humanist wrote:Where's Birk I haven't seen him post for a couple of nights, hope all is well.
I think he has "a life" Humanist and not be on the forum all the time.

CopperLine wrote:Miltiades,The " kind of nonsense " that as you say I posted are the mutterings of the Al Qaeda leadership and the doctrine by which all disciples of this sick " organization " subscribe to .
So the 'mutterings' - your word - of an al-Qaeda leadership are the grounds for locking up and torturing people for whom NO CONNECTION with al-Qaeda has been established or even identified.
And your example of finding evidence is 'Go to Google and do a search on Al Qaeda' I can't even begin to list what is wrong with thinking that Googling is the equivalent to fiding evidence ! I am gobsmacked that you even suggest this is a credible way of proceeding.
Incidentally why were you Googling al-qaeda when our subject had become Guantanamo. Let me think ... you assumed that there was a connection between the two. Should I likewise assume that you are a dangerous idiot or would you want me to consider evidence before I came to a judgement about you ?
miltiades wrote:
As usual Eliko , your humble opinion is merely that !!
Your mates , the Mahdi Army , must be proud of you but I'm NOT. You are seriously disturbed , but do me a favour please , why the hell do you constantly include your self as part of the West , you are nothing of the sort , you are an Al Qaeda sympathiser , you support the gruesome murders by the savages of Iraq , if you are part of the West then I'm a martian so cut the crap out Eliko you are fooling no one.
Eliko wrote:miltiades, you again respond in your usual ignorant manner when confronted by something you either do not or will not try to understand, I really think you could gain something if you took the time to READ and THINK about a subject before condemning it.
As to your 'Manifesto', I wonder if you even took the time to read THAT, if you did (and thought about it) you will discover that there is a lot of TRUTH contained in it according to the followers if Islam (which I am not).
The main difference between YOU and those you oppose and insult, is that WE have the capacity to see things from the other persons point of view, unfortunately you do not have that capability and thus are restricted when it comes to an intelligent debate on ANY subject.
I would strongly advise you to spend a little time considering the opinions of others before publishing your 'All Too Familiar' responses, you are only creating the impression that you are an old fool, THAT Sir, is a shameful characteristic for a man of your age.
In my humble opinion.
Eliko wrote:Eric dayi, I suspect our friend Martianides miltiades has gone to ground, who knows, he might even be taking the advice of those among us who have offered it and READ something.
Certainly it would be refreshing to receive some intelligent comments from him, one can only hope.
In my humble opinion.
miltiades wrote:Go to Google and do a search on Al Qaeda , as easy as that !!
Yes I have read links you provided , opinions I dont share .
The " kind of nonsense " that as you say I posted are the mutterings of the Al Qaeda leadership and the doctrine by which all disciples of this sick " organization " subscribe to .
Here is a link that will lead you to enlightenment I hope !
Here is another link that might also help you understand "What happened to the UK , or rather what WILL happen to the UK .
humanist wrote:Where's Birk I haven't seen him post for a couple of nights, hope all is well.
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