miltiades wrote:Eliko , I'm sick and tired of all the nonsense emanating out of religion. The days have gone when the poor and oppressed had nothing other than religion to sustain them .Blasphemous is the continuation by the state in not resisting the onslaught of religion in our every day lives.
Imagine you being God Eliko and you had all these third worldies telling you how great you are every bloody day of the year wouldn't you get bored with so much repetition and send down a bloody tsunami or a couple of earthquakes just to to shut them up !!
miltiades, the thought has often occured to me that the Good Lord must indeed be very tolerant.
Can you imagine the ear-bashing he/she (political correctness demands) suffers from the continuous wailings of those who raise their voices in adoration, the smells that pervade the nostrils as a result of the burnt and other offerings, the constant supplications for spiritual guidance ?.
It is written, that before the Lord destroys any nation, He/She will make it mad first, I wonder that the Lord has not suffered the same fate (due to the foregoing).
The final reward for goodness is the promise of eternal life, I put it to you, "Can you imagine anything more frightful than such a prospect ?"
Keep that little secret under your hat miltiades lest everyone should dismiss piety, THEN, we would surely be in a fix, I'll warrant.