LENA wrote:twinkle wrote:LENA wrote:twinkle wrote:Oh....this is that illegal ferry crossing.
Halil, you're a Cretin!
Twinkle is that you?? WOW what happened around here? What for the swearing?
Lena mou, no swearing here. Halili = cretin n : a person of subnormal intelligence.....that's all. He's off to get a new gimp outfit. Made to measure I think!
I am confused....anyway I was away from here for a while and did not follow much of the news...anyway thanks for trying to explain but still did not get the whole picture. Cretin is not a nice word as far as i know. Well anyway I guess I have lots of things to learn!

Lena my dear friend,
These people minds are always full up with confuse. They always thinking everything in politically. Now i got chance to visit Latikia ,
i asked very simple questions.İ don't care what the ROC or TRNC thinks or what is their stupid plans. İ can go anywhere that i wanted.
The words they are using shows their abilities ang qualities.
Who ever has got a mouth , they speaks ....................
Nice to hear from u Lena ,
Take care.