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What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

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Postby phoenix » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:38 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:
Sophia1 wrote:phoenix listen honey you have every right to have a go at me but please don't be racist man it's not nice. Im sure this forum is for the whole of Cyprus so keep it real dude XX

Hello Sophia1

Welcome back. I was afraid we had scared you off. You are quite right this is a discussion forum and of course we welcome your input.

Of course you are free to have a charade if that makes you more comfortable and it was unfair of me to break it down . . . especially since I am a lot older than you.

I am particularly keen to have you stay on the forum because there are very few female GCs . . . even if for now you consider yourself more British.

Have a look around the Cyprus Problem threads and familiarise yourself with some of the problems the GCs have to face for the survival of our island.

It would then be really good if you participated with some of your thoughts and feelings on solving the crises which the Turks have landed us with.

Good luck . . . and I would like to add that it was Get Real! who reminded me how important it is to have people like yourself on board.....So you have yet another fellow GC who would like to extend his hand to welcoming you. :D

Oh, not again. I cant believe what I am hearing. You dont give up do you. Ce la vie! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shoo Shoo Deniz . . . I've been doing really well at being nicer to Turks today . . . so don't provoke me. :P
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Re: What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby oranos64 » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:16 am

Sophia1 wrote:I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. To cut the long story short, It was not what I dreamed it would have been. I started working for a shipping company, every one in there although they were well educated, there mentality was the age of 2, they never new how to say please or thank you, they thought they would treat me like a waitress but set them straight with that and also cleaning there windows? excuse me? any way yeah dream on pal. The locals were always miserable and always looked like they thought they were somewhere in London or New York pushing into ques and saying "sorry Im in a rush" like ain't every one? Oh they were sometimes nice to me until I disputed there price tags which were ridiculously STUPID... People I use to meet always use to call me CHARLIE? Well I can think of a few things to say if I was not so nice, or at work when I use to do well there response was well done you little English Product.. Well sorry if I was bought up with RESPECT and also have RESPECT for others, its not my fault I was bought up to have a T.V or Computers, good manners its so obvious they still have a MASSIVE COMPLEX about us English born Cypriots. They may have some new stuff but there mentality is clearly still like 1900's.. My father before he came to live in the UK was a Police Man and so his father before him and he said that he does not know what the fuss is about disliking the British because they use to always be kind and helpful when they were on the colony yes OK apart from some rules but listening to why, it was a wise decision and yes they made a mistake don't every one make mistakes? spoke to a few and they are still regreting what has happened but like all of us they were following orders, so let it go already aint we christian? well some of us still are and they did well for Cyprus, as you can see they still are. I do not think much of politics I never have but now Cyprus is in the E.U I think they should stop being so racist and start catching up with the rest of the human race. I do love Cyprus it is a beautiful Island but that is what it is a small Island. I wonder what the parents teach the children about us, there just like you sweet child of mine, they were just born in another country? NO!! They are ENGLISH people, hate hate hate, bully bully bully... Well any way I ended up coming back home to uk with a lesson, Greek Cypriots are nothing like us and although they can try, they will never be like us, they have been bought up to hate and disrespect everyone other than Greek Cypriots which I think is sad.

I will finish this by saying SOD YOU LOT I know who I am, I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of the way I have been bought up, unlike you lot that have been dragged up so get your own lives and stop trying to copy or try and change ours, that is all you know what to do is just copy!!

I still love Cyprus very much and I always will..

God Bless.. :D

mate i hear you ...and a lot of BBCS " as we are called " are resented for skills and experiences ...

a lot of racism exists ...its just jealousy because locals dont really know about life ,travel ,dont know what love is ..etc
i was in isreal a while ago and there it is ilegal to put down another Jew s e ethinic roots ..all jews are welcomed from around the world ...if the greeks were like that and we stuck togeather ,we too would be good business leaders and unified ...and then we too would have values ,respect and discipline ...

chill ...relax knowing all of those things make you a better person also means that as more and more companies are coming over here is us they want ...for our education and experience.
CIM recently predicted that 70% of better jobs in cyprus in 2009 would go to people who spoke english as a first language and had world wide working experience !!!

sadly you have to do what i do also ...throw your weight and temper around a bit works for me
example ...i am in a cake store buying a cake for a friends birthday snob type (probably sold her land to buy her merc ) barges in and walks in front and tries to get served first ,whilst i am ordering etc

2 seconds later ...she gets verbal and much finger pointing from me in both languages ,,,runs out the store no cake for her or knitting club /gossip group

why ...locals hate being to look stupitd ,they hate to be embarressed dont be afraid to stand your ground

remember these people after the war acted lawlessly and were allowed to do so by police a generation of arrogants ,smug assholes now drive and swan around like they do ...i love the locals but sometimes have to let them ave it

of course there is also violence

2 am motorway ...strovolos ..guy with merc ...cuts me off twice ...then decides to nearly kill me by by changing lane ...
i slam breaks ... he stops claims i was wrong ..
much verbal crap about his merc is bigger etc i should drive further back as he is more important (seriously )

touches me ...KO ....SMACK KO .... lights out

example two ....i am driving behind a pickup with 3 builders ... girls in car infront ...

he over takes ...touches her car ....usual moronic builders

long story short they threaten her and get upset as i am a witness

cuban hero tee shirts beards ,dog hatch ususal mob .... three versus her and me ...i have spoken to police ....on there way ...nicosia know me well as i am a good guy

3 rd builder decides to call me charlie ....and offer me a new hair cut with his shovel ...

i make him better offer .
3 minutes later all 3 on the floor ...2 arrested for assualt etc

long story short i love kicking the lawless divs around ..and the police thank me for it ... the government should pay me ...

seriously ,never let things get you down ...honey have achieved more than most locals could ever .... almost remain confident ..keep your head about you ..most locals get jobs via there relatives and cant sign their name (seriously i met a insurance consultant ..who cant read !!!!!) serriously , i read a figure 30 % of males in cyprus under the age of 35 or something cant read and write .....good preparation by academics here in cyprus to get the population ready for europe ehh ?

just get on with life ....make friends and smile knowing the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you ..

adapt or die ....

So total KO by me is now at 37 in 3 years good calll
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:56 am

As a former British resident i find all this talk about politenes fascinating.

Britain is a polite country. You tire saying please and thank you all day. Despite the politeness it has a violent crime rate that dwarfs that of Cyprus (both sides of the ethnic divide). So politenes is not a substitute for safety. After 34 years away from Britian I can see that politeness and all that privacy hype is nothing more than insulation from other people. Here in the Mediterranean people prefer to be close and personal to others, and accept more humanity and less politeness. If you dont have the nerve for such human contact you are in for a hard time, but a much safer one for yourself and your children.

I do not live in Cyprus, but the moans are common to most places in the south of Europe and the moaners are usually of similar background.

BOOMERANG- I love the whine anecdote.!!!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:52 am

phoenix wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
phoenix wrote:
Sophia1 wrote:phoenix listen honey you have every right to have a go at me but please don't be racist man it's not nice. Im sure this forum is for the whole of Cyprus so keep it real dude XX

Hello Sophia1

Welcome back. I was afraid we had scared you off. You are quite right this is a discussion forum and of course we welcome your input.

Of course you are free to have a charade if that makes you more comfortable and it was unfair of me to break it down . . . especially since I am a lot older than you.

I am particularly keen to have you stay on the forum because there are very few female GCs . . . even if for now you consider yourself more British.

Have a look around the Cyprus Problem threads and familiarise yourself with some of the problems the GCs have to face for the survival of our island.

It would then be really good if you participated with some of your thoughts and feelings on solving the crises which the Turks have landed us with.

Good luck . . . and I would like to add that it was Get Real! who reminded me how important it is to have people like yourself on board.....So you have yet another fellow GC who would like to extend his hand to welcoming you. :D

Oh, not again. I cant believe what I am hearing. You dont give up do you. Ce la vie! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shoo Shoo Deniz . . . I've been doing really well at being nicer to Turks today . . . so don't provoke me. :P

You, nice to Turks? Thats a joke. Given the chance youd put them on a spits and make a DONER out of them. What you 'd do about the Turkish speaking Cypriots is anybodies guess. You have no consistency. It dependes on your hormonal cycle. I'd still beware of 'Greeks bearing gifts'. Not necessary to be nice, be yourself so we know better how to handle you. :lol:
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Re: What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:28 am

oranos64 wrote:
Sophia1 wrote:I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. To cut the long story short, It was not what I dreamed it would have been. I started working for a shipping company, every one in there although they were well educated, there mentality was the age of 2, they never new how to say please or thank you, they thought they would treat me like a waitress but set them straight with that and also cleaning there windows? excuse me? any way yeah dream on pal. The locals were always miserable and always looked like they thought they were somewhere in London or New York pushing into ques and saying "sorry Im in a rush" like ain't every one? Oh they were sometimes nice to me until I disputed there price tags which were ridiculously STUPID... People I use to meet always use to call me CHARLIE? Well I can think of a few things to say if I was not so nice, or at work when I use to do well there response was well done you little English Product.. Well sorry if I was bought up with RESPECT and also have RESPECT for others, its not my fault I was bought up to have a T.V or Computers, good manners its so obvious they still have a MASSIVE COMPLEX about us English born Cypriots. They may have some new stuff but there mentality is clearly still like 1900's.. My father before he came to live in the UK was a Police Man and so his father before him and he said that he does not know what the fuss is about disliking the British because they use to always be kind and helpful when they were on the colony yes OK apart from some rules but listening to why, it was a wise decision and yes they made a mistake don't every one make mistakes? spoke to a few and they are still regreting what has happened but like all of us they were following orders, so let it go already aint we christian? well some of us still are and they did well for Cyprus, as you can see they still are. I do not think much of politics I never have but now Cyprus is in the E.U I think they should stop being so racist and start catching up with the rest of the human race. I do love Cyprus it is a beautiful Island but that is what it is a small Island. I wonder what the parents teach the children about us, there just like you sweet child of mine, they were just born in another country? NO!! They are ENGLISH people, hate hate hate, bully bully bully... Well any way I ended up coming back home to uk with a lesson, Greek Cypriots are nothing like us and although they can try, they will never be like us, they have been bought up to hate and disrespect everyone other than Greek Cypriots which I think is sad.

I will finish this by saying SOD YOU LOT I know who I am, I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of the way I have been bought up, unlike you lot that have been dragged up so get your own lives and stop trying to copy or try and change ours, that is all you know what to do is just copy!!

I still love Cyprus very much and I always will..

God Bless.. :D

mate i hear you ...and a lot of BBCS " as we are called " are resented for skills and experiences ...

a lot of racism exists ...its just jealousy because locals dont really know about life ,travel ,dont know what love is ..etc
i was in isreal a while ago and there it is ilegal to put down another Jew s e ethinic roots ..all jews are welcomed from around the world ...if the greeks were like that and we stuck togeather ,we too would be good business leaders and unified ...and then we too would have values ,respect and discipline ...

chill ...relax knowing all of those things make you a better person also means that as more and more companies are coming over here is us they want ...for our education and experience.
CIM recently predicted that 70% of better jobs in cyprus in 2009 would go to people who spoke english as a first language and had world wide working experience !!!

sadly you have to do what i do also ...throw your weight and temper around a bit works for me
example ...i am in a cake store buying a cake for a friends birthday snob type (probably sold her land to buy her merc ) barges in and walks in front and tries to get served first ,whilst i am ordering etc

2 seconds later ...she gets verbal and much finger pointing from me in both languages ,,,runs out the store no cake for her or knitting club /gossip group

why ...locals hate being to look stupitd ,they hate to be embarressed dont be afraid to stand your ground

remember these people after the war acted lawlessly and were allowed to do so by police a generation of arrogants ,smug assholes now drive and swan around like they do ...i love the locals but sometimes have to let them ave it

of course there is also violence

2 am motorway ...strovolos ..guy with merc ...cuts me off twice ...then decides to nearly kill me by by changing lane ...
i slam breaks ... he stops claims i was wrong ..
much verbal crap about his merc is bigger etc i should drive further back as he is more important (seriously )

touches me ...KO ....SMACK KO .... lights out

example two ....i am driving behind a pickup with 3 builders ... girls in car infront ...

he over takes ...touches her car ....usual moronic builders

long story short they threaten her and get upset as i am a witness

cuban hero tee shirts beards ,dog hatch ususal mob .... three versus her and me ...i have spoken to police ....on there way ...nicosia know me well as i am a good guy

3 rd builder decides to call me charlie ....and offer me a new hair cut with his shovel ...

i make him better offer .
3 minutes later all 3 on the floor ...2 arrested for assualt etc

long story short i love kicking the lawless divs around ..and the police thank me for it ... the government should pay me ...

seriously ,never let things get you down ...honey have achieved more than most locals could ever .... almost remain confident ..keep your head about you ..most locals get jobs via there relatives and cant sign their name (seriously i met a insurance consultant ..who cant read !!!!!) serriously , i read a figure 30 % of males in cyprus under the age of 35 or something cant read and write .....good preparation by academics here in cyprus to get the population ready for europe ehh ?

just get on with life ....make friends and smile knowing the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you ..

adapt or die ....

So total KO by me is now at 37 in 3 years good calll

Any one ever tell you you are an arsehole , what a load of bullshit , insurance man that cant read , 30% of Cypriots under the age of 35 cant read or write , locals that do not achieve and cant sign their name , and I suppose you can !! No wonder you are a bloody foreigner with your foreign flag in Cyprus. Get a life Charlie boy , the locals and the under 35s are the by products of 200 thousand plus refugees who lost all and proudly stood up and made it again. I take my hat off to them and I say to you dont ever pretend that you are a Cypriot.

And look who is talking about locals being retarded :
""""the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you .. """
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Postby Niki » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:30 am

Sophia your first post was aggressive and insulting. I responded initially by saying I was sorry it didn't work out but your posting was still aggressive.

You are young and feisty but believe me this attitude doesn't help. I could tell this attitude a mile off when I was interviewing people for a post and never gave them the job. This attitude always ended up affecting the rest of the staff and then created bad feelings. Maybe this is what happened in Cyprus?

I have lived all my life in the UK and all over the UK - you have lived in Herts which I found to be a very closed minded and insular place (in general) and compared to other counties. Try living in different areas of the UK to get a better experience of different people. This may prepare you for the huge cultural difference that is Cyprus and you would be able to cope better with the change.

Don't give up on Cyprus, just be better prepared when you give it another go. Also don't assume the attitude coming back from the Cypriots wasn't in some way affected by how you were with them. As they say 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. When things start to go wrong people begin to see things in a negative way even if negativity isn't really there - vicious circle.

Good luck and best wishes and keep an open mind. :wink:
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Postby Nick Nicola » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:47 am

Sophia1 wrote:Niki Nicole what ever!! Yes I did go to Latymer School thank you very much, so what if I spelt it wrong I left years ago you Plum!! Its not my fault you lot are jelous of me that is why you are trying to make out that Im ball shitting, well I do not give a monkey's you lot think what you like as long as I ain't been educated in Cyprus thats the main thing.. lol

I did not misspell your name, nor did I call u Plum.
I didn't say you went to that school, or that you didn't.
I only stated that I believed you should be able to spell the name correctly if you did.

Maybe I should have not made an assumption and got involved in the all the is she lying/truth discussion.
All you had to say was - I went to that school but I spelt it wrong.

If your interested I remember my dad asking at my last parents evening if the teacher believed I was suitable for applying to Latymer.
Anyway!Went somewhere else and it was the best days of my life.
I agree with you about some of the attitudes in Cyprus.I am and have been forever in London but have been to Cyprus many times since I was young.For all its faults I love the place.
There is a lot of suspicion, arrogance, and chauvinism towards Cypriots from England but on the whole they love us but find it hard to show it.
As long as you have done nothing wrong towards those who you believe have wrong you,then just put yourself above it.
Good luck with whatever you do.
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Re: What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby boomerang » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:51 am

miltiades wrote:
oranos64 wrote:
Sophia1 wrote:I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. To cut the long story short, It was not what I dreamed it would have been. I started working for a shipping company, every one in there although they were well educated, there mentality was the age of 2, they never new how to say please or thank you, they thought they would treat me like a waitress but set them straight with that and also cleaning there windows? excuse me? any way yeah dream on pal. The locals were always miserable and always looked like they thought they were somewhere in London or New York pushing into ques and saying "sorry Im in a rush" like ain't every one? Oh they were sometimes nice to me until I disputed there price tags which were ridiculously STUPID... People I use to meet always use to call me CHARLIE? Well I can think of a few things to say if I was not so nice, or at work when I use to do well there response was well done you little English Product.. Well sorry if I was bought up with RESPECT and also have RESPECT for others, its not my fault I was bought up to have a T.V or Computers, good manners its so obvious they still have a MASSIVE COMPLEX about us English born Cypriots. They may have some new stuff but there mentality is clearly still like 1900's.. My father before he came to live in the UK was a Police Man and so his father before him and he said that he does not know what the fuss is about disliking the British because they use to always be kind and helpful when they were on the colony yes OK apart from some rules but listening to why, it was a wise decision and yes they made a mistake don't every one make mistakes? spoke to a few and they are still regreting what has happened but like all of us they were following orders, so let it go already aint we christian? well some of us still are and they did well for Cyprus, as you can see they still are. I do not think much of politics I never have but now Cyprus is in the E.U I think they should stop being so racist and start catching up with the rest of the human race. I do love Cyprus it is a beautiful Island but that is what it is a small Island. I wonder what the parents teach the children about us, there just like you sweet child of mine, they were just born in another country? NO!! They are ENGLISH people, hate hate hate, bully bully bully... Well any way I ended up coming back home to uk with a lesson, Greek Cypriots are nothing like us and although they can try, they will never be like us, they have been bought up to hate and disrespect everyone other than Greek Cypriots which I think is sad.

I will finish this by saying SOD YOU LOT I know who I am, I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of the way I have been bought up, unlike you lot that have been dragged up so get your own lives and stop trying to copy or try and change ours, that is all you know what to do is just copy!!

I still love Cyprus very much and I always will..

God Bless.. :D

mate i hear you ...and a lot of BBCS " as we are called " are resented for skills and experiences ...

a lot of racism exists ...its just jealousy because locals dont really know about life ,travel ,dont know what love is ..etc
i was in isreal a while ago and there it is ilegal to put down another Jew s e ethinic roots ..all jews are welcomed from around the world ...if the greeks were like that and we stuck togeather ,we too would be good business leaders and unified ...and then we too would have values ,respect and discipline ...

chill ...relax knowing all of those things make you a better person also means that as more and more companies are coming over here is us they want ...for our education and experience.
CIM recently predicted that 70% of better jobs in cyprus in 2009 would go to people who spoke english as a first language and had world wide working experience !!!

sadly you have to do what i do also ...throw your weight and temper around a bit works for me
example ...i am in a cake store buying a cake for a friends birthday snob type (probably sold her land to buy her merc ) barges in and walks in front and tries to get served first ,whilst i am ordering etc

2 seconds later ...she gets verbal and much finger pointing from me in both languages ,,,runs out the store no cake for her or knitting club /gossip group

why ...locals hate being to look stupitd ,they hate to be embarressed dont be afraid to stand your ground

remember these people after the war acted lawlessly and were allowed to do so by police a generation of arrogants ,smug assholes now drive and swan around like they do ...i love the locals but sometimes have to let them ave it

of course there is also violence

2 am motorway ...strovolos ..guy with merc ...cuts me off twice ...then decides to nearly kill me by by changing lane ...
i slam breaks ... he stops claims i was wrong ..
much verbal crap about his merc is bigger etc i should drive further back as he is more important (seriously )

touches me ...KO ....SMACK KO .... lights out

example two ....i am driving behind a pickup with 3 builders ... girls in car infront ...

he over takes ...touches her car ....usual moronic builders

long story short they threaten her and get upset as i am a witness

cuban hero tee shirts beards ,dog hatch ususal mob .... three versus her and me ...i have spoken to police ....on there way ...nicosia know me well as i am a good guy

3 rd builder decides to call me charlie ....and offer me a new hair cut with his shovel ...

i make him better offer .
3 minutes later all 3 on the floor ...2 arrested for assualt etc

long story short i love kicking the lawless divs around ..and the police thank me for it ... the government should pay me ...

seriously ,never let things get you down ...honey have achieved more than most locals could ever .... almost remain confident ..keep your head about you ..most locals get jobs via there relatives and cant sign their name (seriously i met a insurance consultant ..who cant read !!!!!) serriously , i read a figure 30 % of males in cyprus under the age of 35 or something cant read and write .....good preparation by academics here in cyprus to get the population ready for europe ehh ?

just get on with life ....make friends and smile knowing the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you ..

adapt or die ....

So total KO by me is now at 37 in 3 years good calll

Any one ever tell you you are an arsehole , what a load of bullshit , insurance man that cant read , 30% of Cypriots under the age of 35 cant read or write , locals that do not achieve and cant sign their name , and I suppose you can !! No wonder you are a bloody foreigner with your foreign flag in Cyprus. Get a life Charlie boy , the locals and the under 35s are the by products of 200 thousand plus refugees who lost all and proudly stood up and made it again. I take my hat off to them and I say to you dont ever pretend that you are a Cypriot.

And look who is talking about locals being retarded :
""""the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you .. """

hahahaha re milti go easy on him he is from GREECE

and all the best to the wife my friend...our hopes and prayers are constantly with you...
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Re: What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby DT. » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:32 pm

oranos64 wrote:
Sophia1 wrote:I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. To cut the long story short, It was not what I dreamed it would have been. I started working for a shipping company, every one in there although they were well educated, there mentality was the age of 2, they never new how to say please or thank you, they thought they would treat me like a waitress but set them straight with that and also cleaning there windows? excuse me? any way yeah dream on pal. The locals were always miserable and always looked like they thought they were somewhere in London or New York pushing into ques and saying "sorry Im in a rush" like ain't every one? Oh they were sometimes nice to me until I disputed there price tags which were ridiculously STUPID... People I use to meet always use to call me CHARLIE? Well I can think of a few things to say if I was not so nice, or at work when I use to do well there response was well done you little English Product.. Well sorry if I was bought up with RESPECT and also have RESPECT for others, its not my fault I was bought up to have a T.V or Computers, good manners its so obvious they still have a MASSIVE COMPLEX about us English born Cypriots. They may have some new stuff but there mentality is clearly still like 1900's.. My father before he came to live in the UK was a Police Man and so his father before him and he said that he does not know what the fuss is about disliking the British because they use to always be kind and helpful when they were on the colony yes OK apart from some rules but listening to why, it was a wise decision and yes they made a mistake don't every one make mistakes? spoke to a few and they are still regreting what has happened but like all of us they were following orders, so let it go already aint we christian? well some of us still are and they did well for Cyprus, as you can see they still are. I do not think much of politics I never have but now Cyprus is in the E.U I think they should stop being so racist and start catching up with the rest of the human race. I do love Cyprus it is a beautiful Island but that is what it is a small Island. I wonder what the parents teach the children about us, there just like you sweet child of mine, they were just born in another country? NO!! They are ENGLISH people, hate hate hate, bully bully bully... Well any way I ended up coming back home to uk with a lesson, Greek Cypriots are nothing like us and although they can try, they will never be like us, they have been bought up to hate and disrespect everyone other than Greek Cypriots which I think is sad.

I will finish this by saying SOD YOU LOT I know who I am, I am a Greek Cypriot and I am proud of the way I have been bought up, unlike you lot that have been dragged up so get your own lives and stop trying to copy or try and change ours, that is all you know what to do is just copy!!

I still love Cyprus very much and I always will..

God Bless.. :D

mate i hear you ...and a lot of BBCS " as we are called " are resented for skills and experiences ...

a lot of racism exists ...its just jealousy because locals dont really know about life ,travel ,dont know what love is ..etc
i was in isreal a while ago and there it is ilegal to put down another Jew s e ethinic roots ..all jews are welcomed from around the world ...if the greeks were like that and we stuck togeather ,we too would be good business leaders and unified ...and then we too would have values ,respect and discipline ...

chill ...relax knowing all of those things make you a better person also means that as more and more companies are coming over here is us they want ...for our education and experience.
CIM recently predicted that 70% of better jobs in cyprus in 2009 would go to people who spoke english as a first language and had world wide working experience !!!

sadly you have to do what i do also ...throw your weight and temper around a bit works for me
example ...i am in a cake store buying a cake for a friends birthday snob type (probably sold her land to buy her merc ) barges in and walks in front and tries to get served first ,whilst i am ordering etc

2 seconds later ...she gets verbal and much finger pointing from me in both languages ,,,runs out the store no cake for her or knitting club /gossip group

why ...locals hate being to look stupitd ,they hate to be embarressed dont be afraid to stand your ground

remember these people after the war acted lawlessly and were allowed to do so by police a generation of arrogants ,smug assholes now drive and swan around like they do ...i love the locals but sometimes have to let them ave it

of course there is also violence

2 am motorway ...strovolos ..guy with merc ...cuts me off twice ...then decides to nearly kill me by by changing lane ...
i slam breaks ... he stops claims i was wrong ..
much verbal crap about his merc is bigger etc i should drive further back as he is more important (seriously )

touches me ...KO ....SMACK KO .... lights out

example two ....i am driving behind a pickup with 3 builders ... girls in car infront ...

he over takes ...touches her car ....usual moronic builders

long story short they threaten her and get upset as i am a witness

cuban hero tee shirts beards ,dog hatch ususal mob .... three versus her and me ...i have spoken to police ....on there way ...nicosia know me well as i am a good guy

3 rd builder decides to call me charlie ....and offer me a new hair cut with his shovel ...

i make him better offer .
3 minutes later all 3 on the floor ...2 arrested for assualt etc

long story short i love kicking the lawless divs around ..and the police thank me for it ... the government should pay me ...

seriously ,never let things get you down ...honey have achieved more than most locals could ever .... almost remain confident ..keep your head about you ..most locals get jobs via there relatives and cant sign their name (seriously i met a insurance consultant ..who cant read !!!!!) serriously , i read a figure 30 % of males in cyprus under the age of 35 or something cant read and write .....good preparation by academics here in cyprus to get the population ready for europe ehh ?

just get on with life ....make friends and smile knowing the persons infront of you may be socially or academicly retarded and so trying to victumise you ..

adapt or die ....

So total KO by me is now at 37 in 3 years good calll

WHat are you talking about????????? :shock: You really make me wonder sometimes.

definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 97.6%
male: 98.9%
female: 96.3% (2003 est.) ... tml#People
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Re: What do the Greek Cypriots really think of us

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:50 pm

oranos64 wrote:why ...locals hate being to look stupitd ,they hate to be embarressed dont be afraid to stand your ground

remember these people after the war acted lawlessly and were allowed to do so by police a generation of arrogants ,smug assholes now drive and swan around like they do ...i love the locals but sometimes have to let them ave it...

You and that Sophia should come to our labs for some experiments. We're basically trying to produce one of these...

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