CYPRUS IS now top for the number of applications per capita for asylum seekers coming to the industrialised world, according to the United Nations, despite the overall number falling by a fifth in 2004 to its lowest level in 16 years.
“Compared to national population size, Cyprus received the largest number of asylum requests during 2000-2004 (22 asylum-seekers per 1,000 inhabitants), followed by Austria (18) and Norway (15). In 2004, Cyprus was the main recipient (12 asylum-seekers per 1,000 inhabitants), followed by Luxembourg (3.5) and Malta (3.1),” the report says.
The UN's latest figures, based on data coming from each of the 50 richest industrialised nations, state that within Europe and despite asylum applications decreasing from just under 400,000 to 314,300 over the last year, Cyprus, Finland, South Korea, Malta, Poland and Slovakia have reached all-time highs. The only large country to see a rise in asylum figures was France, where applicants were up last year to 61,600 from 59,700 in 2003.
Speaking about the overall reduction in the number of asylum seekers, Raymond Hall, who directs the UNHCR's Europe Bureau, said, "This is a clear reflection of the impact a concerted effort to improve conditions in the region of origin can have on numbers seeking asylum further afield.”
The new statistics "should reduce the pressure by politicians, media and the public to make asylum systems more and more restrictive ...", he added.
"In most industrialised countries, it should simply not be possible to claim there is a huge asylum crisis any more."
It is good to know that we are Number 1 in something