Get Real! wrote:Filitsa wrote:What do you think he meant by this?
That depends on what you’re looking for.
CopperLine wrote:Here are a couple of links to commentaries about this : ... _frie.html ... _here.html
Not only is sexuality is a human right, differences in sexuality are continually changing in human society. Ahmadinejad is in denial about both of these matters. His agenda is both to terrorise and discipline sexuality and sexual expression in Iran and to reassert Iran's successful resistance against the alleged depravity and degeneracy of the West where 'sexual perversions' are encouraged and tolerated (he would have us believe). Meanwhile his regime is beating and torturing those who express any kind of dissent, whether this be sexual, political, labour, cultural or religious.
Anybody bothered by human rights abuse in Iran might start by lending their support to the freeing of Mahmoud Salehi, leader of the Bakery
CopperLine wrote:Anybody bothered by human rights abuse in Iran might start by lending their support to the freeing of Mahmoud Salehi, leader of the Bakery Workers' Union in Iran
Get Real! wrote:CopperLine wrote:Anybody bothered by human rights abuse in Iran might start by lending their support to the freeing of Mahmoud Salehi, leader of the Bakery Workers' Union in Iran
That's a pretty feeble human rights "campaign" you're embarking on here CopperLine while the US abducts, imprisons, and tortures hundreds of innocent people in Guantanamo. I don't know how that escaped you...
CopperLine wrote:Get Real,
The use of the death penalty in the US is a repeated and persistent human rights abuse. I campaign against that, I'd encourage you to do so as well. The US' use of 'extraordinary rendition' and the black hole of Guantanamo is a massive human rights abuse which is a stinking stain on the 'land of freedom'. I campaign for the closure of Guantanamo and against extraordinary rendition, I encourage you to do so as well. (Guantanamo "hadn't escaped" me as you put it. I was responding to the thread's subject of Iran and the abuse of gays in Iran. As it happens I have been actively involved in campaigns demanding the closure of Guantanamo since the day the then Camp X-Ray opened). That the US commits these horrors and more - invasions and coup d'etats included - and all of which demands our opposition and objections does not diminish the fact that the Ahmadinejad regime (and many others) are subjecting various peoples and groups to brutal repression. I campaign against that, I encourage you to do so also.
Get Real! wrote:CopperLine wrote:Anybody bothered by human rights abuse in Iran might start by lending their support to the freeing of Mahmoud Salehi, leader of the Bakery Workers' Union in Iran
That's a pretty feeble human rights "campaign" you're embarking on here CopperLine while the US abducts, imprisons, and tortures hundreds of innocent people in Guantanamo. I don't know how that escaped you...
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