by denizaksulu » Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:56 pm
phoenix wrote:Southerner wrote:Get Real! wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Get Real! wrote:denizaksulu wrote:halil wrote:phoenix wrote:zan wrote:Isn't that in the "South" of Cyprus.........

Don't speculate uneducated traitor . . just have a look on a Map!
Simple question
Why ROC army has got below emblem

My sentiments exactly. I await GRs explanation. He will come up with something, I hope?
What exactly is the question? It's just the National Guard insignia...

Did you expect to find a red and white one?
No GetReal, I was trying to distinguish between the Russian, Austrian Albanian and the Byzantine Double headed Eagle. A double headed Ambeloboulia would have been more suitable

Well, I've never looked into the history of this insignia... do some research and SHOCK me with revelations Deniz!
Does it stand for two faced

No . . it stands for look both ways there are murderous Turks around trying to divide Cyprus.

So the double headed eagle has been suffering for a long time, since the the schizo eagle existed long before the events of 1974.

Last edited by
denizaksulu on Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.