Good morning miltiades, thank you for your new assessment of me, I have been thoroughly examined (by you) as far as my mental faculties are concerned, you have condemned my educational qualifications and you now shift your attention to my appearance.
On all three accounts your degree of accuracy is quite abysmal, in keeping with many other of your assessments.
I cannot agree with your contention that I am consumed by a massive amount of hatred for everything that is Western , nor can I accept that it is clear to every member on this forum that I am so consumed.
I take it that you base such assumptions on the fact that MY views are often opposed to YOURS, which is quite childish since we are supposedly in debate and therefore MUST present our views accordingly, if we do not,debate becomes pointless since we would all be in agreement.
You have no doubt read my two responses to Filitsa and Free Spirit respectively and no doubt drawn your latest conclusions from the content of those two.
I do apologize if you find them upsetting, they seem to be quite reasonable to me, particularly since they are sourced on considered possibility and actual fact (respectively).
If you are content to accept the information you are allowed to receive from those who have constantly lied to you in the past, that is entirely your choice, others, like myself, are more prone to THINK about what we are told, unfortunately it would appear that YOU are incapable of such a basic requirement in civilized debate, therefore an argument and nasty name -calling ensues (quite frequently in both yours and other cases).
I do NOT hate everything Western, I have NEVER stated that I do and it is a sad indictment of your own inability to understand what is written when you make such nonsensical assumptions.
Apart from all that, I think your great !, have a nice day and Best Wishes to you and your family.