File name putting it all together yields:

C:\data\products\gdbm.??? (<--- Insert file EXTENSION expected by PHP)

But you seemingly don't have this file.
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Postby phoenix » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:16 pm

Mmmm . . . . nice thread 8)
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Postby morhekil » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:16 pm

Folks, can you read English? ;) The error message is very specific: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function dba_open()". That means that dba-related functions are not enabled in your PHP installation, and they're not enabled by default. Find file named like php_dba.dll in your php, copy it somewhere to your system PATH (like C:\Windows, for example) and uncomment "extension=php_dba.dll" line in your php.ini. Then restart your webserver and you'll get your functions.
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Postby Sega » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:27 pm

I have previously uncommented the "extension=php_dba.dll", by removing the semi-colon, but the error message changes to:

"Warning: dba_open(./data/products,c) [function.dba-open]: No such handler: gdbm in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\test.php on line 10
Could not open the database in question"

I also copied the file specifically named "php_dba.dll", to c:\windows and I restarted the server. The problem however still persists.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:46 pm

Sega wrote:"Warning: dba_open(./data/products,c) [function.dba-open]: No such handler: gdbm in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\test.php on line 10
Could not open the database in question"

There's what it appears to be looking for.
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