cyprusgrump wrote:You forget tho... they are living in the Dark Ages... still.

Thanks for the back-up support, CyprusGrump.
Tulip, you and I may not be homosexual, but they do not physically bother us any more than unwanted heterosexual advances do, so why not let them have love too? Everyone's sense of morals may be different, so why not just stick to the golden rule? Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you. I would rather associate with some kind homosexual people that I know than with some heterosexuals whom I also know who are full of hatred towards blacks, Jews, homosexuals, etc.
Sorry for the editorial... I just thought my previous post of the mole video might have been too strong without a commentary. We never know when one of our own family members might be discriminated against... for a physical disability, a mental disorder, a fondness for haggis, etc.