phoenix wrote:I remember the most amazing storm a few years back mid-October.
We were coming back from Peyia over the mountains and Polis was in the far distance down below. The most incredible powerful bolts of lightning were shooting down ahead of us and into the sea. It was really dark with only the intermittent bolts of lightning lighting up the silhouetted landscape. The thunderbolts boomed around us, almost making us swerve with the force. We just had to keep driving into the storm in our open top jeep. Awesome experience.
Cyprus does it best

You have to be talking about spet/oct 2005! That was my first year in Cyprus, I was watching it from my apartment on the 3rd floor, it lit up the whole sky, for hours upon hours, it was amazing!
However, I did get scared because the lightening was very low and I kept thinking it was going to hit my apartment. I'm a scardy cat at heart