T_C wrote:Andreas I'm so happy you crossed over!!!!!!
com back to the light Andrikko, coooomee baaack to the liiiight.

humanist wrote:VPLets hear from Gcs on how they view our role in a united Cyprus. Lets start with a clean page and see what GCs will put forward on how they feel we shoudl fit into a united Cyprus.
Maybe this will help clear a few preconcieved ideas or reconfirm them..the ball is in your court.
Hey VP how are you? I see all Cypriots as eual in alll aspects of Cypriot life and I am more determine than ever having just crossed the crossing to the rest of my country. The only thing that that I foud unecessary and offensive were the flags both of them and the ataturk statutes everywhere and ofcourse having to show my ID card..
I actually enjoyed the streets the language and the children playing in the streets. It reminded me of what Cyprus used to be. anyway chat soon
take care my friend.
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