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Can we afford to live in Cyprus?

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Postby rufa50 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:09 am

Hello Clare,

As I am very much in the same situation as You,I have lots of questions too. I'm born and living in Belgium,but alltough there is a huge demand for qualified people over here,it is VERY hard to find the right job...
Recently I've been offered a job in Nicosia,pays "fairly" good (about 1.100 CYP) but I don't know if this will be enough to get by (alltough I'm single too). Think about this.: You need probably to buy a car,rent an appartment,buy the food etc. (I've been told to get a good car,it will cost about 5.000 CYP,an appartment 300 CYP and the food about 250 CYP!).
I don't know if this reflects reality,but if it does,it means that only after one year I can afford to buy a car! How will I get to work?
Besides,everyone I spoke to,told me that they expect an enormous rise of the prices,once the Euro will be instored.(the same happened here in Belgium,years ago).
Conclusion.: I DON'T KNOW ! So if there is someone who can tell more about the REAL cost of life or has any information at all,please let me know! You can send a private mail to.: [email protected] (would appreciate it very much)

Thanks a lot everybody. Rudy
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Re: revenue

Postby Smiler Brian » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:45 am

rufa50 wrote:Hello Clare,

As I am very much in the same situation as You,I have lots of questions too. I'm born and living in Belgium,but alltough there is a huge demand for qualified people over here,it is VERY hard to find the right job...
Recently I've been offered a job in Nicosia,pays "fairly" good (about 1.100 CYP) but I don't know if this will be enough to get by (alltough I'm single too). Think about this.: You need probably to buy a car,rent an appartment,buy the food etc. (I've been told to get a good car,it will cost about 5.000 CYP,an appartment 300 CYP and the food about 250 CYP!).
I don't know if this reflects reality,but if it does,it means that only after one year I can afford to buy a car! How will I get to work?
Besides,everyone I spoke to,told me that they expect an enormous rise of the prices,once the Euro will be instored.(the same happened here in Belgium,years ago).
Conclusion.: I DON'T KNOW ! So if there is someone who can tell more about the REAL cost of life or has any information at all,please let me know! You can send a private mail to.: [email protected] (would appreciate it very much)

Thanks a lot everybody. Rudy

"Besides,everyone I spoke to,told me that they expect an enormous rise of the prices,once the Euro will be instored.(the same happened here in Belgium,years ago). "
I concur, stand by for the great rip off known as the Euro. You are going to get hammered. It has happened everywhere the Euro has been introduced.
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Postby rufa50 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:06 am

Hello Brian,
Yes,we've got the same problem! Prices are still going up an up,it never stops! Thats what makes me uncertain too,to make the step moving to Cyprus. Do You know anything about energy-prices in Cyprus? (nobody can inform me exactly about that.It's important because of the need of airco over there I suppose. They told me I have to count about 150 CYP of electricity consumption/month only for that!)
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Postby yummymummy150 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:05 pm

hi brian. i know its not as much as uk. and we only use air con at night over the hottest time . no council tax,

it has its pro & cons like the wold over. but if you want that life you need to adapt your whole way of life.
Its not Uk in the sun(i would not want it to be).
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Postby twinkle » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:16 pm

Our electricity is about 300 every 2 months. We have no kids and are out all day. Only electricity is the usual, the aircon during the really hot times at night (6 hours max) and the swimming pool pump 4 times a day. With the sun we don't have to heat the hot water. :)
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Postby rufa50 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:39 pm

So,that's already something good to know! (I calculated something like that),but what costs a KWh really per unit?
How warm/cold is it in the winter?
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Postby yummymummy150 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:51 pm

google weather cyprus as temps are varied from mountain to coast.I am from scotland and i find cyprus is like my spring and is short.
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Postby yummymummy150 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:56 pm

paphos jan 205 :D
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Postby yummymummy150 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:58 pm

troods jan2005 :D
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Postby rufa50 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:40 pm

Quit a difference between the two pictures!
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