CopperLine wrote:Militiades,
The difference between you and I, we've already established, is that I actually do research whereas you just Google. I could provide you with many links though since I don't actually believe that you read the links I provide (and if you do you simply say that you don't have the same 'opinion') I can't see why I should waste my time.
Militiades, as any fool knows GDP per capita is NOT a measure of quality of life; GDP per capita is an average which, of necessity, masks the range of inequality; GDP per capita says nothing about purchasing power.
How many thousands upon thousands more escape the paradise island of Great Britain despite having a much higher GDP per capita than Cuba ? There are a whole host of reasons why people leave their countries, what are the reasons, Militiades, for leaving Cuba ? Give us an answer to that - not your wild speculations but some researched evidence.
Here's a little story.
When I was working in Germany, very shortly after the Berlin wall came down, the company's work picked up and our boss decided to hire some help from the old "East Germany" simply because they were a hell of a lot cheaper then West German workers. He didn't tell us what he was paying them but one day the two East Germans were standing around and when I asked them if they wanted to work they said "you earn more money than us so you do the work". So I said ok, let's talk about this.
I asked them what they earned and they gladly to prove their point told me that they were getting paid DM800 which was less then half of what we were getting. I said ok, let's compare what you pay back home to what we pay here in the West. Here's the list of what I can remember of that conversation.
My wages: DM 2000
Their wages: DM800
My rent for the house: DM900
Theirs: 30 (or 50 can't remember exactly)
Our heating costs: DM100
Theirs: Around 10-15
We compared a lot of other stuff that I can't remember the details of but it worked out in the end that after paying out everything and shopping money they had more money left over then what me and my colleague were left with.
So I suggested that one of them swaps his wages with mine I pay his bills and he pays my bills if he was so keen on earning that much money. That was the only time we had that conversation about who earned more than whom and after that they worked like donkey's. Guess what their answer was.

So it's not always about the GDP, it's also how much is left over after you have paid your usual bills. Some people here in the UK earn about £3-400 a week and still can't afford to go to the pub once a week never mind on a holiday because the rent on a house is about £250 a week alone. My next door neighbour pays £295 a week rent. 1 litre petrol is almost £1. Tax, tax and more tax and that's why most people choose to emigrate because they can't afford to live here any more.
Of course, £30,000 GDP sounds great but what's the use if the rent is more than half of that GDP?
If there was no NHS and people had to pay for medical treatment and/or no Governmental help with paying the rent, there would be millions of people looking for a better life elsewhere instead of just thousands.
But of course some people are incapable of thinking about these small little details.