miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:Have you noticed that recently there has been a distinct shortage of news coverage from Iraq ?.
I think the idea is to create the impression that there is peace and stability in that beseiged land, a well practised ploy by our leaders (who like to keep us in the dark as far as TRUTH is concerned) whilst they are now probably feverishly negotiating with the 'alleged' enemies of freedom in an effort to extricate themselves from a hopeless situation.
No doubt we will soon be hearing of how successful the various measures taken by the aggressors have been, let us not be fooled by such statements, rather, let us consider the plight of the millions of displaced and thousands of dead and dying as a result of the unlawful attack upon the innocents of that nation.
Let us also remember the thousands of dead and injured young men who were 'TRICKED' into engaging with the 'conjured up' enemies at the whim of their (proven to be untruthful) leaders.
How sad to see the mutilated bodies of babies, of young children, of old and young men and women, ALL victims of indiscriminate slaughter perpetrated by both sides of the conflict, the purpose of which will ultimately make not the slightest difference to either those who fight or those who are embroiled in the fighting.
WHO, among all members, whatever their religious beliefs, can justify what has and IS taking place in Iraq today?, whoever says they can should be ashamed to call themselves human.
I have seen it, I have shared the grief of many and I feel ashamed, how about you?.
A 2005 Human Rights Watch report analysed the insurgency in Iraq and highlighted, "The groups that are most responsible for the abuse, namely al-Qaeda in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunna and the Islamic Army in Iraq, have all targeted civilians for abductions and executions. The first two groups have repeatedly boasted about massive car bombs and suicide bombs in mosques, markets, bus stations and other civilian areas. Such acts are war crimes and in some cases may constitute crimes against humanity, which are defined as serious crimes committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population
There is no dispute about what you have highlighted above, the post above it (to which you responded ) clearly states that the responsibility for indiscriminate slaughter lies with BOTH sides of the conflict.
What is debatable is the reason for such conflict, insurgency seems to be the word most bandied about in each report we receive, I wonder if the meaning of that word registers with those who read of it.
An 'insurgent' is a person who wishes to live under the rule of a different government or military force and is prepared to fight for the right to do so.
In the light of the atrocities commited by the U.S. initially and others subsequently, I cannot understand how you can blame them for their stance.
Their country has been unlawfully and murderously attacked under a false pretence (Proven Beyond Doubt), how then can we foist the responsibility upon those who are prepared to kill and die for the right to exist.
The fact that the West would prefer them to adopt our standards and embrace our system, does not give them the right to impose it regardless of their wishes.