miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:As far as I am aware, there was no such person as Jesus Christ in the days of Moses, he supposedly led them out of bondage but made the mistake of turning in the wrong direction and missed out on the oil-fields.
The Jews have never forgiven him for that mistake and have had their eyes on the fields ever since.
As to WW2 (and prior to it) if the Jews were the basic cause of it ( and I think they were) then every life lost in the conflict is attributable to them, kind of pales their own losses into insignificance when viewed from THAT angle don't you agree ?.
As to the claims they now make regarding their homeland, how can a race of people whose skin is as white as a snowball, insist that their origins are among the dusky inhabitants of the Middle East ?.
Surely they would be better placed up around Siberia, they wasn't even welcome there.
Finally, do you realize that I have now slipped off my fence ?, all down to the Jews.

Eliko you let something so poignant slip out !! You are a JEW HATER !!
That explains many of your views but it does nevertheless surprise me as to how high your anti Semitic tendencies are !
Still who am I to talk with my well posted views on savages !!
miltiades, in the light of recent events I have been taking an analytical look at the situation in the Middle East, you (particularly) are very well aware of the interest I have had in trying to determine just what the 'Root' of the conflicts are.
I have been severally insulted for my outspoken views on many occasions and have borne the brunt of such without complaint in the hope that I may satisfy my desire to discover the truth of the matter.
In the process of seeking the answers to my questions, one recurrent fact seems to immerge, that fact is, the involvement of the Jews.
Not that you would notice unless you really look for it, that is the clever and cunning part of any involvement for a very simple reason.
Most of the time we are all so concerned with how they were treated in days gone, that our natural goodness and sympathy clouds our better judgement and leaves us exposed to the well practised talent of the Jew,'Infiltration'.
Not that they are prepared to stand and fight for their principles, they prefer to encourage others to fight and die on behalf of them, leaning on the assurance that they have infiltrated the USA to such an extent that they can now almost control it.
The recent attempt of the Israeli's to starve into submission their latest firm opponent, is testament to just how merciless they are prepared to be in order to achieve their goals in the Middle East, which must be military superiority and political dominance.
Whatever you do, don't criticise the Jews, if you do, you will surely be accused of scurrility and branded a Jew hater (which you have now done) which is not quite true since I have not the capacity for hatred in me.
Only the Jews would be evil enough to crucify the only man who could redeem them, think about it.