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Iran Denies Homosexuals

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Postby Eliko » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:49 pm

miltiades, be a good boy and go to sleep. :wink:
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Postby CopperLine » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:53 pm

It seems that you didn't look at the links I provided.

How do you and I , know that the SS murdered millions , how do you and I know that the 9/11 bombers were mostly from S.Arabia, how do you and I know that the July 7th Bombers were Jihadis , how do you and I know that day follows night.

These weren't my questions, so they're unlikely to provide any answers to the issue at hand, Guantanamo ! (You presume too much : I doubt very much that the reasons you give for 'knowing' these things are the same as mine)

You tell me mate one thing , how the hell did these individuals get to be incarcerated
How about getting up off your lazy prejudices and taking a look at the websites I gave you links to.

did they really go out of their way to gather up totaly innocent people and imprison them
In your sarcasm you don't know how frighteningly close you are to describing exactly what happened.

I don't subscribe to these nonsense constantly regurgitated by naive liberals
Maybe not, but it looks like you subscribe instead to vigilantism and kangaroo courts. [For the record, I'm not a liberal, naive or otherwise]

PS. ...what did happen in the UK ?
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Postby miltiades » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:54 pm

I wonder what you , GR , would do if you had the power to achieve anything you set your mind to. I'm certain that you would eliminate the USA along with most Western countries , not forgetting Turkey and Israel of course , and may be you would install Iran as the number one World superpower , but for some one such as you who reads selectively not eclectically , such a scenario can only become a reality in your dreams. You are , along with Eliko and a few others a western world hater. As for the diabolic Patriot act , if you are referring to my old chum Benson , the answer is NO , I have not read it !!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:57 pm

miltiades wrote:I wonder what you , GR , would do if you had the power to achieve anything you set your mind to.

I'd give you wisdom followed by a box of tissues and watch you weep.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:03 am

miltiades, you are certainly a 'One Off' person, how can you voice an opinion in condemnation of something of which you have no knowledge?, is that not a certain formula for ignorance Sir?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby CopperLine » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:06 am


And another thing,

dangerous bloody fanatics and they ARE LEGALY HELD because the USA says so !!

Would that be "legally held" in defiance of every piece of pertinent international law ? Would that be "legally held" so that the US would choose Guantanamo precisely because of its legal limbo status ? Would that be "legally held" so that secret and illegal rendition flights from around the world were necessary to get detainees to Guantanamo in the first place ? Would that be "legally held" so that even the military commissions (trials) have been declared illegal on a number of occasions by both US military authorities and US civil courts ? Would that be "legally held" where even the military appointed lawyers resign because even they say it is a travesty of law ? Would that be "legally held" where the medical authorities across the world, including the US, have condemned the medics working at Guanatanamo for carrying out torture ? Would that be "legally held" when almost every decision has been challenged at every level of court in the US ? Would that be "legally held" where the Bush administration has had to re-submit new legislation in a vain effort to make the illegalities of the past 'legal' ? Would that be "legally held" when just about every senior figure even from the current administration has called for the closure of Guantanamo ?

Or maybe you've got a different idea of what "legally held" means ?

I sincerely hope that you are never "legally held" in one of your "legally held" ways.

Please, Miltiades, just take a look at those web links. It is not asking much.
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Postby Kifeas » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:30 am

miltiades wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Militiades,
I was a bit confused as to what you were saying in your post - were you saying that those imprisoned in Guantanamo were "the sworn enemies of the civilized world" ?

Why confused ??
What I clearly said was that those imprisoned in Guantanamo are the sworn enemies of civilization .They are decibels of Bin Laden and all that he and his henchmen stand for. Sanctity of life is a virtue held at high esteem by all civilized people and so it should be , this after all is what separates men from beasts.
Just in case you have not read any of my posts let me enlighten you on where I stand.
Life is precious , unique since we only have one . Those prepared to take life , innocent life and die themselves too in doing so are nothing more than pure savages. Examples are seen daily in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I detest all those who commit premeditated murders against innocent civilians , their actions are obscene , uncivilized and barbaric.

It is a fundamental human right that no one should be kept imprisoned for whatever purpose, without being offered a fair trial by a competent and independed court and on the basis of specific legitimate and known charges! Such is not the case of those kept imprisoned by Americans in Guantanamo, and this constitutes a violation of human rights!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:50 am

Kifeas wrote:
miltiades wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Militiades,
I was a bit confused as to what you were saying in your post - were you saying that those imprisoned in Guantanamo were "the sworn enemies of the civilized world" ?

Why confused ??
What I clearly said was that those imprisoned in Guantanamo are the sworn enemies of civilization .They are decibels of Bin Laden and all that he and his henchmen stand for. Sanctity of life is a virtue held at high esteem by all civilized people and so it should be , this after all is what separates men from beasts.
Just in case you have not read any of my posts let me enlighten you on where I stand.
Life is precious , unique since we only have one . Those prepared to take life , innocent life and die themselves too in doing so are nothing more than pure savages. Examples are seen daily in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I detest all those who commit premeditated murders against innocent civilians , their actions are obscene , uncivilized and barbaric.

It is a fundamental human right that no one should be kept imprisoned for whatever purpose, without being offered a fair trial by a competent and independed court and on the basis of specific legitimate and known charges! Such is not the case of those kept imprisoned by Americans in Guantanamo, and this constitutes a violation of human rights!

It is also a profoundly fundamental human right that no one should be butchered quite deliberately by a bunch of sick perverts , no one should be afraid to express views in case some sick bastards find them offensive and demand the right to slit their throats. Freedom has a price tug , you are either willing to pay the price of freedom or you have yours deprived.
What do you say of the violation of the human rights of the 3600 innocent victims of 9/11 , they perished and had all their human rights terminated in the most gruesome manner.
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Postby oranos64 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:52 am

maybe they just sent them away or they swept them away .... he really meant ,,there is no voice for the homos in Iran ,they have no voice ,no rights ...and in his way ..they are not a problem ,...islam does not accept homo sexuals ... same way 100s were executed in AFGAN,iraq,saudi etc ... they just get beaten up ,..,killed etc ....
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Postby allanm » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:48 am

Come on what are you thinking of course Aran dos'nt have homosexuals, they just go by a different name, l can work this one out and l'm blonde,
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