Sophia1 wrote:You have your GCSE's then if you like, your choice you can take A level and if your grade is good then you take O level. KATALAVAMEN!!! Yes there is Bio & Chem but also Science. Manamou....
You are really making all this up.
Are you now getting mixed up with "CSE" and "GCSE" ????
When you were in Play School . . . they used to offer "CSE" which could be equivalent to "O" level if you got a grade 1 . . . BUT if as you maintain you are 21 then this did not exist as an option for you.
I see you are making an attempt to clarify the "A" level Science mistake of yours . . . but keep trying you are not quite there yet with accuracy.
Oh and I do not require any apologies . . . your words mean NOTHING to me!