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Beginning or the final phase of partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Eric dayi » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:50 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:zan you are so right these people have sold out their own community and will lick arse for a few more brownie points little do they know they are regarded as GCs and are more dangerous than fanatics like Piratis, Kifeas, Sotos and few others, as they will lead try to trick TCs into oblivion emersed in GC ideology. Why dont these diaspora people stop hiding behind there computer screens and stop tell us what to do, these self proclaimed "Cypriots" are not more than GC clones and will worship their spit once it hits their face. They never argue the smallest of points in favor of TCs in fear that they will be ejected from the "Cypriot" pathetic and very dangerous. They deserve diaspora and will probably die there still trying to tell the real people who reside here that they should put their lives at risk while they watch from a distance. Does that give these people a buzz? If the south is so perfect why dont they just go live with other "Cypriots" and forget us.

Perhaps you haven't yet realised that Zan is in the too? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

As well as Eric, Mr=from-ng and the majority of TCs in here...

I wonder if this foreign born individual knows the meaning of diaspora !!!

I was born in Cyprus to Turkish Cypriot parents who also were of Turkish Cypriot parents and no one in my family was born outside of Cyprus. Luckily where I was born
is in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus so I can proudly say that I am a TRNC citizen. I was there when the murdering Greek Cypriot EOKA terrorist horde tried to genocide us TCs. The only reason why we are in the
diaspora is because your Greek Cypriot EOKA murdering swines tried to kill us and forced us off the island like they did thousands of other Turkish Cypriots.

Calling me a "foreigner" does not make me a "foreigner", but proves what a racist old twisted racist senile git you are.

So since you established you are not a foreigner, then stop flying the flag of a foreign country in your avatar.

If your next choice is an illegal flag, of an illegal state then go fly that in atca.

I would have flown the "Cypriot flag" with pride had you GCs not tried to genocide us TCs for your ENOSIS dream.

I would fly the "Cyrpiot flag" if you GCs did not try to force "osmosis" down our throats and turn us into second class citizens in our own country.

I would have flown the "Cypriot flag" had it not been for hypocrites like you who demand that I stop using the Turkish flag but has nothing against the so-called "Cypriots" flying the foreign Greek flag in this forum or all over the South Greek Cyprus.

I will fly the Turkish and the KKTC flag whenever and where ever I choose and not the one that you try to force on me under false pretences.
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Postby Eric dayi » Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:54 am

Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I was referring to people like Kikapolpolous and you in diaspora, this may even apply to zan but his viewpoint and understanding of his own community is very much in line with the reality of those who live here 24/7 unlike people like Kikappolousis who have only been back to the Gc state 63%of the island after 43 years, Im sure you can clearly see his GC arse licking views where he has not said 1 thing against GCs, even you as a GC have said negative things about the GC wrongs. Does being born here change anything? you have more say in what goes on the UK than me not becuase you were born there but live there all the time like I do in the TRNC.

I wonder what tempted you back to Cyprus mate !!! Kikapu said a few words once , I just wonder !!

As for me telling things as they are , you by now must know my views. I feel 100 % Cypriot and when I see that bloody foreigners Greeks and Turks deny me and all other Cypriots the right to OUR country it enrages me. This bloody island was here long before you and I came , this is the land of the Cypriots and prats like you and Eric the clown are denying that this is CYPRUS , you and him and even many more on the G/C side are of the opinion that this land is an extension of their respective "motherlands" NO SIR , IT IS THE LAND OF CYPRIOTS !

Perhaps it was the "land exchange" of the family's 100 Donums in the South, to be replaces with 100 Donums of GC land in the North.????

Why miss out on the "Bounty".???

The family still owns the 100 Donums in the South.!!!

What a kind of reminds me of an old joke where a prostitute is saying to herself "wow, I sell it over and over, and I still own it". :lol:

Good old kikapu, you can always trust him to know and tell you all about prostitution. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eric dayi » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:07 pm

Kikapu wrote:It's good to have VP back with all of his Conspiracy Theories

Here's something for you. I cant help but think how much you have in common with this Flag.

When I think of you, this flag comes to mind.

Here's kikapu doing his best for the CypProp. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:09 pm

zan wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
zan wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I was referring to people like Kikapolpolous and you in diaspora, this may even apply to zan but his viewpoint and understanding of his own community is very much in line with the reality of those who live here 24/7 unlike people like Kikappolousis who have only been back to the Gc state 63%of the island after 43 years, Im sure you can clearly see his GC arse licking views where he has not said 1 thing against GCs, even you as a GC have said negative things about the GC wrongs. Does being born here change anything? you have more say in what goes on the UK than me not becuase you were born there but live there all the time like I do in the TRNC.

Absolutely right VP....I echo what the TCs want for themselves in the TRNC/KKTC and not what the likes of Kikapu says they should have. I have contact with family and friends from Cyprus on a regular basis but Kiks has had one bit of contact with a cousin he hated from the very moment he set eyes on him/her again. I see myself as helping the TCs on the island get what they want and not tell them...That is the difference. Kiks does not listen to word they say and then takes the propaganda shit from Greek sources and uses them to back his weak argument up. When my poeple tell me to shut up then I will.

And what is it exactly that the Tcs want? And who told you they can ever have what they want on the expense of the Gcs?? Haven't the past 30+ years told you anything?

Man in case you can't see the Tcs are using stolen GC land, selling stolen GC property to foreigners, living in a so called state based on theft and ethnic cleansing of GCs, then you are blind. If you think the TCs can ever legalize that then you are also dreaming.

If we consider the other side of the coin i.e. what the Gcs might really want (and can't have either) then we can all get back to reality.

Then vote in a proper president and dissolve the illegal "RoC" and put things into perspective. There is not just one and only Greek perspective to the world you know....The two sided coin that you have been using has got you all fooled...And you ask us to look at both sides...We did until the AP and now we look out for ourselves...The "RoC" dose not seem to want to show any interest...We have grown up and have set up our own home. Good luck to you my cousins.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:15 pm


I always wondered what you looked like Eric Dayi, now I thanks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:22 pm

Eric dayi wrote:

I would have flown the "Cypriot flag" with pride had you GCs not tried to genocide us TCs for your ENOSIS dream.

I would fly the "Cyrpiot flag" if you GCs did not try to force "osmosis" down our throats and turn us into second class citizens in our own country.

I would have flown the "Cypriot flag" had it not been for hypocrites like you who demand that I stop using the Turkish flag but has nothing against the so-called "Cypriots" flying the foreign Greek flag in this forum or all over the South Greek Cyprus.

I will fly the Turkish and the KKTC flag whenever and where ever I choose and not the one that you try to force on me under false pretences.

1)Nobody tried to genocide you. The Gcs had the POWER to do it overnight if that's what they wanted. Do you deny this FACT or do you not? numbers speak for themselves.800 TCs dead within 14 years, 400 GCs dead. Less dead than those we are having every year in road accidents. It was intecommunal fighting among paramilitary groups.
2)The context in which the word "Osmosis" was once told by Papadopoulos was already discussed in this forum and has nothing to do with the nightmares you builted in your head, nor ith the fairy tales they fabricate and feed you in the occupied.
3a)I object the flying of the Greek flag anywhere in Cyprus and I consider the constitution which says the Greek and turkish flags can fly on non government buildings one of the many wrongs of the 1960 constitution.
3b)I tried to explain you why Miltiades calls you a "foreigner". verybody who flies either greek or turkish flag is more foreigner that local imo.
4)Obviously flags are very important for your self image,(as they are for others of course including GCs in this forum).
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:32 pm

zan wrote:
boomerang wrote:akritats, mashritas...who the hell cares...what you should care is about evolution....something you clearly missed out...look where the RoC was in 63, and then compare it to today...then compare the tcs from 63 and then compare it to today...what do you see?...this is the point that should not only concern you but scare the living daylights out of you...

Hey you insist on building a state on ethnic cleansing and then you wonder why no one takes you seriously...not only that you seemed to be proud about it...oh yeah you are boring...

70 million = turkey jerky...go ahead and keep on slamming the door to their sunny day you gonna wake up and your world will be turmed upside down...and by the same people handing you handouts...and then you gonna wonder...

Zan I amazed that you live in the UK, and you have no problem about your rights as a citizen...and then you are shit scare of the RoC...what gives mate...

The RoC will have the same standard as the UK within 3-5 years...and then what will be your excuse?

Give me a break Boomers :roll: The ethnic cleansing that was planned by the Akritas plan does not bother you and the formation of an illegal entity of the "RoC' does not bother you but you want me to just forget it and accept the false promises of such people. My right as a Cypriot is not catered for within the "RoC". It is as simple as that and no amount of fancy wrapping is going to change that. Put your house in order first before trying to sell it to others...I have worked in many flea ridden pits in my life but I have no wish to move in.

You are also making the same assumptions as the GR man did with his theory of evolution.....You assume the "RoC" will evolve and we will remain as we are....Have another look my friend....See the realities...TAKE A TRIP TO TURKEY AND THE TRNC/KKTC AND YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED AS TO WHAT IS HAPPENING...Turkey will and is moving forward at the fastest rate and we will go with her...Unless of course the "RoC" offers a better solution than she has done...We are still open for offers but in the mean time will be getting on with our lives. Thank you!!!!!

And here comes Zan who, whenever he talks of anything less than vague, talks nonsense. Show us where the Akritas plan talks of ethnic cleansing. :razz:

Zan's expected answer:"Go read it". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eric dayi » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:32 pm

Kikapu wrote:Image

I always wondered what you looked like Eric Dayi, now I thanks. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice try kikapu but you ain't getting away as easy as that. That is you selling your arse to the GCs as prostitution it's the best thing you know all about.
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Postby boomerang » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:33 pm

Zan have you ever and I mean ever heard me condone killing?...What you fail to uderstand there were killings against each and at each other...what a fucking waste of human life by these blow jobs...

Zan,you holding me responsible, denying access to my own home is no excuse...every one was under siege...The moment of truth, the straw that broke the camel's back was the coup....No doubt about that...We fought tooth and nail against the coup and won...We squshed not only your dormentors but ours as well...Looking back the tcs, they should have come out and fought with us and not backdoor us...We were fighting both of our demons...What further proof anyone needs than to see that the fight was for and against enosis...and the against won the fight...what does that tell you?

Zan you backdoored the wrong people mate...surely you can see this...You backdoored the same people that did not, and I mean did not want enosis and were against all killings...

To this day you deny these people the right to their homes and onlu deny you are actually selling them...

Zan fair is by simply backdooring the wrong people, proves to me indeed there was an someone...
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:38 pm

The same people that kept quite while TCs were discriminated and persecuted against, they kept quite for 11 years, these so called compatriots.
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