Kikapu wrote:There is a such a thing as "overkill" Eric Dayi, to try and force a humour or a wit on others, even if you had the skills to do so, which you lack.
Timing is everything in Comedy, and I'm afraid I've already knocked your "clock off", so give it a rest now and don't bore the readers of this forum with your dribble.
Oooooh, it's comedy now is it?
If I want comedy I'll go and watch Cilali Ibo or Cannon and Ball, you are as funny as Idi Amin who invited people FOR and not TO dinner.

Oh by the way Eric Dayi, all Cypriots are my people, including you and all the other Partitionist, unfortunately, but one can only choose their neighbours and not their "family".
Not always true and you are living proof of that.
You have chosen your "friends" over your people and I have chosen my people who are my family.
Nope, you are stuck with your "friends" in the South, enjoy, while you can.