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Beginning or the final phase of partition?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:28 am

Re Kosovo, one more detail- it is the internatiolly accepted and enforced rule of the majority community that is being recognised.So if Cyprus is going the way of Kosovo it is the Greek Cypriots that would be in the role of the ALbanians there, taking over the whole island with guarantees for the minorities. Now Zan has been at pains to tel us that the Cyprus issue is not a question of minorities but of partnership, equal partnership. So does equality along the lines of the non Albanians in Kosovo suit you Zan? See how the devil is in the details?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:36 am

I don't think the TC's can take comfort in how things will develop in Kosovo. Greece and Cyprus has already raised their objections for an independent Kosovo, but the EU wants "one voice" from their 27 member club to back the independence of Kosovo. So what do you all think Cyprus will want from the EU, regarding the Cyprus situation, in order to give their support for that "one voice".

Keeping the isolation and non recognition of the "TRNC" by the EU comes to mind for starters.!!!
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Postby SN » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:05 pm

We cant actually be sure of the exact way this one voice will manifaste itself in Europe.Greece Bulgaria Spain and Cyprus are defenetelly against independence.Greece in particularly due to the strategic alliance it has with Serbia for decades cannot and will not ''betray'' her ''best pal''.
The Serbs on the other hand threatened unilateral attack if after 10/12 Kosovo declares independence.If Serbia's and Russia's voices are defied in this issue then maybe we could see a generalized tension in the Balkans.Namely Macedonia(due to the Albs) and even in Republika Srpska in Bosnia(due to the Serbs).
Anyhow Greece and Cyprus dont want this issue to be used by the TC as a precedent.But it may as well end up as a precedent.
My opinion as i have expressed it many times is that bsc of the stupidity notion of being Greeks or Turks then partition is a solution that must be taken under consideration.Even though reunification would be ideal if both sides were not so retarded as to think in ethnic terms.
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:19 pm

SN wrote:We cant actually be sure of the exact way this one voice will manifaste itself in Europe.Greece Bulgaria Spain and Cyprus are defenetelly against independence.Greece in particularly due to the strategic alliance it has with Serbia for decades cannot and will not ''betray'' her ''best pal''.
The Serbs on the other hand threatened unilateral attack if after 10/12 Kosovo declares independence.If Serbia's and Russia's voices are defied in this issue then maybe we could see a generalized tension in the Balkans.Namely Macedonia(due to the Albs) and even in Republika Srpska in Bosnia(due to the Serbs).

Do you think that Serbia is in a position to "attack" anyone after the last time?

Anyhow Greece and Cyprus dont want this issue to be used by the TC as a precedent.But it may as well end up as a precedent.

The Greeks and GCs do not want us to use anything as "precedent" or anything else for that matter.

My opinion as i have expressed it many times is that bsc of the stupidity notion of being Greeks or Turks then partition is a solution that must be taken under consideration.

Yet you call yourself "100 Greek" in another thread.

Even though reunification would be ideal if both sides were not so retarded as to think in ethnic terms.

Sorry SN but this sounds as if you agree with the situation of the Turks in Greece of not being allowed by Greek law to identify themselves as Turks.

The English are English, the Scots are Scots, the Welsh are Welsh and the Irish are Irish, the Greeks are Greek and so on and so forth but in Greece
the Turks are "Muslim Greeks".

In Cyprus the GCs are trying to force us to drop our Turkishness and become "just Cypriots" we would be nothing but "Muslim Cypriots", do you see a pattern here?

If we TCs agree to become "Muslim Cypriots", we would be suffering the same fate as the Turks in Greece. This would be the end of Turkish Cypriots or anything Turkish in Cyprus which is what the Akritas plan and ENOSIS is all about.

If we TCs agree to forget our race and Turkishness and become just "Muslim Cypriots" then we really are "retarded".
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:36 pm

Eric dayi wrote:

In Cyprus the GCs are trying to force us to drop our Turkishness and become "just Cypriots" we would be nothing but "Muslim Cypriots", do you see a pattern here?

I have never heard such rubbish. If we did not lose our Turkish Cypriotness for the last 400 years, why would we lose it now.

Lets go along with your "fairly tale story" for a minute.

If the TC's were to be called "Muslim Cypriots" or just "Cypriots" then what would the GC's call themselves..."Orthodox Cypriots", "Christian Cypriots" , "Greek Cypriots" or just "Cypriots".

If GC's retained the name "Greek Cypriots" and we were to be called only "Muslim Cypriots", then I would join you and complain like hell.
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:32 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:

In Cyprus the GCs are trying to force us to drop our Turkishness and become "just Cypriots" we would be nothing but "Muslim Cypriots", do you see a pattern here?

I have never heard such rubbish. If we did not lose our Turkish Cypriotness for the last 400 years, why would we lose it now.

Lets go along with your "fairly tale story" for a minute.

If the TC's were to be called "Muslim Cypriots" or just "Cypriots" then what would the GC's call themselves..."Orthodox Cypriots", "Christian Cypriots" , "Greek Cypriots" or just "Cypriots".

Ok , answer this, you are a TC and a Muslim, the GCs want you to drop the Turkish and just call yourself a "Cypriot" and you do, what are you then?

If GC's retained the name "Greek Cypriots" and we were to be called only "Muslim Cypriots", then I would join you and complain like hell.

The you better buy yourself a pair of boxing gloves and get ready for some action boy.

Listen , in case you are able to imagine anything just imagine that I am right, what right would you be given to "campaign" about your Turkishness after you put your John Henry on the dotted line and agree to become "just a Cypriot"? The same as it happened recently in Greece the "High Court of Cyprus" will remind you of your signature and so would the
ECHR or any other court for that matter.

Look at whats happening at the moment in the EU, although there are Turkish Cypriots living in the "RoC" the GCs are refusing to let the Turkish language become an official language of the EU and the EU is doing feck all about it. You are already being denied you rights as a Turkish Cypriot but you are too stupid and too blind to see it. You are walking around like a headless chicken arguing against anything and everything that is pro-Turkish or even pro-Turkish Cypriot incapable of thinking of the consequences of your actions. You have only one agenda here and that is only to score points with your GC compatriots.

Do you think that should the "RoC" attack the KKTC and you are in Cyprus they will recognise you as Kikapu and let you live or kill you just because you are a Turkish Cypriot without even caring that you "fought" on their side in this forum against your own people?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:27 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:

In Cyprus the GCs are trying to force us to drop our Turkishness and become "just Cypriots" we would be nothing but "Muslim Cypriots", do you see a pattern here?

I have never heard such rubbish. If we did not lose our Turkish Cypriotness for the last 400 years, why would we lose it now.

You are not just an idiot kikapu, you are a blind idiot who can't see what the GCs are trying to achieve in Cyprus.

Lets go along with your "fairly tale story" for a minute.

If the TC's were to be called "Muslim Cypriots" or just "Cypriots" then what would the GC's call themselves..."Orthodox Cypriots", "Christian Cypriots" , "Greek Cypriots" or just "Cypriots".

Ok you idiot, answer this, you are a TC and a Muslim, the GCs want you to drop the Turkish and just call yourself a "Cypriot" and you do, what are you then?

If GC's retained the name "Greek Cypriots" and we were to be called only "Muslim Cypriots", then I would join you and complain like hell.

The you better buy yourself a pair of boxing gloves and get ready for some action boy.

Listen you fool, in case you are able to imagine anything just imagine that I am right, what right would you be given to "campaign" about your Turkishness after you put your John Henry on the dotted line and agree to become "just a Cypriot"? The same as it happened recently in Greece the "High Court of Cyprus" will remind you of your signature and so would the
ECHR or any other court for that matter.

Look at whats happening at the moment in the EU, although there are Turkish Cypriots living in the "RoC" the GCs are refusing to let the Turkish language become an official language of the EU and the EU is doing feck all about it. You are already being denied you rights as a Turkish Cypriot but you are too stupid and too blind to see it. You are walking around like a headless chicken arguing against anything and everything that is pro-Turkish or even pro-Turkish Cypriot incapable of thinking of the consequences of your actions. You have only one agenda here and that is only to score points with your GC compatriots.

Do you think that should the "RoC" attack the KKTC and you are in Cyprus they will recognise you as Kikapu and let you live or kill you just because you are a Turkish Cypriot without even caring that you "fought" on their side in this forum against your own people?

Boy, you are naive and seriously dangerous to yourself and those around you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thank you for enlightening me with your paranoia oh Great One. Thank you for being the saviour of the whole Turkish society and our Turkishness. Without you telling us who we are and what will happen to us, we will be lost into the abyss without your guidance.

It's time for you to leave the 15th Century mentality and leap into the 21th Century one, or else you are the one and those around you who are the dangerous for the extinction of our Turkish Cypriot people from Cyprus.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:35 pm

@ Eric

You are always writing bullshit.
Let's start from your obsession that the GCs want everybody to drop the title of GC/Tc and be called "Cypriot". This is total nonsense. The majority of GC want to be called Greek Cypriots and remain Greek Cypriots. The same goes for the Turkish Cypriots.

Then again the majority of non fanatics (you are not in this group anyway) from BOTH sides say what matters more is our Cypriotness over our ethnic roots. The Greek and turkish part on our GC/TC title is secondary.

The fanatics from both sides (you are in this group) say our ethnic roots should carry more weight. I.e we are Greeks and Turks, Cypriot was just an accident that occured to us. :razz: therefore it should either come secondary or fully neglected.

And of course there is another group who say, in the long run we will be just Cypriots, our past ethnic roots that date back to hundreds of years are so insignifigant that don't matter anymore. I will personally jump in this group the day after re-unification. You can even see these people in this forum, Miltiades, Birkibrisli and others are here already.
You are assuming this is a trap set by GCs to achieve Enosis!!! well I think you underestimate the intelligence of the TCs here. How the hell would any GC who drops the signifigance of his ethnic roots ever care for Enosis, is beyond comprehension. Can't you see this choice is noble and assumes for both GC/TC the genuine desire to go hand in hand into a better future using the elements that unite us than those (the ethnic roots) that divide us?

Now lets come to your other silly argument that the GCs block the Turkish language from becoming an official language in the EU. The EU aquis says the official languages of EVERY MEMBER STATE automatically become official languages of the EU. Since Turkish is one of the official languages of the Republic it presumably already an official language of the EU. However EU ITSELF violates this Aquis and issues another list of 23 languages which she calls Official languages that does not reflect the official languages o the member states! Gaelic for example that was the FIRST official language of Ireland but was not inside that set of official EU languages. It became one only in 2007!!
Furthermore the EU accepts applications for non official languages from member states. Spain is now asking for 3 new Spanish languages Basque, Catalan and Galician to become official EU languages… It doesn’t mean the EU ill make them official, it doesn’t mean it will reject them either.

The problem is not the languages themselves. The problem is that the cost of translations in the list of official languages is reaching almost 10% of the EU’s budget and the problem is getting more and more costly.It’s not only the cost of translations but also the cost of interpreters, who should be employed to translate in all 23 languages live.

Do you think Greek would ever become official EU language just because of the GCs? If it weren’t Greece already in the EU "no way Hoze", we would just end using English like Ireland. The same will happen with Turkish. No matter how much the RoC presses, even if we solve the Cyprus problem tomorrow Turkish will not become EU official language because of the huge costs involved for translations of laws and live interpretation. Turkish will become official EU language only if and when ever Turkey joins….

Any clearer for you now Eric?
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:11 pm

zan you are so right these people have sold out their own community and will lick arse for a few more brownie points little do they know they are regarded as GCs and are more dangerous than fanatics like Piratis, Kifeas, Sotos and few others, as they will lead try to trick TCs into oblivion emersed in GC ideology. Why dont these diaspora people stop hiding behind there computer screens and stop tell us what to do, these self proclaimed "Cypriots" are not more than GC clones and will worship their spit once it hits their face. They never argue the smallest of points in favor of TCs in fear that they will be ejected from the "Cypriot" pathetic and very dangerous. They deserve diaspora and will probably die there still trying to tell the real people who reside here that they should put their lives at risk while they watch from a distance. Does that give these people a buzz? If the south is so perfect why dont they just go live with other "Cypriots" and forget us.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:25 pm

Perhaps you haven't yet realised that Zan is in the diaspora too? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
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