Sotos wrote:T_C wrote:What exactly is it? I am a member but I've never actually signed in!
I think it is some blog/community site. You write everything that happens in your life and other people comment about itOn one hand people do everything to protect their privacy and on the other they go and write everything online themselves
Does it make sense?
Sotos wrote:My name is Sotos I am 9.5 months old and already have one hair on my head! But I guess you knew that alreadyok, something you don't know. Today I woke up at 6.29am but then fall back asleep and woke up again at 7.09. I am hungry but there is nothing in the house to eat except sweets. Anyhow I guess I will not eat anything now and wait for the big banquet/orgy that I am invited tonight right after my meeting with the Al Qaeda officials where we will discuss ... [read more at Sotos blog]
Sotos wrote:My name is Sotos I am 9.5 months old and already have one hair on my head! But I guess you knew that alreadyok, something you don't know. Today I woke up at 6.29am but then fall back asleep and woke up again at 7.09. I am hungry but there is nothing in the house to eat except sweets. Anyhow I guess I will not eat anything now and wait for the big banquet/orgy that I am invited tonight right after my meeting with the Al Qaeda officials where we will discuss ... [read more at Sotos blog]
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