Let's number down the reasons:
1)the occupied area is just that an occupied area where my rights as a GC are in practice violated and reduced to just the rights of a tourist.
2)The visa they will issue me says I cannot work anywhere.
3)There is no way I will get equal citizen rights (only tourist/visitor/money spender rights
4)Even if they give me residence permit, that will be an exception to the rule, I will have to ask for permit for everything, to operate a church, to open a bussiness like a restaurant or hotel, etc etc. A GC enclaved living in Karpaz area got a licence from the local settler muhtar to open a restaurant in partnership with a British. When the reastaurant finished and the man spent his lifetime savings the local settler muhtar said "I changed my mind your license is canceled". This is the treatment I would expect
5)I will have to suffer 24 hours a day the feeling of shame staring day in day out the stealing and exploitation of GC properties not only by TCs but by settlers, and crooky foreigners British, Israelis etc. In case I would be living in my own village/town I would suffer this trauma even staring at my own parental home and lands been teared off by all those hyenas
6)Who governs the place is not important for my everyday life. But if the one who governs it deprives me almost all the rights I would otherwise have considered for granted in any other EU country that is really a problem. And this is exactly how my life would be in the occupied.
7)What reason would I have to go living in the occupied? Assuming the reason is a) sentimental i.e to live in my childhood village the psychological shame I would feel everyday would strike out any pleasant feeling Assuming the reason is b) to have a better life that what I already have in the areas controlled by the Republic:The answer is obvious, my life there will be degraded in all aspects be it social, economic, freedom.

As for my safety, just forget it.
9)Access to everyday consumer and entertainment outlets like Orphanides, Alpha Mega, Ikea, Starbacks will be gone unless I have to undergo daily humiliations and exhuberant spendings at the so called border stations the occupied regime has set to boast for its existence.
10)I will have to watch the thousands of red flags flying even on toilets. Man is there a place you haven't thought of flying flags in the occupied?
If I will be living at the foot of the mountain I would have to suffer the blinking of the idiotic las vegas flag on the mountain.
1001. I will be a lonely person, an outsider, a foreigner in my own country, in my own village, in my own hometown.