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Are Cypriots following what's happening in Burma/Myanmar?

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Are Cypriots following what's happening in Burma/Myanmar?

Postby Mills Chapman » Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:51 am

It's pretty awful what's going on at the moment. The army is shooting bullets at people in the streets, regardless of whether they are part of the protestors or not. It sounds a lot like Tiananmen Square massacre in '89.

My heart goes out to all of the Burmese at the moment. If China cut off its purchasing of Burmese gems and wood, the Burmese military junta would collapse. Thailand, to a certain degree, has been guilty of upholding the Burmese economy under this junta. If Burma's neighbors implemented a full trade ban and enforced it, the junta would be gone.

The junta is pure evil. My first evil emoticon on Cyprus forum :evil:
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Postby twinkle » Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:09 am

They shot a Japanese photographer :shock:
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Postby Mills Chapman » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:17 am

twinkle wrote:They shot a Japanese photographer :shock:

Yup, he has now died according to the Japanese embassy. This was him lying on the ground in front of the soldier.


As an American, I sadly wish this was the country that we had pre-emptively invaded and not Iraq. There is much more cause here. There is no inner split between two rival groups (such as the Sunnis and Shiites), and the country is practically 100% Buddhist and would not be turning themselves into walking suicide bombs. China, a big economic supporter of Burma (and who just blocked the UN from condemning the actions by Burma's govt) would not intervene against the US because the whole world knows that Burma's govt is in the wrong, and China is trying to clean its own image right now for the olympics next year in Beijing. Thus, China would sit still if the US invaded.

So frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That govt is the pits.

A great book to read, especially for anyone who is interested in George Orwell's books, is Finding George Orwell in Burma. Orwell is justifiably seen as a prophet by the Burmese because Animal Farm, which he wrote in either the late 40s or early 50s, happed to inadvertently describe Burmese politics until 1988, and his 1984 has described Burmese politics since 1988. :cry:
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Postby phoenix » Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:52 am

External interventions aren't always the solution they claim to be. The US's record on solving problems in this way is particularly poor.

However we should use this opportunity to improve the outrageous Human Rights abuses that the Junta has been conducting over so many years.

Pressure regarding the Olympic games may be possible although they should not be used as a political vehicle.

Continued media pressure must surely help . . Well done Mills for reminding us!
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Postby tessintrnc » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:00 am

Ah, but there is no oil in Burma (or Rwanda), whose massacres were also ignored by the worlds superheros!!!! How do you know how the Burmese would react to an invasion? And don't forget the soldiers are quite likely Buddist too - they don't mind shooting fellow Buddist Monks do they?
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Postby twinkle » Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:53 pm

I always thought it was odd when China was given the 2008 Olympics. What with the human rights record.... Strangel, very strange!
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Postby Southerner » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:20 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Ah, but there is no oil in Burma (or RwandaTess

Realy? I've got photos of destroyed oil tanks during the Japanese invasion; with 'Burma Oil' painted on them, that is what the Japs were after in Burma.
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:34 am

The military government has just cut off all internet access. Only God knows what is happening there know. They are the Buddhist Taliban of S E Asia, except they have no respect for there own monks. When the Talibans destroyed the image of Budha this military gov of Burma destroyed several of the oldest mosques in there country and had pogroms against muslims. The military gov has gone out of its way to systematicly try to rid its nation of Christians and Muslims.
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Postby Mills Chapman » Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:41 am

This issue has been on my mind all day today. It's heartening to read the lively discussion and to know that others care. I just feel frustrated that it's now 2007, 18 years after the Tiananmen Square mess, and not much has changed in being able to effectively help a populace dealing with a ruthless regime. At least it worked in Romania in '89.
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Postby humanist » Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:21 am

Money can buy anything including the Olympics.

It is revolting to think they are sending healthy individuals to a place where you cannot see beyond your nose from bloomin pollution.
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