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Iran Denies Homosexuals

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Postby Eliko » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:02 pm

miltiades wrote:Are you out of your mind , do you honestly expect respectable civilized wise men and women to show respect to these abhorren dictators ??

Much as I dislike the practice of selecting part of a member's statements, I feel justified in doing so in your case since it raises an interesting point.

Would you agree that, for as much as you condemn the regimes of other nations, they are as entitled to condemn yours?.

How do you suppose the citizens of Iraq feel about Blair and Bush?.

A little 'Food for thought' for an intelligent person, wouldn't you say?. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:06 pm

miltiades wrote:[quote
miltiades, you distress me by responding once again in your usual manner, I did hope that you would see some sense in what I wrote, you are obviously incapable of doing so.

You just HAD to end with an attack on my 'MIND', you completely missed the point once again BUT, you nearly made it to the end mate, there is hope for you yet. :wink:

Eliko , do you know how many times you repeated the same thing over and over again : "I did hope that you would see some sense in what I wrote, you are obviously incapable of doing so."" and "you completely missed the point once again BUT, you nearly made it to the end mate, there is hope for you yet. :wink:[/quote] ""
Are you by any chance one of those millions that benefited from the generous education provided by Fidel , if so I can understand what a waste it was , in my humble opinion of course Eliko !

Tell me about Mugabe please Eliko , you seem to understand his type more than anyone !!!![/quote]

For God's sake, READ the posts miltiades, you are a joke mate. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eric dayi » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:07 pm

Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:Are you out of your mind , do you honestly expect respectable civilized wise men and women to show respect to these abhorren dictators ??

Much as I dislike the practice of selecting part of a member's statements, I feel justified in doing so in your case since it raises an interesting point.

Would you agree that, for as much as you condemn the regimes of other nations, they are as entitled to condemn yours?.

How do you suppose the citizens of Iraq feel about Blair and Bush?.

A little 'Food for thought' for an intelligent person, wouldn't you say?. :wink:

Do you mean like the murdering EOKA terrorist scums Makarios, Sompson, Grivas and TPaps? You are too damn right I condemn all of them.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:09 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:Are you out of your mind , do you honestly expect respectable civilized wise men and women to show respect to these abhorren dictators ??

Much as I dislike the practice of selecting part of a member's statements, I feel justified in doing so in your case since it raises an interesting point.

Would you agree that, for as much as you condemn the regimes of other nations, they are as entitled to condemn yours?.

How do you suppose the citizens of Iraq feel about Blair and Bush?.

A little 'Food for thought' for an intelligent person, wouldn't you say?. :wink:

Do you mean like the murdering EOKA terrorist scums Makarios, Sompson, Grivas and TPaps? You are too damn right I condemn all of them.

The Clown has spoken !! Or was it the Plonker !!
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:10 pm

The difference between you and I, we've already established, is that I actually do research whereas you just Google. I could provide you with many links though since I don't actually believe that you read the links I provide (and if you do you simply say that you don't have the same 'opinion') I can't see why I should waste my time.

Militiades, as any fool knows GDP per capita is NOT a measure of quality of life; GDP per capita is an average which, of necessity, masks the range of inequality; GDP per capita says nothing about purchasing power.

How many thousands upon thousands more escape the paradise island of Great Britain despite having a much higher GDP per capita than Cuba ? There are a whole host of reasons why people leave their countries, what are the reasons, Militiades, for leaving Cuba ? Give us an answer to that - not your wild speculations but some researched evidence.
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Postby Eliko » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:26 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:Are you out of your mind , do you honestly expect respectable civilized wise men and women to show respect to these abhorren dictators ??

Much as I dislike the practice of selecting part of a member's statements, I feel justified in doing so in your case since it raises an interesting point.

Would you agree that, for as much as you condemn the regimes of other nations, they are as entitled to condemn yours?.

How do you suppose the citizens of Iraq feel about Blair and Bush?.

A little 'Food for thought' for an intelligent person, wouldn't you say?. :wink:

Do you mean like the murdering EOKA terrorist scums Makarios, Sompson, Grivas and TPaps? You are too damn right I condemn all of them.

Eric dayi, you illustrate the point I made admirably.

For as many who are in condemnation of those you mention, there are those who would oppose you, each are entitled to their opinion.

To the victor go the spoils, the loser becomes the villain of the piece.

Without knowing the TRUTH behind the actions (mostly politically motivated, therefore obscure) the ordinary folk, such as we are, can only assess the situations on what we are TOLD (by the media and politicians) and since we know, or should know, that they are capable of lying to us every step of the way, how are we to determine the real causes of any conflict?. :roll:
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:35 pm


Here's a link to a brief overview, written by an American, of Cuba's medical and health training programmes :

Or an article from USAToday, no friend of Cuba,

Tell me if and when you've read these and I'll send you more links.

On your comments on people 'escaping the island paradise', a few figures are in order. Somewhere around 900,000 people have left Cuba legally since c. 1959, by far the majority to other Latin American countries. In absolute terms and in proportionate terms (to the country's total population) this is on the low side compared to other Caribbean and LA countries over the same period. Remember this is legal emmigration (not escaping as you suggested).

There were something just short of 100,000 so-called 'illegal' attempts at emigration between the mid 1980s and the late 1990s. You'll be aware, I'm sure Miltiades, that it was the US which refused to take those Cubans 'illegally' escaping the dictatorship for the United States, and then it was the US which concluded an agreement with Cuba to return these 'illegal' emigrants. So actually when you compare Cuban emigration, not least to the US, it is not really much different, though generally lower, from its neighbours.
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Postby Filitsa » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:Image
What a pity so many foolish people, Filitsa included, saw fit to take this one naive statement about homosexuality made by Ahmadinejad with which to fill the media with TRIVIAL RUBBISH giving the US media the "perfect" excuse to ignore EVERYTHING else Ahmadinejad said of substance.

How is it that you know so much about Filitsa, Get Real!? :) Filitsa is not included because Filitsa did not choose to "ignore EVERYTHING else Ahmadinejad said of substance." Nevertheless, this thread is not about Ahmadinejad. It is about the media manipulating his word choice (at least that's what it started out to be). I now know something more about Get Real! He has reading comprehension issues specific to intuiting meaning. :(
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Postby Southerner » Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:55 pm

Get Real! wrote:Image
What a pity so many foolish people, Filitsa included, saw fit to take this one naive statement about homosexuality made by Ahmadinejad with which to fill the media with TRIVIAL RUBBISH giving the US media the "perfect" excuse to ignore EVERYTHING else Ahmadinejad said of substance.

And that is where you display the Achilles of your limited logic, just to suit you point of view you think you have the right to judge what is naive and what is substance.
There is no naivety about the statement it is a veiled way of saying Iran is intolerant of homosexuals; which is born out by the executions of such people.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:04 pm

Copperline wrote:
""""How many thousands upon thousands more escape the paradise island of Great Britain despite having a much higher GDP per capita than Cuba ? There are a whole host of reasons why people leave their countries, what are the reasons, Militiades, for leaving Cuba ? Give us an answer to that - not your wild speculations but some researched evidence. """
Since you do so much research it is a bloody shame that you have not researched the preferred method that the Brits use to "escape " from Britain . The reason the Cubans leave their country , on boats risking their lives is to escape from poverty , and yes since you mentioned it GDP SAYS A LOT ABOUT PURCHASING POWER .What is your definition of GDP per capita , I thought it meant available , AVERAGE , income per head of population , I though it was indicative of a nations prosperity , obviously for an old accountant I was wrong. Here it is from the the horses mouth.GDP Per Capita has no bearing what so ever on purchasing power !!!!! Furthermore , the boat people escaping from Fidel's Cuba are no different from the Brits who emigrate to Sweet Sunny Cyprus . I'm Stunned .
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