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What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

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What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby Sophia1 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:20 pm

[size=12]I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. To cut the long story short, It was not what I dreamed it would have been. I started working for a shipping company, every one in there although they were well educated, there mentality was the age of 2, they never new how to say please or thank you, they thought they would treat me like a waitress but set them straight with that and also cleaning there windows? excuse me? any way yeah dream on pal. The locals were always miserable and always looked like they thought they were somewhere in London or New York pushing into ques and saying "sorry Im in a rush" like ain't every one? Oh they were sometimes nice to me until I disputed there price tags which were ridiculously STUPID... People I use to meet always use to call me CHARLIE? Well I can think of a few things to say if I was not so nice, or at work when I use to do well there response was well done you little English Product.. Well sorry if I was bought up with RESPECT and also have RESPECT for others, its not my fault I was bought up to have a T.V or Computers, good manners its so obvious they still have a MASSIVE COMPLEX about us English born Cypriots. They may have some new stuff but there mentality is clearly still like 1900's.. My father before he came to live in the UK was a Police Man and so his father before him and he said that he does not know what the fuss is about disliking the British because they use to always be kind and helpful when they were on the colony yes OK apart from some rules but listening to why, it was a wise decision and yes they made a mistake don't every one make mistakes? spoke to a few and they are still regreting what has happened but like all of us they were following orders, so let it go already aint we christian? well some of us still are and they did well for Cyprus, as you can see they still are. I do not think much of politics I never have but now Cyprus is in the E.U I think they should stop being so racist and start catching up with the rest of the human race. I do love Cyprus it is a beautiful Island but that is what it is a small Island. I wonder what the parents teach the children about us, there just like you sweet child of mine, they were just born in another country? NO!! They are ENGLISH people, hate hate hate, bully bully bully... Well any way I ended up coming back home to uk with a lesson, Greek Cypriots are nothing like us and although they can try, they will never be like us, they have been bought up to hate and disrespect everyone other than Greek Cypriots which I think is sad.

I will finish this by saying SOD YOU LOT I know who I am, I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of the way I have been bought up, unlike you lot that have been dragged up so get your own lives and stop trying to copy or try and change ours, that is all you know what to do is just copy!!

I still love Cyprus very much and I always will..

God Bless.. :D [/size]
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Postby phoenix » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:28 pm

Sophia . . . I think you should have put this in the "Jokes and Enigmas" section.

But if you are serious . . .

When you are back in the U.K. enrol for some courses on presentational skills . . . then you might be better able to succeed in a discerning place like Cyprus.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:32 pm

You probably got demoted to the kitchen because you couldn’t spell, didn’t understand paragraphing, pissed people off with your superficial “please” and “thank you” all the time, and thought you were hot shit because you came from the UK.
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Postby Niki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:37 pm

Sorry you had a bad experience Sophie. This all adds to life experience so I'm sure it wasn't wasted. Maybe you were unlucky with your job and colleagues?

It's not your skills but how many cousins you have here to help you get on in Cyprus! :wink:
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Postby phoenix » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:You probably got demoted to the kitchen because you couldn’t spell, didn’t understand paragraphing, pissed people off with your superficial “please” and “thank you” all the time, and thought you were hot shit because you came from the UK.

. . . I'm pleased to see we are witnessing some restrain in hyperbole, Get Real! :D
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:41 pm

phoenix wrote:
Get Real! wrote:You probably got demoted to the kitchen because you couldn’t spell, didn’t understand paragraphing, pissed people off with your superficial “please” and “thank you” all the time, and thought you were hot shit because you came from the UK.

. . . I'm pleased to see we are witnessing some restrain in hyperbole, Get Real! :D

I thought I'd be gentle in my first message.
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Postby Niki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
phoenix wrote:
Get Real! wrote:You probably got demoted to the kitchen because you couldn’t spell, didn’t understand paragraphing, pissed people off with your superficial “please” and “thank you” all the time, and thought you were hot shit because you came from the UK.

. . . I'm pleased to see we are witnessing some restrain in hyperbole, Get Real! :D

I thought I'd be gentle in my first message.

and alienate all people from the UK at the same time!! Hardly making a valid point when your generalising makes it nonsense.
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Postby phoenix » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:47 pm

Niki wrote:Sorry you had a bad experience Sophie. This all adds to life experience so I'm sure it wasn't wasted. Maybe you were unlucky with your job and colleagues?

It's not your skills but how many cousins you have here to help you get on in Cyprus! :wink:

Sorry Niki . . . but nepotism rules here in the U.K. just as much as anywhere.
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Postby Sophia1 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:48 pm

Listen, I do not care about Paragraphs, whilst speaking to people that have just got in to EDUCATION! I have my O level English thank you very much. Got demoted to the kitchen??? LOL No sweet heart I am from uk and I am sorry if you think that I am hot shit because I am from the uk but that is not the case, sorry if the truth hurts but next time you lot come and graduate from OUR universities and using OUR products be thankful and spread the word.
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Postby Niki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:50 pm

phoenix wrote:
Niki wrote:Sorry you had a bad experience Sophie. This all adds to life experience so I'm sure it wasn't wasted. Maybe you were unlucky with your job and colleagues?

It's not your skills but how many cousins you have here to help you get on in Cyprus! :wink:

Sorry Niki . . . but nepotism rules here in the U.K. just as much as anywhere.

Yes but the cousins are just everywhere and there are always a few who happen to be estate agents! It's astonishing! :lol:
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