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Iran Denies Homosexuals

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Postby Southerner » Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:45 pm

Filitsa wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Southerner, to conclude that Ahmadinejad supports the Nazis because he denies the Holocaust is a leap in logic. It's safer to say that he has his own agenda, and this alone is reason to pay him heed. Always read, but read critically.

Well what is his agenda, is he serious about the Holocaust? I'm not interested about what a supporter of Osama Bin-Liner (the word Bin again) has to say, i'ts a bit like saying listen to the garbage of Idi Amin, garbage belongs in a bin.
Who's the fool the one who spouts garbage or the one who listens to it and takes it in like a Bin.

"One man's garbage is another man's treasure." Always, read and listen with discernment, Southerner.

Anyone who treasures "The Holcaust never happend" needs their sanity questioning!
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:53 pm

Southerner, you appear to be missing my point. The knowledge that one acquires from reading discerningly is the true treasure. Do you read only that with which you agree, or do you read for knowledge and understanding?
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Postby Southerner » Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:31 pm

Filitsa wrote:Southerner, you appear to be missing my point. The knowledge that one acquires from reading discerningly is the true treasure. Do you read only that with which you agree, or do you read for knowledge and understanding?

I don't read anything written by people such as Ahmadinejad I have better things to do and read, the man is just enjoying his 5 minutes of infamy like all those before him.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:03 pm

Southerner wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Southerner, you appear to be missing my point. The knowledge that one acquires from reading discerningly is the true treasure. Do you read only that with which you agree, or do you read for knowledge and understanding?

I don't read anything written by people such as Ahmadinejad I have better things to do and read, the man is just enjoying his 5 minutes of infamy like all those before him.

Do you read anything written by G.Bush?
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Postby Southerner » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Southerner, you appear to be missing my point. The knowledge that one acquires from reading discerningly is the true treasure. Do you read only that with which you agree, or do you read for knowledge and understanding?

I don't read anything written by people such as Ahmadinejad I have better things to do and read, the man is just enjoying his 5 minutes of infamy like all those before him.

Do you read anything written by G.Bush?

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Postby Mills Chapman » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:17 am

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Postby Filitsa » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Southerner wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Southerner, you appear to be missing my point. The knowledge that one acquires from reading discerningly is the true treasure. Do you read only that with which you agree, or do you read for knowledge and understanding?

I don't read anything written by people such as Ahmadinejad I have better things to do and read, the man is just enjoying his 5 minutes of infamy like all those before him.

Do you read anything written by G.Bush?

Look who's cutting in on the act - the Dervish of Discernment! :lol:
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Postby BC Numismatics » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:33 am

tessintrnc wrote:Interment by the English during the troubles in Ireland was something that my Father was incensed about. He said "being an Irish Catholic means you're guilty regardless". No-one should be locked up for those amounts of time without due process of charges being brought, and then within a reasonable time, a FAIR and unbiased trial - whether in Ireland or Guantamano. I didn't agree or support the terrible IRA bombings, but neither did I support the awful, awful, things that happened to the Irish by the english either. Its being able to see both sides again, without blind rage and hatred.

Tess,I reckon that it was wrong to force Ian Paisley & the Democratic Unionist Party into sharing power with Sinn Fein/I.R.A.,as Sinn Fein/I.R.A. have been killing innocent people since 1916,&,yes,Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are still committing crimes,including killing people.Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are just as barbaric as the Nazis were.

Both Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness deserve the same treatment that faggots & lesbians get in Iran - the Saddam Hussein treatment!

Even being a faggot,a lesbian,or a 'transsexual' IS an abomination.It's stated clearly in the Books of Leviticus & Romans about the death penalty for homosexuality.

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Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:06 am

BC Numismatics wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:Interment by the English during the troubles in Ireland was something that my Father was incensed about. He said "being an Irish Catholic means you're guilty regardless". No-one should be locked up for those amounts of time without due process of charges being brought, and then within a reasonable time, a FAIR and unbiased trial - whether in Ireland or Guantamano. I didn't agree or support the terrible IRA bombings, but neither did I support the awful, awful, things that happened to the Irish by the english either. Its being able to see both sides again, without blind rage and hatred.

Tess,I reckon that it was wrong to force Ian Paisley & the Democratic Unionist Party into sharing power with Sinn Fein/I.R.A.,as Sinn Fein/I.R.A. have been killing innocent people since 1916,&,yes,Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are still committing crimes,including killing people.Sinn Fein/I.R.A. are just as barbaric as the Nazis were.

Both Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness deserve the same treatment that faggots & lesbians get in Iran - the Saddam Hussein treatment!

Even being a faggot,a lesbian,or a 'transsexual' IS an abomination.It's stated clearly in the Books of Leviticus & Romans about the death penalty for homosexuality.


BC , since Ian Paisley and the protestants living in IRELAND were so incensed by the Irish Catholics , did they , the Protestants , ever considered joining their motherland ?
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Postby BC Numismatics » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:12 am

Miltiades,in 1910,the territory of what is now the Republic of Ireland (a.k.a. the Romish rebel pirate state) had a Protestant population of 10%.Today,this is down to 2 or 3%.This is due to the ethnic cleansing of Sinn Fein/I.R.A.,who were aided & abetted by successive Irish governments.

If this isn't genocide,then what is it?

As to Ulster,that is where the Scots originally came from,not the Irish.

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