FreeSpirit wrote:Eliko wrote:FreeSpirit wrote:Very few of these people were actualy hurt during the coalition attacks the vast majority have been the victims of their own religious group, muslim terrorists.
That event was possibly THE most cowardly military attack ever perpetrated in the history of human conflict..

And your friend Saddam's attack on Kuwait, which regardles to what you thought of it was a sovereign state so out of bounds according to your thinking.
Where do we start naming all the places your hero Adolf Hitler invaded/attacked before and during WWII.
Or your other friends the Japs for their cowardly attack on Pearl Harbour, folowed by the way that they treat prisoners of war, which makes the US internment camp look like a tea party.
Saddam was never a friend of mine, his action in Kuwait was satisfactorily dealt with (or so it was generally thought at the time) and it is of no consequence now.
Similarly Adolf Hitler was not of my acquaintance, his actions are again of no consequence in the matters we are now addressing.
As to the Japanese and their attack on 'Pearl Harbour', cowardly though it may appear to be, it was at least an act which embraced the tenets of warfare and is therefore not a suitable comparison.
I do believe that there is much speculation that the Japanese action was a well thought out plan in order to furnish the U.S.A. with a suitable excuse to use the 'Atomic Weapon' OUTSIDE the usual testing areas, it did serve it's purpose in bringing to an end the war, others may disagree, I don't.
Incidentally, Emporer Hirohito was not of my acquaintance either, I do seem to remember that the chap was graciously received by 'Her Majesty' some time ago, much to the disapproval of many veterans that survived his horror camps, no problem though, what else would they expect, they are only people after all.
Your constant juvenile references to inconsequential matters serves little purpose in the arena of intelligent debate, I would strongly urge you to adhere to the matters under scrutiny lest you should expose your inadequacies more my friend.
Footnote:- I am sure the film 'Bridge over the river Kwai' is source of your knowledge of P.O.W. camps, malingerers didn't last long there matey.