Iraq, in common with many other Eastern/Middle Eastern countries has a large population, the majority of which have no real interest in politics since they are primarily concerned with the daily needs of their families ( and as they are culturally different to the West) their neighbours also.
As is common with most nations, politicians target the majorities since it ensures that they will gain control, in order to do so, they will make whatever promises necessary to secure favour with those who they rely on to elect them.
You, I, and most others among us realise that simple fact and have come to accept it as normal, we have even reached the point where we make jokes about our political leaders and (quite rightly) accuse them of being a law unto themselves since they lie to us and deceive us almost daily.
We proudly announce that we are a Democracy, we advise other nations to adopt the principles of Democracy, we (and I refer to the West) have unlawfully attacked an innocent nation, made it known to the entire world that such an action was the result of many falsehoods uttered by our leaders and slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians in the process.
The prospect of becoming a 'Democracy' somehow loses it's appeal when viewed through the eyes of those who are aware of it's potential to alter the system they are accustomed to, regardless of what we of the West may perceive that system to be.
To those who are NOT so aware, (the simple gullible people who merely wish for a peaceful life) promises are made, an election is 'Gerrymandered' and the nation is deemed to be a 'Democracy', all this taking place in the midst of a violent uprising to oust those who have foisted it upon them.
Thus the terms 'insurgent' and 'terrorist' become applicable to those who now resist the aggressor.
As to the 'Suicide Bomber', they are the ones whose actions are highlighted in order to disguise what is really taking place (has taken place) in Iraq, a handy tool for the furtherance of 'Democracy' since such actions as they do take is (of course) horrifying to all of we who are informed of it.
One significant point to consider is the fact that there were no such 'Suicide Bombers' PRIOR to the unlawful attack on Iraq, perhaps the Western leaders are thankful that THEY have created such monsters, it reduces OUR ability to show compassion for the sufferings of those who are now forced to live under the threat of a 'Democracy' which they quite obviously do not want.
In my humble opinion.