Dayi wrote: It's no use having the "power" if you can't use it. You attempted genocide but you failed and this is a FACT.
Here’s the proof for exactly the opposite
Makarios interview to Orianna Falacci (You can search for it at the Cyprus conflict web site)
O.F.: So you too were expecting the coup.
M.: No. I never thought they'd be so stupid as to order a coup against me. In fact, to me it seemed impossible that they wouldn't consider its consequences. I mean Turkish intervention. At the most I thought they might do such a thing by making a deal with Turkey, that is, authorizing Turkey to intervene so that Greece could then respond, to be followed by partition and double enosis. I went on thinking so even after the coup, when I got to London. It took some time for me to realize that Ioannides had simply acted out of a lack of intelligence. And yet I knew him. In 1963 and 1964 he had been in Cyprus as an officer of the National Guard, and one fill day he came to see me, accompanied by Sampson, in order to Aexplain to me secretly a plan that would settle everything.@ He had bowed to me, he had kissed my hand most respectfully, then: "Beatitude, here's the plan. To attack the Turkish Cypriots suddenly, everywhere on the island. To eliminate them one and all. Stop." I was flabbergasted. I told him I couldn't agree with him, that I couldn't even conceive the idea of killing so many innocent people. He kissed my hand again and went away in a huff. I tell you, he's a criminal.
wrote: Stop your lies man, have you no shame. It was all for ENOSIS and the whole bloody world knows all about it.
You are the one who is constantly lieing. Some of the paramilitary groups were indeed for Enosis. Some were fighting your TMTs just to avert your plans for TAKSIM. Your TMT groups had also dual objective. Some were just defending. Some had taksim as the one and only purpose.
wrote: You can lie as much as you want about it but which ever way you look at it it all points to "osmosis" and "assimilation" into a Greek Cypriot society which you GCs prove daily.
Is this what the 8th July agreement says? If yes then tell Talat to show it to us. If not then stop lieing.
wrote: The only thing you "object" to is anyone flying the Turkish flag while at the same time having no objections to GCs flying the Greek flag in this forum or doing nothing to have them removed also?
I aleady said I object it, and so far the only one who flies the Greek flag as I remember is oranos who is a mainland Greek. I don’t see anyone of the frequent posters flying the Greek or Turkish flag. You are the ONLY exception.
wrote: If flags were not so "important" for your self image then why do you insist that I fly the "Cypriot flag", hmmmmm?
Show me where I said you should fly the Cypriot flag. The only thing I said is your avatar has the Turkish flag and since you proved you are a cypriot you shouldn’t have that flag as your avatar. This does not mean you have to use the cypriot flag. It means you should use something else. Hundreds of pictures on the internet you can use….
Here's an example