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Is european sentiment changing towards THE ROC?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby erolz » Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:17 pm

MicAtCyp wrote:In real life my friend there is absolutely no case that involves millions (*) in which there is no lubrication.Take that for granted. You name it. Government purchases, sales of Commercial aircrafts, Military equipment, narcotics etc.
You want proof? You will never get one!

So where does such a world view leave one? Any position by an indivdual that is in disagreement with your views (on what is fair) is the result of 'lubrication' and therefore 'suspect' and any decsion that is in support of your views (on what is fair) is also the result of 'lubrication' and therefore also 'suspect'. Can a non Cypriot (or even Cypriot) ever have a view (opposing or supporting your own) that is not 'suspect' and of value?
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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Mar 06, 2005 7:23 pm

MicAtCyp wrote:Cannedmoose,
the best thing accedemics are good at, is to cause a deeeep sleep to their students at the auditorium....

A slightly biased comment and judging by your spelling, not one that is derived from practical experience... sorry if that's a jibe at your english-language skills, but it's a response to your jibe at my chosen profession, so I think it's fair. I do however agree that some academics do 'have their heads up their own arse', and fail to understand the real world that they look at from their ivory towers. Thankfully, I'm not a 'pure academic' in that respect since I did go out and work in the real world for a number of years before returning to study... so I do understand how people really think and how personal motives often affect their judgement. But, I reiterate, in the cases of Verheugen and De Soto, from my knowledge of both of them they are honourable men, with no history of corruption or dishonesty. So unless I see proof, I fundamentally disagree with your accusations against them.

MicAtCyp wrote:It seems to me that in your dreams, you see me dreaming. I was talking about the incident at Luxemberg man, where De Soto just traveled to oppose Papadopoulos speach. Wake up!

Although the tone of your remarks is incredibly condescending and patronising, I will reply to this. Firstly, the ICF 2005 is taking place at the European Parliament building, which is in Brussels, not Luxembourg, so factually you're already flailing in the water... as for De Soto 'travelling purely to oppose TPaps speech' (a speech that I actually thought was incredibly good), you are again wrong. De Soto was a confirmed speaker at the Conference (see link below) and would have been invited to give an address well in advance... he did not simply 'turn up' to respond to TPap as you would again know if you understood the world of conferences and public speaking.

MicAtCyp wrote:PS2. I could present one by one the cases indicating "something fishy" behind the actions of both Verhoigen and De Soto. But what for? You could still accuse me of having no solid proof...

Once again MicAtCyp, put your money where your mouth is... if you feel you have proof, share it... if you don't really have proof, don't pretend to.

MicAtCyp wrote:PS3. What does this Canned-moose mean? Is it some sort of canned food, or what? Just curious.

Maybe you should wake up this time... look to the left of this text and there it is... perhaps you're too focussed on your bias against Verheugen and De Soto to work on your observational skills.

Finally, I really don't appreciate the patronising manner in which you addressed my previous remarks, hence why I have responded in kind. If you are going to make a contribution to this forum, you should do so in a more respectful manner. It demeans you to take such a combative approach and demeans me by making me respond in this manner, however, I'm not one to turn the other cheek. Respect me and I'll give you the same in return.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:07 pm

I do not know if this the right place to say this but it may be better than starting a new thread. Makarios Droushiotis in today's "Politis" makes mincemeat of the cretin allegations that the A plan gave the Brits continental shelf at the bases. This was a massive "weapon" used by the deniors of the solution before the referendum. Makarios also refuted the lies spread by pro government "Phileleftheros" newspaper and later verified (!) by our Defence Minister that a British Oceanograhic ship was conducting a search off cape Akrotiri for oil. This was just another lie that the unsuspecting public digested quite easily in this spineless society we live in.

The fact of the matter is that the Brits were giving back almost half of the bases and gave up any right whatsoever of commercially exploiting the sea that surrounds the bases.

(Cannedmoose, please go easy on my spelling mistakes ... my greek spelling is much better)
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Postby Othellos » Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:30 pm

Bananiot wrote:I do not know if this the right place to say this but it may be better than starting a new thread. Makarios Droushiotis in today's "Politis" makes mincemeat of the cretin allegations that the A plan gave the Brits continental shelf at the bases. This was a massive "weapon" used by the deniors of the solution before the referendum. Makarios also refuted the lies spread by pro government "Phileleftheros" newspaper and later verified (!) by our Defence Minister that a British Oceanograhic ship was conducting a search off cape Akrotiri for oil. This was just another lie that the unsuspecting public digested quite easily in this spineless society we live in.

The fact of the matter is that the Brits were giving back almost half of the bases and gave up any right whatsoever of commercially exploiting the sea that surrounds the bases.

"Phileleftheros" has always been and will always be pro-government, reardless of who is in power. Although I have not followed closely this story, my understanding is that the British vessel is here in Limassol for repairs and maintainance. Your point about how the British proposal to return half of the bases is in stark contrast with any continental shelf rights for the bases under the Annan plan, makes total sense (at least to me).

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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:31 pm

Bananiot wrote:(Cannedmoose, please go easy on my spelling mistakes ... my greek spelling is much better)
I have no beef with you whatsoever Bananiot, your posts show respect for others, which is all one can ask... therefore, spell away... your english spelling is far better than my Greek anyways! :lol:

As for the British survey ship, the British military does not search for oil and does not have the commercial capacity to do so. This survey ship conducts oceanography missions to develop accurate sea-floor charts... undoubtedly these are used for our submarines to navigate safely. The UK military has no stake in development of oil reserves, it's just another baseless conspiracy theory.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:48 am

Cannedmoose wrote: So where does such a world view leave one?

To a world full od suspicion and intrigues

As for my spelling you would love to know as much Greek as I know English, particularly when I ve never been to England.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:15 am

hardball tactics employed by Erdogan in the same meeting also made some leaders step back and reassess their opinions of both men

Apparently tiny Luxemburg is very supportive of Cyprus and in fact soiled itself after seeing Erdogan carrying on with treats and blackmail at the December summit last year.
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Postby -mikkie2- » Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:40 am

The Europeans are finding out what it means to 'negotiate' with the Turks. They are learning the hard way!

No disrespect to our TC friends here.
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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:00 am

Viewpoint said:

will cost Greek Cypriots dearly in the long run.

It didn't cost GC refugees from Kyrenia anything. It was good value for money. Some people do not understand that GC refugees from Kyrenia did not have anything to lose. What were we going to achieve of the Annan plan?nominal/insignificant compensation. We do not need it now, 30+ years later. Where was the compensation when we were penniless refugees contract cleaning toilets? I'll give De Soto compensation so he buy some Rogaine (TM).
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Postby Saint Jimmy » Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:12 am

Agios Amvrosios wrote:Where was the compensation when we were penniless refugees contract cleaning toilets? I'll give De Soto compensation so he buy some Rogaine (TM).

What are you after? Are you dreaming of every single refugee returning home and living happily ever after?
It is not going to happen. Either way, whether you vote yes or no or maybe or we'll see, not everyone is going back.

You do that. You give De Soto compensation. That'll make us all happy.
That'll get all refugees back home, reunite our country, wipe out all the crimes we've committed.

In response to your question above... Where was your remorse when TCs and GCs were being murdered and oppressed? It's not De Soto's, Annan's, or any TC's fault, any more than it is mine or yours.
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