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Neoklis Sarris!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikephoros » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:57 am

Neoklis Sarris is an actual Greek historian and authority on Turkey worth respecting. Most journalists give the usual leftist post 1974 anaylsis of Turkey that goes no further than: "the Turkish military junta are causing problems with Greece but the the Turkish population wants peace". Underneath this mediocre thinking is not an attempt to understand Turkish policy but an attack at the defunct Greek junta.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:20 am


The leftists in Greece do not like Sarris because they dont like to have an adversary who knows what he is talking about and can quote facts. Sarris, having lived in Turkey and having been active in Turkish political life backs his views with experience and fact. That stumps the leftist who has nothing but his "apopsis" to offer in a discussion. So not being able to face him they slander him.

As for the passionate speaking manner, well he is no worse than Venizelos, or Polydoras, or many others who appear on our TV screens daily.
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Postby phoenix » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:27 am

All due respect to the man . . . he can monologue longer than I can! 8)
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Postby Nikephoros » Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:35 am

I know about Sarris I have read a speech of his on the net on Greek-Turkish relations. And I have a book Dar el harb Κύπρος - Αιγαίο - Θράκη that relies heavily on the works of Sarris and often cites him. That book takes the view that Turkey as a muslim nation can do nothing but cause provocations and by date examines a small fraction of the constant conflicts Turkey causes with Greece and Cyprus. I am shocked at what kind of failure Greek society has to really anaylze Turkey in its true muslim and Kemalist dimensions instead of pretending it is a state that international law can have a basis of common understanding. Speros Vryonis(in his nook on the 55 pogrom) had high esteem for Neoklis Sarris and his work, and if a scholar like Vryonis respects him it says alot.

Unforuntately Vryonis and Sarris and others who actually study Turkey in the Hellenic world have to watch as the gaggle of post 1974 invompetents cannot realize how to deal with an incompetent and clumsy muslim state, its transparent and constant hostilities. I am sure using the European Union membership process of Turkey as a lever in Greek diplomacy, will continue to tread dead water.
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