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Postby allanm » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:32 am

I have been bitten 25 times on one leg only 6 on other, they obviously were full. These are not mozzie bites this time but itchy blisters, they are isolated to a small area and driving me nuts.
Has anyone else had this? some said l had an ant in my trouser leg could they do this? This year has been terrible for me and bites anyone else had this or got any advice please. I am using spays plug ins etc so what is it. ps l am not willing to cut leg off just yet :D
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Postby twinkle » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:40 am

To go naturelle, try lavendar oil on the bites which is an antispetic and will relieve the itching. If you rub it on your skin the insects may also stay away as they don't like the smell. Natural citronella oil is also an excellent choice.
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Postby skyvet » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:15 am

White wine vinegar is a good pain reliever after having been bitten, and it also acts as a deterrent too (or so I've been told!)
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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:17 am

We’ve found mosquito milk to be the best deterrent – you can buy it in any pharmacy…
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Postby devil » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:08 am

These are probably not mosquitoes but tiny little gnats. There seem to be 2 types. The first is most active from mid-April to end June and has a flesh-coloured body about 1½ mm long and rounded wings. The other type operates through September and October. They are even smaller and are rarely seen or heard, just felt.

There are two ways of treating "bites". The best way is will-power. Resist touching or scratching them and the effect will disappear in about 15 minutes. The point is that their proboscis is so short that they cannot deposit the toxin more than a fraction of a mm under the skin. The skin itself will exude the toxins quite quickly. The moment you touch the bites, you will cause the toxins to work deeper under the skin and the irritation will be far worse and last longer. If you must treat them chemically, you can find what looks like a yellow marker in supermarkets and these help to alleviate the itch after a few minutes.

I try to avoid skin/clothing repellants. The "natural" ones, like citronella (lemon grass), are not very effective and the ones containing chemicals like dimethyl phthalate are quite toxic and enter the body transdermally. Prolonged and frequent use may cause problems: the chronic toxicology and epidemiology of these substances is still quite doubtful.

If we want to watch TV at night, I spray the room 30 minutes or so before entering it, so that we don't get the full benefit of the spray but the beasties do. Same with the bedroom.
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Postby kafenes » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:34 am

cyprusgrump wrote:We’ve found mosquito milk to be the best deterrent – you can buy it in any pharmacy…

I wonder how they milk the mosquitos?
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:42 pm

kafenes wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:We’ve found mosquito milk to be the best deterrent – you can buy it in any pharmacy…

I wonder how they milk the mosquitos?

if you smash a mosquito you can see all that rose milk coming out of it! They are very productive considering their small size!
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Postby allanm » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:33 am

Thanks for your replys l have lavender which l tried, my friend has gone to buy mozzie milk for me, and the toxins are having a field day as l'm sure these bites are getting bigger by the day.
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