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Beginning or the final phase of partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:14 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Zan, Birkibrisli did not ask you what osmosis or assimilation means but HOW it will would possibly occur.

And btw even the description you gave is not that of an assimilation. If I were to assimilate the Tcs I would make sure they are "ONE OF US"!!! In all respects including well being, economic, social status etc. The things you said are practices of oppression with the aim of extinction! Not assimilation.

And by the way assimilation as long as it is limited to social, economic, legal rights etc is a good thing. It means all people are of the same status. What we should never include in assimilation is language, education, culture, and religion. Because that would mean extinction of one community;s identity.

Those like Kiks and Bir will assimilate as you describe Pyro and will be celebrated like freaks once a year. The rest of us face what I described.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:22 pm

I have come to the conclusion that Zan is a racist.

Zan may you rot in Hell. You are a disgrace and you cant be a true cypriot. I hope that one day you lose you land and then you will know how we the GC's feel. Their is god and you will pay for your crime. I tell you what why do you and Talat lay on you back and get Gul to sit on your face so you can lick the Turk's arse.
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Postby zan » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:27 pm

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:I have come to the conclusion that Zan is a racist.

Zan may you rot in Hell. You are a disgrace and you cant be a true cypriot. I hope that one day you lose you land and then you will know how we the GC's feel. Their is god and you will pay for your crime. I tell you what why do you and Talat lay on you back and get Gul to sit on your face so you can lick the Turk's arse.

I did lose my land...I lost the entire island when I was chased out by murdering EOKA thugs and had to spend my life abroad. Your crimes cannot go unpunished either mate...Wake up and see what the hell happened and then you might actually understand where I am from. :roll: :roll: :roll:

OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:42 pm

zan wrote:OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

What really strikes me is that it’s a very well known fact that the TC community was extremely poor and with a very low literacy rate, in fact at the time the RoC had trouble finding secondary school educated Turkish Cypriots to fill up the 30% TC seats in the government, yet today most Turkish Cypriots in here claim to have had between 10 and 100 donums of land! :roll:

What is it with the Cyprus Forum and it only attracts membership from all these super rich Turkish Cypriots who seemingly owned like 90% of Cyprus? :lol:
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Postby zan » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

What really strikes me is that it’s a very well known fact that the TC community was extremely poor and with a very low literacy rate, in fact at the time the RoC had trouble finding secondary school educated Turkish Cypriots to fill up the 30% TC seats in the government, yet today most Turkish Cypriots in here claim to have had between 10 and 100 donums of land! :roll:

What is it with the Cyprus Forum and it only attracts membership from all these super rich Turkish Cypriots who seemingly owned like 90% of Cyprus? :lol:

I don't have to prove anything GR...the deeds are there for all to see when I claim my land, or rather...My fathers land. The land happens to be just part of what my Grandfather had and the rest was distributed with his other children.

I am not surprised by your comment though...You seem to find a lot of realities hard to take..... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Oh! By the way...the land is farming land and was not worth much then...It is worth even less now as to its position in the no go area....
Last edited by zan on Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:54 pm

zan wrote:
GeorgeV97qaue wrote:I have come to the conclusion that Zan is a racist.

Zan may you rot in Hell. You are a disgrace and you cant be a true cypriot. I hope that one day you lose you land and then you will know how we the GC's feel. Their is god and you will pay for your crime. I tell you what why do you and Talat lay on you back and get Gul to sit on your face so you can lick the Turk's arse.

I did lose my land...I lost the entire island when I was chased out by murdering EOKA thugs and had to spend my life abroad. Your crimes cannot go unpunished either mate...Wake up and see what the hell happened and then you might actually understand where I am from. :roll: :roll: :roll:

OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Zan I know the history thanks. I know we commited crimes against the TC's but dont sit there and say your commnity didnt kill any GC's. You had your own little groups as well. The only reason you were chased from your homes was due to you people siding with the british in the 50's. You helped them route out the the greeks fighting for independence because you thought the Brits would give you half the Island. You betrayed your country with what you did and EOKA made sure you paid for that. We the GC's dont want enosis with Greece. So your argument is not valid in this day and age.

So lets start living in the present and stop talking about the past we both commited crimes against each other. We are now both educated peoples and why should'nt we be able to live together. But I guess you like living in GC's houses that were stolen by the murdering army of turkey.
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Postby zan » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:00 pm

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:
zan wrote:
GeorgeV97qaue wrote:I have come to the conclusion that Zan is a racist.

Zan may you rot in Hell. You are a disgrace and you cant be a true cypriot. I hope that one day you lose you land and then you will know how we the GC's feel. Their is god and you will pay for your crime. I tell you what why do you and Talat lay on you back and get Gul to sit on your face so you can lick the Turk's arse.

I did lose my land...I lost the entire island when I was chased out by murdering EOKA thugs and had to spend my life abroad. Your crimes cannot go unpunished either mate...Wake up and see what the hell happened and then you might actually understand where I am from. :roll: :roll: :roll:

OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Zan I know the history thanks. I know we commited crimes against the TC's but dont sit there and say your commnity didnt kill any GC's. You had your own little groups as well. The only reason you were chased from your homes was due to you people siding with the british in the 50's. You helped them route out the the greeks fighting for independence because you thought the Brits would give you half the Island. You betrayed your country with what you did and EOKA made sure you paid for that. We the GC's dont want enosis with Greece. So your argument is not valid in this day and age.

So lets start living in the present and stop talking about the past we both commited crimes against each other. We are now both educated peoples and why should'nt we be able to live together. But I guess you like living in GC's houses that were stolen by the murdering army of turkey.

Of course you want to forget the past...Why wouldn't you...It gives you credit to speak to me and my people like that... :roll: You want me to pay but you are exempt. The rest is just rubbish mate and well you know it. How can you want ENOSIS when you already have it. How can you want recognition when you already have it..The thing you want is what we have and you had the chance with the Annan Plan if your EOKA thug of a president had negotiated for real. Sorry mate but I and thousands of TCs are not living in GC houses and never would up until the OXI on the Annan plan. Things have moved on since then and all that most can hope for is compensation....If the Tpap man lets them get on with it that is... :roll: :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:18 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:OH! And over forty donums that are in the border line!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

What really strikes me is that it’s a very well known fact that the TC community was extremely poor and with a very low literacy rate, in fact at the time the RoC had trouble finding secondary school educated Turkish Cypriots to fill up the 30% TC seats in the government, yet today most Turkish Cypriots in here claim to have had between 10 and 100 donums of land! :roll:

What is it with the Cyprus Forum and it only attracts membership from all these super rich Turkish Cypriots who seemingly owned like 90% of Cyprus? :lol:

I don't have to prove anything GR...the deeds are there for all to see when I claim my land, or rather...My fathers land. The land happens to be just part of what my Grandfather had and the rest was distributed with his other children.

I am not surprised by your comment though...You seem to find a lot of realities hard to take..... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Oh! By the way...the land is farming land and was not worth much then...It is worth even less now as to its position in the no go area....

One thing that I have established beyond any reasonable doubt is that the average Turkish Cypriot carries a very characteristic trait… overwhelming urge to LIE!

What do you make of this allegation Zan?
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:23 pm

Zan you are wrong. The annan plan was catered to suit the Turks. Turkey invades steals our land then you want us to accept a plan that would mean we give away land and then have to compensate our selves by raising taxes. Please think about it would you accept such a plan if it were put to you? So your saying not one TC lived in a GC's home until the plan. I doubt that but hey I dont know I never crossed the line because I refuse to give your regime one penny. You've had enough from my family like our home. So what was Denktash then a saint I guess. Lets call 20th July Saint Denktash day as he is a true cypriot who fought for peace and justice.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:25 pm

Forgot to say Zan do you deny you the TC's sided with the british in the 50's or is that been made up as well. You were the traitors and EOKA made you pay end of. You sweep all your crimes under the carpet and just keep going on about 60's.

Also can you please answer me this what intercommunal trouble was their in 1974?
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