[quote "FreeSpirit"=]What a pathetic way of crawling out of an answer, I have read this topic through, it is your pathetic remarks about attacking innocent people; yet you fail to condem the despot Saddam, it is a fact that the terrorists are for the most part from outside Iraq so aren't those people who supply them more guilty than the coalition as the terrorists for the most part target Iraqi civillians.
Also if this is a public forum I have a right to take part in a debate without being labled ignorant, if anything the ignorance is on your part for ignoring all the facts and just presenting a biased view.
The news doesn't begin and end with Iraq there are other issues going on in the world such as Kenya, the islamist Al Quaeda terrorists today holding 250 Muslim children hostage in a school in Pakistan.
Take off the blinkers.[/quote]
In case you are unaware of the fact, the poisonous gas used to exterminate, the weapons to destroy and the political will to execute, were all supplied or sanctioned by the US when Saddam was in favour.
Therefore, by your own submission, the US is responsible for those atrocities, OR, would you now like to pathetically crawl out ?, you have my full permission.
You do have the right to take part in any discussion, BUT, there is little point in introducing 'Spice Girls' into the midst of a sensible exchange and make judgements on another members contributions WITHOUT reading them, I would consider that gross ignorance, how say you ?.
Certainly the news does not begin and end with Iraq, BUT, had you taken the time to read through the topic before jumping in with your inane comments, you would have noticed that we were actually dedicating this particular thread to a certain point, that there has been a distinct lack of coverage regarding Iraq recently.
Israeli policies in Gaza also became relevant since the possibility of Israeli being at the source of the Middle East conflicts is open to debate.
Other than that, there is no interest in other regions presently, you are of course at liberty to open a new topic if you so desire.
If I may be so bold, perhaps 'The Spice Girls' and the many other pop idols and celebrities frequenting the RE-Hab clinics might be a suitable one to start with.
In my humble opinion.