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Why won't GCs live under a TC administration?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:20 am

utu wrote:
Everything comes to those that wait Kiks

So what are you waiting for, if you don't mind my asking?

Common sense to prevail over the inevitable. I want to show the world that a common ground can be found within Cyprus itself and not have to wait for outside forces, such as a depression that Oranos has said is coming, to solve it for us. My views are known as to how that should come about.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:29 am

zan wrote:
utu wrote:
Everything comes to those that wait Kiks

So what are you waiting for, if you don't mind my asking?

Common sense to prevail over the inevitable. I want to show the world that a common ground can be found within Cyprus itself and not have to wait for outside forces, such as a depression that Oranos has said is coming, to solve it for us. My views are known as to how that should come about.

:shock: They are? I've known you for ages now Zanny and the only thing that's clearly coming from your direction is an incessant quantity of EOKA/ENOSIS gripes coupled with the very tired... “We can’t live together” motto. :roll:
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Postby zan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:
Everything comes to those that wait Kiks

So what are you waiting for, if you don't mind my asking?

Common sense to prevail over the inevitable. I want to show the world that a common ground can be found within Cyprus itself and not have to wait for outside forces, such as a depression that Oranos has said is coming, to solve it for us. My views are known as to how that should come about.

:shock: They are? I've known you for ages now Zanny and the only thing that's clearly coming from your direction is an incessant quantity of EOKA/ENOSIS gripes coupled with the very tired... “We can’t live together” motto. :roll:

That IS the common sense that is to prevail GR.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:32 am

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:
Everything comes to those that wait Kiks

So what are you waiting for, if you don't mind my asking?

Common sense to prevail over the inevitable. I want to show the world that a common ground can be found within Cyprus itself and not have to wait for outside forces, such as a depression that Oranos has said is coming, to solve it for us. My views are known as to how that should come about.

:shock: They are? I've known you for ages now Zanny and the only thing that's clearly coming from your direction is an incessant quantity of EOKA/ENOSIS gripes coupled with the very tired... “We can’t live together” motto. :roll:

That IS the common sense that is to prevail GR.

So what happened to your "common ground" pledge above? Gone with the (passed) wind? :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:35 am

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:
Everything comes to those that wait Kiks

So what are you waiting for, if you don't mind my asking?

Common sense to prevail over the inevitable. I want to show the world that a common ground can be found within Cyprus itself and not have to wait for outside forces, such as a depression that Oranos has said is coming, to solve it for us. My views are known as to how that should come about.

:shock: They are? I've known you for ages now Zanny and the only thing that's clearly coming from your direction is an incessant quantity of EOKA/ENOSIS gripes coupled with the very tired... “We can’t live together” motto. :roll:

That IS the common sense that is to prevail GR.

So what happened to your "common ground" pledge above? Gone with the (passed) wind? :lol:

I fail to get what you are missing here GR??Common ground has to mean an agreement in which two parties find a path through the obstacle with which they are faced....If you are referring to the problem it self then that has been discussed a thousand times as what is it that you do not understand??
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:36 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:YES General VP;

How do you ever expect us to get voted in when 80% of the population are GC racists with an axe to grind..we havent go a chance in hell.

VP is calling all the GC's in Cyprus a Racist.

So come on all you decent peace loving TC's, where are your condemnation of VP's racist remarks.

MR-from-NG, Iceman, Halil, Zan....where are you??....We can't hear you...!!!

Everything comes to those that wait Kiks.....See above post :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you burn your tongue a lot???

I'll put Zan down as a "NO", as in, NO he will not condemn VP's Racist remarks.

It does not mean Zan agrees with VP's Racist remarks, but it also means, that he does not disapprove VP's Racist remarks.

I let others pass judgement on you Zan.

Now where the hell are Halil, Iceman and MR-from-NG.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:18 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Otherwise my invite to come settle in the TRNC is still open ther eis nothing stopping you but your own fears and concerns, there are 10.000 Brits who live in the TRNC and they have no problems why should you?

VP, I know you will not answer me, but I still need to ask for clarification from you. This 10,000 Brits number that you wrote has been bothering me all day long, because knowing you the way I do, you are less than honest and full of half truths. Having 10,000 Brits living in the "TRNC" is meant to add a touch of international acceptance of the "TRNC", and to give others a little bit of advertisement to come and buy cheap GC property to put as many "speed bumps" in the road leading to any peace talks.

Now, can you tell me how many of these 10,000 Brits are non Turkish speaking Cypriots.?? For example, you are a Brit, and your children, and perhaps even your wife. Then your parents, if they are living in the "TRNC". So, that is already 7 Brits from one family, not to mention if you have other Brothers and Sisters, and their children. Do you see where I'm getting at. Are you just counting Brits as in who ever is holding a British Passport, or only those that does not include British TC's. I have few family members in the "TRNC" who are also British Citizens. So once again, can you give us a number of Brits living n the "TRNC", that does not include any British TC's.

Can any other TC answer my above question please, because waiting for VP to answer it, it's like waiting for a
"Virgin to initiate Sex".!!!

Halil, what does your Bayrak says. Give us some meaningful information for a change will you.!!
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Postby zan » Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:YES General VP;

How do you ever expect us to get voted in when 80% of the population are GC racists with an axe to grind..we havent go a chance in hell.

VP is calling all the GC's in Cyprus a Racist.

So come on all you decent peace loving TC's, where are your condemnation of VP's racist remarks.

MR-from-NG, Iceman, Halil, Zan....where are you??....We can't hear you...!!!

Everything comes to those that wait Kiks.....See above post :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you burn your tongue a lot???

I'll put Zan down as a "NO", as in, NO he will not condemn VP's Racist remarks.

It does not mean Zan agrees with VP's Racist remarks, but it also means, that he does not disapprove VP's Racist remarks.

I let others pass judgement on you Zan.

Now where the hell are Halil, Iceman and MR-from-NG.

Did you miss VPs explanation or are you going to carry on in your usual clumsy way? Do you deny the fact that GCs will tend to vote for themselves, in general, or not.
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Postby 74LB » Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:57 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:YES General VP;

How do you ever expect us to get voted in when 80% of the population are GC racists with an axe to grind..we havent go a chance in hell.

VP is calling all the GC's in Cyprus a Racist.

So come on all you decent peace loving TC's, where are your condemnation of VP's racist remarks.

MR-from-NG, Iceman, Halil, Zan....where are you??....We can't hear you...!!!

Everything comes to those that wait Kiks.....See above post :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you burn your tongue a lot???

I'll put Zan down as a "NO", as in, NO he will not condemn VP's Racist remarks.

It does not mean Zan agrees with VP's Racist remarks, but it also means, that he does not disapprove VP's Racist remarks.

I let others pass judgement on you Zan.

Now where the hell are Halil, Iceman and MR-from-NG.

Did you miss VPs explanation or are you going to carry on in your usual clumsy way? Do you deny the fact that GCs will tend to vote for themselves, in general, or not.

IMO it will take many many years after a settlement for people from either the TC or GC community to vote 'outside their community' - this is why whilst everyone supports democracy, 'one man one vote' in its simplest term is looked upon with suspicion by TC's.
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Postby 74LB » Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote: Otherwise my invite to come settle in the TRNC is still open ther eis nothing stopping you but your own fears and concerns, there are 10.000 Brits who live in the TRNC and they have no problems why should you?

VP, I know you will not answer me, but I still need to ask for clarification from you. This 10,000 Brits number that you wrote has been bothering me all day long, because knowing you the way I do, you are less than honest and full of half truths. Having 10,000 Brits living in the "TRNC" is meant to add a touch of international acceptance of the "TRNC", and to give others a little bit of advertisement to come and buy cheap GC property to put as many "speed bumps" in the road leading to any peace talks.

Now, can you tell me how many of these 10,000 Brits are non Turkish speaking Cypriots.?? For example, you are a Brit, and your children, and perhaps even your wife. Then your parents, if they are living in the "TRNC". So, that is already 7 Brits from one family, not to mention if you have other Brothers and Sisters, and their children. Do you see where I'm getting at. Are you just counting Brits as in who ever is holding a British Passport, or only those that does not include British TC's. I have few family members in the "TRNC" who are also British Citizens. So once again, can you give us a number of Brits living n the "TRNC", that does not include any British TC's.

Can any other TC answer my above question please, because waiting for VP to answer it, it's like waiting for a
"Virgin to initiate Sex".!!!

Halil, what does your Bayrak says. Give us some meaningful information for a change will you.!!

Kikapu, the results of the last census are available online........

click on the first item, then from page 8 onwards in the PDF
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